According to a person close to Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who supports Hunter Biden, it is said that Hunter is running out of cash for legal defense.

Hunter Biden Running Out Of Cash For Legal Defense 1

Hunter Biden might be losing a major source of financial support less than a month before his first trial begins.

A person close to Kevin Morris, who was given anonymity to share private talks, said that Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has long supported the president’s son, has informed acquaintances that he has run out of funds to help bankroll Biden’s legal defense.

“The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter,” said the person. “Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”

Morris acknowledged the individual’s account when contacted for comment regarding this reporting, but he declined to provide more details. A representative for Biden’s legal counsel likewise refrained from responding.

On June 3, Biden is expected to go on trial in Delaware on federal firearms charges. The trial for Biden’s federal tax offenses is set for June 20 in California. This is a distinct matter.

As he revealed in a January interview with legislators, Morris has been instrumental in managing Biden’s legal bills. The newest indication of the turmoil engulfing the president’s son in the last weeks leading up to two trials that he and his father had hoped would never occur is the potential that Morris can no longer operate as a benefactor.

According to a person close to Morris, Biden’s ability to pay for expert witnesses to testify on his behalf during his Delaware trial is a concern, and the Hollywood attorney has financial constraints that pose “a huge problem.” Although the exact amount Morris has contributed to Biden’s campaign is unknown, Morris’ attorney claimed in a January letter to the House oversight committee that Morris had given Biden a loan of more than $6.5 million.

Biden’s chief defense lawyer, Abbe Lowell, hinted at difficulties in the build-up to the first trial, which is focused on allegations that Biden purchased a gun illegally while under the influence of drugs and lied about it on a government form, during a pretrial hearing in Wilmington on Tuesday. For the first time in his lengthy career, Lowell informed Judge Maryellen Noreika at the beginning of the hearing that he wasn’t prepared for the trial to begin. He emphasized the intricacy of Biden’s legal predicament, pointing out that two trials are scheduled to begin in the coming weeks and that both courts are now handling appeals.

Lowell informed Noreika that while he and his team had been getting ready for the trial, one challenge they had was locating experts to testify on a range of evidentiary matters, such as forensics and drug addiction. He reported that he had located three specialists who had “tentatively agreed” to participate, but he was still in the process of completing the retention agreements for these individuals.

Experts who testify on behalf of defendants in court may charge $500 or more per hour. They can refute the evaluations of the evidence offered in trials by government specialists.

Lowell talked about how difficult it was to manage “resources” to prepare for two trials that were to begin in the same month on two different coasts.

However, the court remained unconvinced and turned down his attempts to reschedule the trial.

The fees that Lowell and the other attorneys handling Biden’s claims are charging are unclear. Lowell has recently requested costs in other cases totaling over $1,500 and $855 per hour.

Morris first got to know Biden in 2019 while he was running for president. They grew up in Roman Catholic families in the mid-Atlantic and became close right away. Biden was attempting to stay sober and get his life back on track at the time. Morris assisted him in paying his past-due taxes and obtaining safe housing. Morris stated that he spoke with Biden every day and that the two were like family in an interview he gave in January to congressional investigators.

In October, CNN revealed that over the years, Biden’s legal expenses have accumulated to almost $10 million. The president’s son has prioritized painting as his career after sobering up a few years ago. To sell his artwork, he partnered with Georges Berges, a gallerist in New York. However, the gallerist admitted to congressional investigators that Biden’s artwork would have sold for more money if it weren’t for the negative connotations attached to his name and that the partnership was not as profitable as he had anticipated.

“Had his name been somebody else, he would have been doing a lot better,” Berges said in his testimony. “I have artists that I don’t think are as good that are selling for higher than he is. And so it’s actually — I feel bad for him in so many ways because I think he’s a great artist, and he just can’t get a break.”

Eleven of the roughly twenty pieces of art that Biden sold through Berges’ gallery were purchased by Morris, he claimed. Morris paid the gallery’s fee on the sale of the artwork, and Biden’s portion was settled outside of the gallery.

Berges informed lawmakers that he no longer represents Biden as of last year.

“From a business perspective, it hasn’t been the best decision for me,” he said.

Recently, GreatGameIndia also reported about Dr. Patrick Ho, a Chinese client who is seeking reimbursement of $1 million from Hunter Biden as part of the outstanding payments.

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