Amid the unparalleled Western economic sanctions from Washington and the EU over the Ukraine war, the Indian government of BJP leader Narendra Modi has become one of Russia’s most crucial economic partners. Here’s how George Soros is plotting to overthrow Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

How George Soros Is Plotting To Overthrow Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

In recent years, Modi has emerged as a significant trade partner of Russia despite his delicate balancing act between alliances with Russia and the West. He has refused to join sanctions against Russian trade, particularly oil trade, despite repeated efforts by the Biden administration and UK officials. A series of suspiciously timed and targeted events now suggest that an Anglo-American destabilization is underway to topple Modi in the coming months.

India’s participation in the so-called BRICS group of nations makes it a vital ally of Russia. BRICS stands for an informal group of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These five states are among the most dynamic non-OECD nations, mainly in the South. In 2001, a Wall Street economist identified four potential fast-growing emerging economies. In 2009, the first BRIC summit was held, and after admitting South Africa in 2010, BRICS summits have been annual.

With over three billion people, the five countries account for an impressive 40% of the world’s population and about 25% of global GDP. China makes up 70% of the global GDP, while India accounts for approximately 13%, and Russia and Brazil account for 7%. As international companies face increasing challenges doing business in China, many major firms are looking to India, the world’s most populous country, with a large skilled workforce, as the preferred production alternative to China.

India and Modi

Despite repeated US threats of consequences, India under BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi has refused to join Washington in condemning Russia’s Ukraine actions and defied US sanctions on Russian oil buying. In addition to being a fellow BRICS member, India is a significant long-time purchaser of Russian defense equipment.

Modi’s future depends on national elections in Spring 2024 and important regional ones this year. In January, there was a clear Anglo-American assault on Modi and his key financial backer. Hindenburg Research, a shadowy Wall Street financial firm that supposedly does “forensic financial research” to uncover corruption or fraud in listed companies, emerged in 2017 and is suspected of having ties with US Intelligence.

In January, Hindenburg targeted Gautam Adani, the head of the Adani Group, an Indian billionaire and at the time reportedly the richest man in Asia, who also happens to be the major financial backer of Modi. Adani’s fortune has multiplied significantly since Modi became Prime Minister, often on ventures linked to Modi’s economic agenda.

Since the Hindenburg report alleging improper use of offshore tax havens and stock manipulation was published on January 24, Adani Group companies have lost over $120 billion in market value. The Adani Group is the second-largest conglomerate in India, and opposition parties have pointed out that Modi is tied to Adani, with both being long-term friends from Gujarat in the same part of India.

The Hindenburg report, which claims to be the result of two years of research and visits to half a dozen countries, accused Adani companies of, among other things, “that the INR 17.8 trillion (U.S. $218 billion) Indian conglomerate Adani Group has engaged in a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over the course of decades…Our research involved speaking with dozens of individuals, including former senior executives of the Adani Group, reviewing thousands of documents, and conducting diligence site visits in almost half a dozen countries.” [i]

Hindenburg Research unveils the outcome of its extensive 2-year probe, presenting proof that the Indian conglomerate, Adani Group, with a worth of INR 17.8 trillion (U.S. $218 billion), has perpetrated a bold stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme throughout the years. Here’s everything about Adani Group’s $218 Billion stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme.

The Hindenburg’s attempt to discredit a vulnerable Indian company, requiring significant funds to conduct research, implies that they may have reliable sources or intelligence aiding them in their quest to target a group with close ties to Modi. Otherwise, it would have been a high-risk gamble or incredible luck.

In January 2023, the British government-owned BBC aired a TV documentary alleging Modi’s involvement in religious riots in Gujarat in 2002 when he was governor there. The report, which was based on intelligence provided by the UK Foreign Office, has been prohibited in India.

The Indian government, led by Modi, took extraordinary measures to suppress the BBC film in India, accusing the BBC of producing “propaganda” and raiding their offices for alleged tax offenses. Additionally, emergency powers were invoked to force social media companies to remove links to the BBC’s videos, and student protesters were arrested for organizing viewing parties on campuses throughout the country. [iii] The BBC touched a nerve with the help of the UK Foreign Office.

India Russia Ties

Modi, who has maintained a strict policy of neutrality since the Cold War and refused to join NATO sanctions against Russia, has taken advantage of the availability of Russian crude oil that the US and EU refuse. As a result, Russia is now the biggest supplier of crude oil to India, overtaking Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In December, India bought 1.2 million barrels of crude from Russia every day – 33 times more than a year earlier. Ironically, some of that Russian oil is being refined in India and re-exported to the EU, which has just banned Russian oil. Energy analysts suggest that “India is buying record amounts of severely discounted Russian crude, running its refiners above nameplate capacity, and capturing the economic rent of sky-high crack spreads and exporting gasoline and diesel to Europe.”

India’s consumption of Russian crude increased from just 1% before the start of the Ukraine war to 28% in January, and no other country has increased its consumption of Russian oil as much, not even China, which has also significantly increased its buying of Russian oil. Furthermore, India’s imports from Russia, including fertilizers and sunflower oil, climbed more than 400% in eight months to November from a year earlier.

It is worth noting that Reliance Industries Ltd, India’s largest company by market value, has been a major private sector buyer of Russian crude when it comes to making a huge profit from buying deeply-discounted Russian oil. Reliance, which owns the world’s largest refinery by capacity in Jamnagar, received 27% of its oil from Russia in May 2022, up from just 5% before April. This figure has likely increased since then. It is notable that Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance, sits on the board of the Davos World Economic Forum, which is a major promoter of ending crude oil and gas for the UN 2030 Green Agenda. It seems that ideology is nice, but huge profits are even nicer.

Enter George Soros

George Soros spoke at the annual Munich Security Conference on February 17, suggesting that Washington and London are seeking regime change in India. He ominously declared that Modi’s days are numbered.

The 92-year old Soros stated that “India is an interesting case. It’s a democracy, but its leader Narendra Modi  is no democrat.” Clearly referring to the recent BBC documentary, Soros added, “Inciting violence against Muslims was an important factor in his meteoric rise.”

Soros detailed his indictment of the Indian leader: “Modi maintains close relations with both open and closed societies. India is a member of the Quad (which also includes Australia, the US, and Japan), but it buys a lot of Russian oil at a steep discount and makes a lot of money on it.”

Soros has been involved in every Color Revolution since the 1980s, including in Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Yeltsin’s 1990s rape of Russia, in Iran, against Orban’s Hungary, and countless other countries not playing by the free market “democracy” agenda of Washington. This is a matter of open record.

Soros argued vehemently that it is not a coincidence that Modi ally Adani was exposed by Hindenburg Research. He declared:

“Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies; their fate is intertwined… Adani is accused of stock manipulation and his stock collapsed like a house of cards. Modi is silent on the subject, but he will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in parliament. This will significantly weaken Modi’s stranglehold on India’s federal government and open the door to push for much needed institutional reforms.”

“I may be naïve, but I expect a democratic revival in India,” he concluded.

Soros is essentially calling for the overthrow of the Modi regime to install someone who is more receptive to the NATO globalist agenda.

George Soros, a wealthy hedge fund investor, has been accused of various things, but never of being gullible. We should anticipate a substantial intensification of underhanded Western operations in the next few months aimed at removing Modi from power and undermining the BRICS alliance of nations that are growingly challenging the demands of Washington and Davos globalists.

2 Responses

  1. Soros, Schwab, and the rest of the tribe consider themselves to be the rightful farmers, appointed by God, of the human herd. From the previous occasional fleecing they are now moving to put the herd into pens, so to better milk them. Lead bulls like Modi, Trump, Bolsonaro or Putin stand in the way, they are not docile enough.

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