In a written reply in Lok Sabha, the minister Dr. Jitendra Singh announced that India has approved the installation of 10 new nuclear reactors in five states.

The Centre has approved the installation of 10 nuclear reactors in five states across India. The information was given by Atomic Energy Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh in Parliament on Wednesday. The minister said that the government has roped in public sector undertaking for the installation of the reactors.

“The Government has roped in PSUs for the installation of the nuclear reactors or the exercise would be done exclusively by the specialized government agencies,” the minister said in a written reply in Lok Sabha.

He added that the Center has accorded administrative approval and financial sanction for 10 indigenous Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors of 700 MW each in fleet mode. The 10 reactors will come up in Karnataka, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.

Two nuclear reactors will each be installed in Kaiga, Chutka, and Gorakhpur nuclear power plants, while the Mahi Banswara nuclear power plant in Rajasthan will get four nuclear reactors.

The Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange said that China has settled the first LNG energy deal in Yuan with the United Arab Emirates.

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