The US Government used GDI’s abuse of its influence to pressure big tech firms like Google to cut advertising from conservative news sites that pushed the lab leak theory and drove them out of business for reporting on the COVID lab leak theory.

The Global Disinformation Index is a British-based non-profit group that previously received $665,000 from the Global Engagement Center and National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a State Department-backed group, while it was overseeing censorship of “conspiracy theories” about COVID-19.

One of these conspiracy theories was the notion that COVID-19 originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, which GDI claimed had “been fact-checked and proven untrue.”

GDI abused its influence to pressure Big Tech firms like Google to cut advertising from conservative websites that pushed the lab leak theory, placing them on a secret blacklist called a “dynamic exclusion list” in an effort to put them out of business.

The group targeted firms that were “providing ad revenue streams to known disinformation sites peddling coronavirus conspiracies.”

According to a report published on Sunday in the Wall Street Journal, the US Energy Department supports the theory of lab leaks on COVID origins, which was based on a secret intelligence report given to the White House and key congressional leaders.

You can read more about this topic here.

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