Musk earlier stated that humans are “already cyborgs” due to our reliance on technology. Humans in 2100 could very well be ageless bionic hybrids with downloadable brains.

Humans In 2100 Could Be Ageless Bionic Hybrids With Downloadable Brains

Humans within the next 100 years could very well be part-machine, part-flesh beings with brain chips and bionic limbs and organs, according to Elon Musk’s concept of “cyborgs”.

The world in which people born around the year 2100 may be considerably different from our own since they may be completely connected to the internet and integrated with artificial intelligence.

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Smartphones will no longer be needed thanks to ‘chips in our brains’ Credit: Getty
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Ageing could become a thing of the past Credit: Getty

Mobile phones would be obsolete since a chip in your brain would be able to perform all of the functions that your smartphone currently performs.

You could use Google to find an answer, use WhatsApp to send a message, or even command your own personal drone to run errands for you with only a thought.

Scientists and futurists have projected that a combination of medicines and bionics might almost erase aging.

Additionally, some people may elect to have limbs amputated and replaced with superior robotic prosthetics.

The Sun Online interviewed futurist and transhumanist Zoltan Istvan, who has twice run for president of the United States. In his future vision, humans and AI must inevitably mix, he said.

And he claimed that humans are already on their way to soon upgrading themselves at “body shops or supermarkets”.

Twitter CEO Musk has previously painted a picture of a world in which humans must become more technologically integrated if they are to compete with AI.

Large tech firms, like Musk’s new brain chip, Neuralink, are already developing “transhuman” technologies.

Istvan concurred with the billionaire on the threats we face when he spoke with The Sun Online.

“Musk is absolutely right,” he said.

Istvan also stated that “gene editing” which includes things like designer babies and splicing your DNA to better your health, is one of the most exciting advancements on the horizon.

He urged the government to reduce regulatory red tape in order to foster greater innovation that may “save and improve millions of lives”.

“People may say there will never put something in their body, but just wait until their neighbour does it, and that neighbour then becomes a more sought-after employee,” Istvan told The Sun Online.

“We live in a competitive world, and transhuman technology makes us more competitive, so we will accept the upgrades to succeed.”

We have a right and a moral obligation to use science and technology to eliminate suffering and the biological functions that cause us to die.

Istvan Zoltan

However, while we may become technological superhumans, the biggest threat looming over us is AI.

Istvan told The Sun Online: “I think an AI that’s as smart as humans will be the biggest advance, and that will probably happen in 25 years or less.”

“But the bigger issue is then how much smarter that AI becomes than us.

“I suspect within a few years of its inception, it will already be thousands of times smarter than us, then eventually millions of times more intelligent by 2100.

“We must attempt to merge with this AI before it becomes too smart, or humans will be totally left behind, and the planet will belong to AI, not to us.”

He warned that one of the greatest risks of technological growth is the creation of a two-tier society in which the wealthy become “transhuman gods” and the poor are left behind.

“This is the biggest danger of transhumanism, that we create a dystopia,” he told The Sun Online.

“For this reason, I advocate governments taking a close look at how to make sure transhuman technology can be available to all.”

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Drones in the future could be controlled with our minds Credit: Getty
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Prosthetics of the future could give us super-human strength Credit: Getty

Istvan has advocated for more debates about the convergence of technology and humanity, claiming that it will be a “one-time transformative experience” for the human race.

“Great care must be taken, but don’t be fearful. Human beings suffer much and then they die,” he told The Sun Online.

“We have a right and a moral obligation to use science and technology to eliminate suffering and the biological functions that cause us to die.”

He added: “We just must do so in a way that doesn’t alienate humans from each other. I think everyone will eventually agree that humans using technology to live far better, more healthy lives is a good thing.”

Musk, the billionaire tech entrepreneur, stated earlier this month that his brain device Neuralink will shortly be eligible for human trials.

He thinks that the brain chip will help the blind see and the paralyzed walk.

A breakthrough study published in the journal Stem Cell Reports has reported that researchers have successfully grown mini eyes in a laboratory to assess blindness caused by Usher syndrome.

The chip is intended to send neurological impulses to devices such as a computer or phone.

He hopes that one day, with Neuralink, humans will be able to control computer processes entirely with their minds.

The business has already released footage of monkeys playing video games with their minds.

Musk earlier stated that humans are “already cyborgs” due to our reliance on technology.

“The phone is almost like an extension of yourself. If you forget your phone, it’s like a missing limb,” said Elon.

If we cannot close the gap, “we will be far, far surpassed in every single way” the billionaire cautioned.

Another piece of technology being developed is a brain interface, which was initially funded by Facebook.

It would additionally enable you to operate devices with your mind, allowing you to “think” your text messages.

The company was being created at the secretive Building 8, however the project was canceled in 2021.

Alternatively, Facebook is working on an experimental wrist device that uses your brain to control computers.

Meanwhile, biological ageing specialist Aubrey de Grey earlier claimed that within the next 100 years, humanity could have nearly eliminated the ageing process.

“I’d say there is a 50/50 chance we will have brought ageing under decisive control within 20 years,” he told The Guardian.

“In 100 years, there’s an 80% or 90% chance we will have achieved that goal.

“There will still be aspects of ageing we can’t control – various types of cellular and molecular damage – but we will be able to stay well within a comfort zone where that damage doesn’t bring significant risks.”

3 Responses

  1. Humans (Whites) in 2100 will be DEAD, replaced by the billions
    of Black Criminal Terrorists Satan’s Children mass-imported to
    exterminate Humanity!
    Charles Darwin said (paraphrased);
    “No balls, no future!”
    Meaning those cowardly races/species that won’t FIGHT
    for the right to survive WON’T survive!

  2. Europe is indeed flooded with illegales, mostly from low-IQ countries.
    Straßbourg will soon reach 50% Muslim inhabitants. Let’s see if they are proud Belgians upholding Belgian values or…

  3. Height of stupidity,and madness, a day drame. This will never going to happen. Elon Musk is mad. What he thinks about himself? At any point of time he can loose his life. The body of mankind is not a inanimate machine. It is designed by God himself and no man or woman can ever bring any change to it.

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