A shamelessly intoxicated and drugged-out Hunter Biden was captured on tape carelessly fooling around waving an illegally obtained gun at a hooker.

Leaked Tape Naked Hunter Biden Waves Illegally Obtained Gun At Hooker

On October 17, 2018, President Joe Biden’s clown show son allowed himself to be filmed in a horrible and hazardous sexual role-playing game.

Hunter is photographed with one hand on the gun’s trigger and the other clutching his crotch and pelvic area in two distinct images.

In a third image, fragments of what looks to be crack cocaine are seen on a plate among used and packeted condoms, as well as drug paraphernalia and a spoon thought to be used to smoke the illegal narcotic.

What is worse, these heinous images were taken over the course of 12 days in which the Biden family attempted to discard of the unlawfully acquired firearm on the streets of Wilmington, Delaware, directly across from a high school.

Hunter had bought a pistol illegally in 2018 and failed to report that he had a drug issue, it was determined last year.

The shocking photographs and video will almost certainly supply political fodder for Republican lawmakers who oppose Biden’s “Do Something” effort for broad gun restrictions in the House of Representatives.

The photographs will almost certainly be used to pose questions about how Hunter was able to acquire the rifle despite the fact that government records show he was discharged from the US Navy Reserve for drug usage.

Following three mass shootings and the President’s concern, the latest Biden controversy has surfaced.

A gunman opened fire at a Tulsa hospital last Wednesday, murdering four people with an AR-15 he bought three hours before the incident. It came after the killings of 19 students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, and ten people in a Buffalo supermarket.

After it was marketed for sale to several media outlets, journalists learnt about the existence of the newest dump of incriminating material from Hunter’s iPhone.

This website refused to purchase the never-before-seen material from an anonymous tipster who utilized the secure email system Proton Mail to identify themselves as “biden.me.”

Instead, RadarOnline.com has chosen to publish the data — after conducting due diligence to ensure its accuracy — because the timeline of events provides a chilling glimpse into how easy gun control regulations may be broken.

We now discover Hunter bought a.38-caliber revolver in Delaware five days before recording the gun-toting sex tape, after lying to workers at the store where he bought the weapon.

Hunter responded no when asked if he was “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” on a firearm transaction report.

Hunter abrasively flaunts numerous illicit narcotics and traces are visible on what looks to be a paper plate in the same video where he is clowning around with the gun.

Submitting a fraudulent statement on an ATF Form 4473 federal criminal background check is a federal crime under Section 922(a)(6) of the US criminal code.

It could also be in violation of Section 922(g)(3), which makes it illegal for a drug user to own a weapon with ammunition.

Hunter was expelled from the United States Navy Reserve in 2014 after a positive cocaine test.

Hunter’s lover Hallie, the wife of his late brother Beau Biden, put the weapon into a supermarket trash can 11 days after Hunter illegally obtained the firearm, prompting a Secret Service, FBI, and Delaware State Police inquiry.

No charges or arrests were ever made.

Hunter said the FBI was involved in the investigation in released text messages from 2019.

“She stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens [sic],” he said.

“Then told me it was my problem to deal with. Then when the police the FBI (and) the secret service came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids.”

Hunter said in another line of text conversations: “I freaked when I saw it was missing 10 minutes after she took it and when she went back to get it after I scared the s*** out of her it was gone which led to the state police investigation of me. True story.”

Right-wing media groups had already pounced on Hunter’s unlawful weapons purchase before his irresponsible usage of a handgun was exposed in these images.

“Joe Biden’s pro-gun control talking points are at odds with the standard applied to Biden’s family,” declared Breitbart.

“If Joe Biden cared about gun laws, Hunter Biden would already be in jail,” added The Federalist.

During a four-month timeframe between October 2018 and February 2019, upwards of 30 GB of Hunter’s never-before-seen data and media was stored.

Photos, videos, and messages from Biden’s iPhone are among the spoils.

This information was on his laptop, but it was in the shape of a password-protected iPhone backup file, which he left at a Deleware repair facility.

“Cracking the password through traditional brute force takes considerable computational power and may never happen in a reasonable amount of time,” the tipster said.

They claimed the files were “far more scandalous than anything that has come out before” from Hunter data leaks in their attempt to sell the unsettling material.

“I will forward all requests wishing to procure this story (and) data to my attorney,” they wrote.

“I prefer to sell a package for the entire data dump, but can also sell storyboards one at a time. The process I used to extract this data will be detailed. I prefer to remain anonymous due to the volatile political nature this country is in at the moment; my details will be handled by my attorney.”

They also boasted: “The timing of the gun story could not be more perfect given the current mandates the President is asking the country to adopt.”

One Response

  1. HUNTER – – the perfect answer to EVERY Dem LIBTARD ‘brainstorm’ idea. Just look at HUNTER bc he represents FAILURE on an Epoch Scale – – the beloved Son of ‘Saint Joe the Pius’. …… ….. shalom to all

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