The Government of India has seized assets of Amnesty International worth Rs 176 million in the ongoing money laundering case. The government had raided the Amnesty India office several times in the last few years.

India Seizes Amnesty International Assets Worth Rs 176 Million In Money Laundering Case

The Enforcement Directorate has attached the movable properties – worth Rs 17.66 crore – of the global human rights advocacy group, Amnesty International, which had last year claimed that it was winding down its India operation because of alleged “witch-hunt” by the Indian government.

The action was taken as part of a money laundering probe against the non-profit reported NDTV.

The central government says that the global rights watchdog had been receiving foreign funds illegally and that it had never registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act.

The government had raided the Amnesty India office several times in the last few years.

Last year, after the Centre had frozen its account, Amnesty India accused it of launching a “witch-hunt” over some critical reports.

In a press statement, Amnesty had said: “…the complete freezing of Amnesty International India’s bank accounts by the government of India, which it came to know on 10 September, brings all the work being done by the organization to a grinding halt.”

The organisation said it had been compelled to let go of staff in India and pause all its ongoing campaign and research work.

The Secret History Of How British Intelligence Created Amnesty International

Amnesty International projects itself as the watchdog on human rights worldwide with the stated mission to campaign for “a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.”

However, lesser known is the fact that Amnesty International was created by British Intelligence for intelligence gathering to carry out social engineering of targeted nations critical of the British Empire. Amnesty International was involved in not only the cover-up of torture and regime change by British agents but also in sparking a war.

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2 Responses

  1. Peter Benenson – the Undercover Spy

    Peter Benenson, the co-founder of Amnesty International, had deep ties to the British Foreign Office and Colonial Office. During the war, he worked in military intelligence at the Bletchley Park code-breaking center. Benenson worked as an undercover spy gathering intelligence under the cover of Amnesty International, directly sponsored by The Crown…..1964, Benenson enlisted the Foreign Office’s assistance in obtaining a visa to Haiti. The Foreign Office secured the visa and wrote to its Haiti representative Alan Elgar saying it “support[ed] the aims of Amnesty International.” There, Benenson went undercover as a painter, as Minister of State Walter Padley told him prior to his departure that “We shall have to be a little careful not to give the Haitians the impression that your visit is actually sponsored by Her Majesty’s Government.”

    Me- the British Crown rules other countries/ world through proxies ( well funded ones, since her majesty is ” advised” by the over abundantly filthy rich Evelyn Rothschild which enriches her ” GOLDEN SHARES” …. but I digress)  through knighthood of foreign agents.

    Bill Gates -KBe- Knighted by Queen UK 2005 

    Melinda Gates-Honorary Dames “Commander” by Queen UK 2013

    Rudy Guiliani-Knighted by Queen UK 2002 (For his mayoral leadership after the September 11 attacks in 2001, he was called “America’s mayor”. He was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2001, and was given an honorary knighthood in 2002 by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.)

    Others knighted:

    George H W Bush GCBDwight D Eisenhower GCBBill Gates KBEMelinda Gates DBEMark Getty KBEPaul Getty KBEBilly Graham KBEJ Edgar Hoover KBEBob Hope KBEAngelina Jolie DCMGRalph Lauren KBEYehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin KBEAndré Previn KBERonald Reagan GCBDame Marjorie Scardino DBESteven Spielberg KBE

    Does a pattern emerge where these “Globalists” promote and endorse the British agenda leak through their actions and policy and propaganda films in Hollywood?

    The British Empire never died ….it just went under cover still recruiting agents…

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