The relationship between the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan and the Rothschilds were exposed in a controversial memoir written by none other than his now former wife, Reham Khan.

Imran Khan and the Rothschilds
Imran Khan and the Rothschilds

Jemima (Goldsmith) was only 21 when she married a 43-year-old Imran. For Jemima, marrying a much older man from another culture couldn’t have been much fun. Imran always said that he had connected better with his in-laws than his very young wife. Friends would tell me how the cultural restrictions weren’t the ideal start for the very young London socialite. Her time with Imran is described by most as a very suffocating experience for her. I could very much relate to a very young girl separated from all of her friends and surrounded by much older people in an oppressive atmosphere. Her Two brothers also got married in their early twenties. However, the Rothschilds and Goldsmiths shared a strong historical and religious bond. Both were Jewish banking families, with a history of political posts and influence in the Conservative party. In fact, Sir James Goldsmith was a protégé of Edmonde de Rothschild, long before his two sons married into this even richer Jewish family.

Ben had only been 22-years-old when he tied the knot with Kate Rothschild. And after that nine-year marriage fell apart, Zac then married her much younger sister, Alice, who he had been having an affair with. Kate was rumoured to have been having an affair with the American rapper Jay Electronica and their divorce was labelled the very first ‘Twitter divorce’ after an ugly lashing out on Twitter between them. Despite Ben being arrested after slapping his wife during an argument over the alleged affair, the historical bond between these two Jewish banking families was still visibly extant when, within a year, Zac had divorced his wife and married his mistress Alice Rothschild. Between the two Jewish banking dynasties, this connection is understandable.

Imran Khan with Jemima Goldsmith
Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan with his former wife Jemima Goldsmith

The bond between Imran and both the Goldsmiths and the Rothschilds was harder to understand for me. Imran said that he was the emotional coach for not only his own ex-wife’s man problems, but also for Kate Rothschild’s. According to Imran, Kate was devastated when the rapper she fell in love with converted to Islam and refused to continue an affair with her. The rapper was affiliated to the Nation of Islam, which is described as an anti-Semitic organization by its critics.

Since the Rothschilds were not only known for their banking supremacy but also for being active Zionists, I piped in that perhaps it was the surname that caused conflict in Kate’s relationship, and pointed out that one of their ancestors, Walter Rothschild, was responsible for drafting the declaration for a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, which came to be known as the Balfour declaration.

Imran Khan with Zac Goldsmith
Imran Khan with his former brother-in-law Zac Goldsmith outside Kingston mosque, London, in 2009 Photograph: Ben Mole / Newsquest SL

I found it strange that Imran made a point of extreme public rhetoric against the Americans and Zionism, while sharing close ties with those who had a clear interest in furthering Israel’s cause. Imran was also very close to his brothers-in-law, particularly Zac. Imran maintained that in a violent argument once where Imran slapped Jemima, it was Zac who urged Imran not to divorce his sister. Imran had impressed upon me that it was not his ex-wife but her family he was good friends with. He was especially indebted to ‘Jimmy’ as he had not only left more than enough money for his eight offspring to live off in luxury, but had also designed Imran’s future.

As time progressed, my gut instinct told me that Imran had to do their bidding, not because of any good-ex-husband responsibilities, but for his own political wellbeing. Less than a year later, my worst fears would be confirmed: A seasoned politician swore to me that a meeting had taken place, confirming Imran’s U.S support. To cross-check the story, I cornered the former Director General of the ISI, General Ehsan ul Haq, in Sadruddin Hashwani’s home, who confirmed Imran’s connections to the Americans. According to him, at a meeting in 1996 between the late Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan and Henry Kissinger, a third party was also present. That third party was Sir James Goldsmith.

The Pakistani foreign minister was then categorically told by Kissinger to “Look after our boy”. When Sahabzada asked who their boy was, the answer he received was “Imran Khan”.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Imran Khan
Ghislaine Maxwell (Jeffrey Epstein’s business partner/madame managing his high-profile clients and the daughter of Israeli spy Robert Maxwell with Imran Khan and Taki Theodoracopulos at a party to mark the fall of communism at the Savoy Credit: Rex Features

I had started reading up about James Goldsmith during my marriage, and stumbled on an article by David Goldman in 1984. He wrote, ‘Sir Goldsmith created an elaborate network of puppets in Britain and the US to create an elaborate cash laundering network in the United States between 1981 and 1983’.

The investigation also raised questions concerning the finances of the political network broadly linked with Kissinger Associates Inc. According to it, General Vernon Walters of the State Department (the chief protégé of Henry Kissinger) was, for a long time, employed by Goldsmith.

Everything made complete sense when I realised that James Goldsmith had always been politically active, and had even founded his own party in the 90s called the Referendum party. It was a single issue Eurosceptic party which laid the foundations for Brexit. Before him, his father, Frank Goldsmith, a hotelier of German Jewish descent, had been a conservative MP. Besides his portfolio of 48 hotels, he was known for being one of the founders of the King David Hotel in East Jerusalem, over 46% of which was funded by notable Jews. Following the decisive six-day war, East Jerusalem was successfully annexed and the hotel was extended.

Through the early months of marriage, I had struggled to understand Jemima’s hold on Imran Khan. He clearly hated her phone calls, and cursed her after each one, but could not say no to her. Initially, I thought he was just a doormat because of his kids, but it began to dawn on me around September that it was a much stronger hold than that. It was too much information that I should have looked into long before I got married. All I had listened to was Imran’s speeches and his constant rhetoric against the Americans. Not only do we venture into personal relationships with our eyes wide shut but when we go to the voting booths, even the journalists in us have no real idea what we are voting for. The information is all out there but we choose to follow the propaganda we are fed.

Excerpts from Reham Khan, a 2018 controversial memoir written by the former wife of Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan. Send in your tips and submissions by filling out this form or write to us directly at the email provided.

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One Response

  1. Great work!!
    Thank you for exposing these criminals who have sold their souls to the devil

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