In the first part of this East India Company Seires: Noble Motives we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). In the second part Glorified Commodities we examined the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with. In this part we will study the unique philosophical outlook that gave these EICs the opportunity to trade in goods like narcotics, which can destroy human civilization.

As indicated earlier in this East India Company Series, it has not been easy to find out who the owners of EICs are, except three names that are available for public consumption. We first start by studying the houses that controlled the day-to-day operations of EICs, the persons involved and their interrelationships. These operations were majorly: manufacturing, trading, transporting & shipping, warehousing and banking. The houses that controlled these operations were the same wherever the EICs did business, across the world. The process of this study will lead to an ownership enigma regarding these EICs and MNCs linking back to London, so we study the EIC operations in England itself. Who runs these operations in London? With this we can draw a conclusion that the EICs were controlled by a handful of families (not exceeding 20); all related to each other by marriage, analogous to a huge joint family with overlapping economic and commercial interests.

We can further see how even Indian MNCs are controlled by only few of the above houses. Then we study the structure of MNCs and see how the same personalities and operational houses of EICs, through their later generations reappear to be controlling the MNCs after 400 years, thus completing the cycle of domination. What is more glaring is that the ideology of EICs and MNCs and the methodology of domination are same for both.

EIC Ideology and Methodology

EIC was a huge trading company. The owners were called ‘Merchants of adventure’. Being merchants, these owners held their ultimate motto to be profit and maximization of wealth. These merchants belonged to Judeo-Christian traditions and religions; hence they never believed that their actions would have any reaction or that they are responsible for their actions, as they did not believe in rebirth or the theory of karma. This unique philosophical outlook gave them the opportunity to trade in goods like narcotics, which can destroy human civilization.

EICs and thus the British bought spices, opium, precious metals, and minerals from India. But how did they pay for it? They paid for it from ‘taxes collected from poor Indians’; Indians who paid extremely high taxes even on salt that was naturally available. EICs paid ‘taxes collected from Indians’ as ‘price for the goods’ they bought from Indian traders. The taxes were so high that EICs had surplus monies left after paying for the goods. This surplus was used to maintain personal armies to subjugate India. So in effect, the British under EIC got everything from India for ‘Free’. This is the definition of ‘Free Trade’. When this concept was extended ‘globally’ to all countries, it became ‘Globalization of Trade’. For example, from China they bought silks, tea, and porcelain. How did they pay for it? They paid for it with the opium they got under ‘Free Trade’ from India.

The two noble concepts adopted by the British and EIC, for which they fought with everybody who opposed those concept in the name of defending it are ‘Free Trade and Globalization’. This paved the way for ruthless exploitation of India for more than 150 years, from the clutches of which we came out only under seven decades ago due to the sacrifices of many great leaders.

Now under Privatization and Liberalization, we were told that MNCs are coming to uplift India to a first world country, and we set a goal of becoming an industrialized nation by 2020. So what do these MNCs want in return for this upliftment? – Liberalized trade. Meaning that the MNCs should have freedom to decide what to trade in, how to trade in it and where to trade in India. MNCs want to trade in Diamonds (while nobody in India knew that there are trillions of dollars’ worth of diamond mines in India for the last 50 odd years, but the MNCs knew.), Oil, Natural Gas, Minerals, Fertilizers and Chemicals, Genetically modified products and cosmetics. (Here we are mentioning only few products that they want to deal with. We are omitting other minor products as their inclusion would make this part unending). How do the MNCs trade in them? They want the state monopoly to be broken and to privatize every aspect mentioned under the above fields. They further want to abolish the Indian Monopoly Trade Restrictive Practices Act, so that one or two MNC sponsored companies can buy all the state owned corporations.

Udo Keppler, Next! photomechanical print, September 7, 1904. (Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division)

The funniest thing is that even in America, the champion of Liberalized and Privatized Free Trade; there are laws to control such practices, called Anti-Trust Acts. No single individual or corporation can attain a position of controlling the entire industry and holding monopoly power to dictate the political philosophy of USA. Under this act De Beers was not permitted to do business in USA. Also the giant Standard Oil Corporation was broken into 10 or so subsidiaries and giant Bell Corporation was broken in to 15 or so smaller baby Bell corporations to allow competition to survive. Although only three corporations find mention here, there are several such cases. We see how these corporations above, even in America, abused the Anti-Trust Act to control whole of a particular market in USA. The same corporations now want to come to India under liberalization. And these same corporations are the EICs masquerading as MNCs.

MNCs are bringing their capital into India to invest in the above ventures. Indians are led to believe that…

 Read full article in the Apr-Jun 2016 issue – Subscribe to GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Affairs.

#EIC2MNC Series
Part 1 Noble Motives
Part 2 Glorified Commodities
Part 3 Ideology & Methodology
Part 4 Controller Houses Of The East India Company
Part 5 Houses Of Rhodes & Oppenheimers

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