House Committee Releases Explosive Documents Confirming Hunter Sold Access To Joe Biden In 23 Countries 1
Hunter Biden appears during the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on April 18. The president’s son has been a constant target of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Demetrius Freeman

The House Ways and Means Committee decided on Wednesday to disclose further documents from IRS whistleblower evidence proving that Hunter Biden sold access to his father Joe Biden through the “family brand.”

Hunter Biden was marketing the “Biden family brand” in 23 countries, according to the shocking records.

The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Jason Smith, claimed that “the Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway US policy decisions.”

According to a WhatsApp conversation Hunter Biden sent on June 6, 2017, he was unwilling to “sign over my family’s brand” or give the person “the keys to my family’s only asset.”

Chairman Smith said, “That asset could be only one person: Joe Biden.”

While Joe Biden was vice president, IRS inspectors made a connection between Hunter Biden’s business ventures and tax offenses.

“There was in fact a connection between Hunter Biden’s global influence peddling, Joe Biden, and official U.S. government activity,” Rep. Smith said.

Investigators found that conversations between Hunter Biden, his business partner Devon Archer, top employees in the vice president’s office, and Joe Biden himself before the vice president’s official journey to Ukraine in April 2014.

Hunter Biden was employed by the Ukrainian gas business Burisma one month later.

According to Smith, “millions of dollars were flowing through subsidiaries and LLCs to avoid taxes and shield visibility in how money from foreign sources…went to different entities and Biden family members.”

According to a new accusation by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci was smuggled’ into CIA Headquarters to influence” the COVID-19 origins investigation.

Chairman Smith said pf the new whistleblower documents: “…Specifically mention 23 foreign countries on 4 different continents with connections to Hunter Biden’s business operation.”

The DOJ took unheard-of measures to thwart any investigation that may have pointed investigators toward Joe Biden.

One Response

  1. Institutionally, the U.S. Attorney General is a Cabinet officer who serves the President. Use of the A.G. as a presidential tool is probably even older than JFK’s appointment of his brother. That among other consequences means the Justice Department is in no position to investigate a sitting president. Like alleged abuses by President Biden, Hunter Biden and Speaker Pelosi, this is a barn door Congress could have closed decades ago. When they’re willing to shut down their OWN schemes, I’ll be happy to credit them.

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