A British boy aged four developed hypothermia following the events that led up to his school isolating him outside in a “shed” because of a mild fever which was suspected to be COVID.

4 Year Old Gets Hypothermia After School Isolates Him Outside For Suspected COVID Symptoms

Chloé Wilby, mother of the kindergartner Mason, told News & Star last week that Wigton Infant School condemned her son into an “outdoor shed” after observing that he had a runny nose and a minor cough.

She proceeded to state that the school informed her to pick her son as soon as possible, omitting the fact that he was being exposed to 40-degree F weather with no access to heating.

When Wilby entered, she noticed her four year old child with “hands red raw, eyes watering like mad, snotty nose down his face.”

“He couldn’t talk” and was “shivering like mad,” she said. “They even made him eat his lunch outside, no toys, no games, nothing.”

Wilby was advised to call an ambulance after Mason was taken to the doctor for hypothermia.

In a statement to News & Star, Geoff Norman, headteacher of the Progressive Pro-LGBT School, defended Wigton’s outdoor segregation policy:

“The priority for everyone in Wigton Infant School has always been the wellbeing of the children, which now more than ever includes reducing the chance of infection across the school and caring for children who are ill at school,” he said.

“This includes moving children who display Covid-19 symptoms to a separate space with a member of staff until they can be picked up by a parent or carer.”

“For several months we have been using our outdoor classroom for this purpose and this has worked well,” he added. Norman said Wigton would no longer use what appears to be the school’s “learning shed,” to isolate children suspected of having symptoms of Covid-19.

According to Sun, Cumbria Police have investigated the incident but have not brought up any charges. The case has been referred to Cumbria County Council.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, young children are at increased risk of hypothermia, which could prove to be fatal if left untreated.

‘Child abuse’ in Oregon

Wigton Infant School is not the only school that has come under heavy criticism for exposing children to extremely low temperatures stating COVID as a reason.

Some kindergartners were filmed at Capitol Hill Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, as they ate lunch outside, reported The Post Millennial on Wednesday. All of these children were forced to be socially distanced and were made to sit on buckets.

“As a parent of a student at Capitol Hill Elementary, this policy is abhorrent,” one parent told The Post Millennial. “I am beyond furious, especially knowing children are low risk.”

“We’ve been patient with all of the policies here in Portland in hopes of not being ostracized within the community, but this is the last straw,” the parent continued. “I will be picking my child up to have lunch at home.”

Recently, a 13-year boy got a Covid-19 shot at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in south Los Angeles without consent of his mother Maribel Duarte. The mother told TV that they vaccinated her son without consent by bribing him with pizza.

Meanwhile, Vietnam’s Thanh Hoa province has suspended using Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine batch after more than 120 students were hospitalized after the vaccination.

Rarely is a child of any age exposed to significant health risks from COVID-19. Only between 0 and 0.03% of all pediatric COVID cases in the United States result in death.

A major new study has found that not one healthy child in Germany from ages 5 to 18 died of COVID-19 during the first 15 months of the pandemic debunking COVID shots for kids.

The study further found that the chances of a healthy child aged 5-11 would requiring intensive care for COVID were about 1 in 50,000.

According to another disturbing new study, social distancing, facemaks and other such COVID rules are responsible for causing a 23% decline in children’s cognitive abilities. The study also found a similar reduction in the development of children’s communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal.

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  2. The ‘educators’ that treat children this way are actually child abusers that wiggle their way into the education system in order to have access to children that they can abuse with abandon. Very very rarely is a ‘teacher’ disciplined for this abuse. I would say we need a law but there is a law, it is written in the heart and soul of every one of us. This law is simply: BE KIND. Yes there are many responsible educators that are indeed kind and compassionate and would never in a million years treat any child with cruelty. It is the good among them that need to speak out and eradicate the bully teachers from the system. Quite often the children, bless their souls, say nothing.

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