There is a serious concern among Indian security experts that after almost 50 years the Indian government is now conceding to the 1959 Chinese border offer that was rejected by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru calling it a deceptive tactic to annex foreign territory.

Is India Conceding To 1959 Chinese Border Offer Rejected By Nehru

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi has vocally expressed his views on border issues, the silence against China’s provocative behavior along the LOC has raised questions in the Indian security establishment.

The Prime Minister has not addressed the deliberate and aggressive behavior showcased by the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) along the eastern Ladakh border occurring since April last year.

After the initial confrontation, the trouble has only escalated and the Indian Army has suddenly realized another enemy along its border apart from Pakistan.

The recent Chinese intrusion into Ladakh has caused a major scandal within the Indian administration.

Although the Indian government’s response is projected as aggressive with the ban of many Chinese apps, the ground situation tell a different story.

The official position maintains that there is no to little intrusion since China already claims the territory since long.

However, satellite images of Chinese intrusion into Ladakh from multiple sources negate all those claims.

Recently, China even sent its Super Soldiers equipped with exoskeleton to the disputed Himalayan border with India.

Even, the Chinese President Xi Jinping too failed to comment on the issue. This has caused a tense silence over the redline telephone installed between India and China.

Only Defense Minister Rajnath Singh commented that included the usual inanity regarding losing “not an inch of territory”.

But, India has lost around a thousand kilometers of land in the Depsang plans to China. This is why the Indian troops opted for another route since the PLA blocked the Y-Junction.

Due to Indian troops not wanting to “open another front”, the Indian Army failed to breach the blockade posed by the Chinese army, which resulted in losing the entire region to China.

There are also reports that a large portion of Arunachal Pradesh has also been occupied by China where it is building concrete bridges, hydro electric projects, helipads 12 kms from the demarcated McMahon Line inside Arunachal Pradesh.

Other reports suggest China has occupied Rui village of Nepal and removed the boundary pillars to legitimise its annexation. China has gradually made inroads into several Nepalese territories with an objective to seize complete control.

PLA with no respect or regard to letter/spirit of accord will occupy the Rezang La-Rechin La ridge high points in the Kailash Range when Special Frontier Force troops start vacating according to the ‘verifiable’ mutual agreement of withdrawal.

The unsettling fact is the acceptance of the Indian government to the Chinese offer to draw back its forces to the Sirijap expanse east of Finger 8 on the northern shore of the lake.

This is being hailed as some kind of concession by Beijing.

It is surprising and unsettling because India has claimed the borderline runs along the east of Sirijap.

The LOC runs east of Khurnak fort, patrolled by both Indian and Chinese troops from 1958. It is the mutually accepted India-Tibet border.

Documents going back as far as 1863, cements India’s claims.

It shows Ote Plain highlighting the fort as the region in contention between Pangong area inhabitants ruled by Maharajah of Jammu & Kashmir, Ranbir Singh, and the Lhasa’s Tibetan authorities.

The region never belonged to Tibet, so China cannot claim it even when it exercises the power over Tibet.

China started claiming the area in the letter sent by Premier Zhou Enlai to then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1959.

This claim was rebuffed by the Indian authorities who realized it as China’s tactic of annexing foreign territory.

Nehru responded to China saying,

“There is no sense or meaning in the Chinese offer to withdraw twenty kilometers from what they call ‘line of actual control’. What is this ‘line of control’? Is this the line they have created by aggression since the beginning of September? Advancing forty or sixty kilometers by blatant military aggression and offering to withdraw twenty kilometers provided both sides do this is a deceptive device which can fool nobody.”

Nehru never retreated from the line. Now, 50 years later, it seems that the Indian government is about to concede its territory to the same deceptive tactic.

If Zhou Enlai’s claim in 1959 acts as the basis to come to a final solution, how can the Indian government convince themselves of the fact that it has surrendered a huge amount of Indian Territory to the Chinese government?

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