A major scandal has erupted in Sweden where the son of the American President Joe Biden was caught smuggling strippers into the Swedish Embassy. Swedish authorities threatened to evict Hunter Biden after catching him smuggling strippers in the House of Sweden with whom Biden had a child one year later. The stripper forced him to acknowledge this child as his own. 

Hunter Biden Smuggled Strippers Into Swedish Embassy

Hunter Biden was first moved into this building in 2017 and refused to follow proper security checks of the building since then.

He smuggled the strippers or women secretly into the Swedish government-owned building via a backdoor entrance.

As per the rules, all visitors are supposed to pass the metal detectors and main entrance of the building.

He smuggled guests in the building and there was a stripper among these guests with whom Biden had a child one year later.

The stripper forced him to acknowledge this child as his own. 

House of Sweden contacted Biden and asked him to take care of security checks of the building and stop this kind of activity or behaviour.

Biden responded with an accusation of racism.

He wrote an email that says “If NN has a problem with my guests’ race or clothing, I think we should all sit down and talk about it with a lawyer present,”. 

One week later he also announced his lease termination in advance and stopped responding to mails from NPB. His rent was paid via outstanding security deposits in the end and he moved out.

Hunter Biden is under investigation for his business contact with China too. He also asked for extra keys for his suite (507 in the house of Sweden) for a Chinese businessman accused of corruption. 

An intelligence firm recently published an investigation report on how the Chinese intelligence cultivated the Biden family. The intel report disclosed a detailed narration of important events and interactions which took place during meetings between the Biden family and Chinese tycoons.

As a direct result of the elaborate influence operation China managed to steal America’s nuclear secrets.

As part of the operation, Joe Biden also blocked the sale of Russian Cryogenic rocket engine technology to India describing it as being “dangerous”.

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One Response

  1. Biden responded with an accusation of racism.

    He wrote an email that says “If NN has a problem with my guests’ race or clothing, I think we should all sit down and talk about it with a lawyer present,”.

    **** ii have a better idea let’s indicate him for child abuse in china and illegal use of a controlled substance…….the silence from DOJ is deafing…..I wonder why

    I guess other countries will have to do Americas job of justice and criminal watch doging.

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