According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection is linked to a 133 times increased risk of heart inflammation in teenage boys.

Study Finds Heart Inflammation Risk 133 Times Greater For Teenage Boys After Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine

As per Israel National News, a study (read below) published recently by researchers with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that after both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA COVID shots, myocarditis rates soared in men aged 12 to 24.

Myocarditis is a kind of cardiac inflammation that has been associated to COVID vaccinations on numerous occasions. Recently, in a series of tragic events, two boys succumbed to death from unusual heart inflammation shortly after getting the Pfizer vaccine. The issue is significant, according to the study’s authors, and can lead to heart failure and mortality.

“The risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata,” the researchers noted, adding that the ailment affects young men in particular. The research found that eighty-two percent of myocarditis cases were in men, with an average age of 21. A secondary shot was taken in the overwhelming majority of instances (82 percent).

After the Pfizer immunization, the risk reached its peak. And according to study, boys aged 12 to 15 had a myocarditis rate of 70.7 instances per million Pfizer doses, which was 133 times higher than the baseline rate of.53 per million. The rate was 106 cases per million doses for young men aged 16 to 17, which was 79 times higher than the baseline risk of 1.34 cases per million doses.

In men aged 18 to 24, the rate of myocarditis was 52.4 cases per million Pfizer shots and 56.3 cases per million Moderna dosages. The baseline rate was only 1.76 doses per million.

Study finds heart inflammation risk 133x greater for teenage boys after Pfizer’s COVID shot 1
Vaccine-related myocarditis cases by age
Study finds heart inflammation risk 133x greater for teenage boys after Pfizer’s COVID shot 2
Myocarditis rates per million COVID jabs

From December 2020 to August 2021, researchers looked at data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a vaccine harm monitoring system run by the CDC and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the researchers, 1,626 VAERS reports of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination satisfied the CDC’s case classification.

Irregular ECG or cardiac MRI readings (72 percent) were the most frequent symptoms, followed by chest pain or uneasiness (89 percent). Shortness of breath was noted by 30% of patients, while heart palpitations were reported by 9%. According to the authors, symptoms usually appeared two days after vaccination.

Ninety-six percent of patients were admitted to the hospital, and 13 percent of those who were released persisted to experience symptoms.

According to the CDC study, myocarditis incidences are most certainly underreported. VAERS is a passive monitoring system that, according to research, underrepresents vaccination injuries considerably.

In other recent trials, young males were found to have significantly higher COVID vaccine-related heart inflammation hazards. According to a November report from Hong Kong, one in every 2,680 males aged 12 to 17 will acquire the disease within two weeks of receiving a second Pfizer dose.

The risk was estimated to be one in 6,600 for guys aged 16 to 19 who were vaccinated with Pfizer in a study published the following month by Israeli experts. According to the Israeli study, myocarditis cases resulted in an 81 percent hospitalization rate and a mortality rate of almost one percent.

A major British study published late last year indicated that following Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, the likelihood of myocarditis in males under 40 is several times greater than normal, and also that post-vaccine heart inflammation could be more fatal than other types of the disease. 14 percent of individuals hospitalized after receiving the Pfizer shot died, contrasted to 9% of those who did not receive a recent mRNA vaccination.

Experts have cautioned that even patients with seemingly moderate cases may face long-term difficulties, such as a higher risk of heart attacks later on in life. According to the January CDC study, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology recommend that patients avoid from athletics for 3 to 6 months following myocarditis and that additional mRNA-based COVID shots be postponed.

COVID vaccinations have also been related to major side effects such as the immunological illness Guillain Barré Syndrome and blood clots.

At the very same time, the shots haven’t been able to prevent the infection from spreading. Vaccinated people have greater rates of infection than that of the unvaccinated, which has resulted in record COVID rises over the globe in recent weeks.

COVID-19 poses very no threat of fatality or major disease in young people. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 0.00-0.01 percent of all child coronavirus illnesses in the United States culminate in mortality. According to Stanford University medical expert Dr. John Ionnidis, the virus has a 99.986 percent survival rate in those aged 20 to 29, and a 99.7 percent survival rate in people under 60.

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