An Indian hospital worker from Uttar Pradesh has died just 24 hours after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine Covishield from Serum Institute of India. The post mortem report reveals the immediate cause of death as “cardiogenic shock/septicemic shock” due to “cardio-pulmonary disease”, according to the Uttar Pradesh government.

Indian Hospital Worker From UP Dies Just 24 Hrs After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine Covishield
Indian Hospital Worker From UP Dies Just 24 Hrs After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine Covishield

A 46-year-old government hospital employee in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad died on Sunday evening, 24 hours after receiving a Covid vaccine shot. The district’s Chief Medical Officer has said the death is unrelated to vaccination.

Ward Boy Mahipal Singh died after complaining of chest congestion and breathlessness.

“He was vaccinated on Saturday around noon. On Sunday he felt breathless and complained of chest congestion. We are inquiring into the reasons of the death. We will get a post mortem done. It does not seem to be a reaction to vaccination. He did night duty on Saturday too and there were no problems,” MC Garg, Moradabad’s chief medical officer, told reporters late last night.

The post mortem report reveals the immediate cause of death as “cardiogenic shock/septicemic shock” due to “cardio-pulmonary disease”, according to the Uttar Pradesh government.

The death has occurred just days after Norway launched an investigation after 23 (now 29) people died after receiving COVID-19 vaccine shots.

Allegations of Brain Damage

On November 21, a forty-year-old participant in AstraZeneca’s clinical trial who lives in India sent a legal notice to the Serum Institute of India alleging that the vaccine caused him to develop acute neuroencephalopathy, or brain damage. In the notice, the participant said he “must be compensated, in the least, for all the sufferings that he and his family have undergone and are likely to undergo in the future.”

In response, the Serum Institute claimed the participant’s medical complications are unrelated to the vaccine trial and said it would take “legal action” against the brain-damaged participant for maligning the company’s reputation, seeking damages in excess of $13 million.

“This is the first time I have ever heard of a sponsor threatening a trial participant,” Amar Jesani, editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, said of the incident.

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks

Results of a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practuce found that there is enough literature available to determine that COVID-19 vaccines increases the risk of more severe diseases and that recipients should be made aware of all the risks before being vaccinated.

The scientists concluded that vaccines may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and that the risks are kept secret in clinical trial protocols and consent forms.

Recently, a woman from Louisiana suffered uncontrollable convulsions after being administered the experimental Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The side-effects were similar to another woman from Oakland City who suffered tongue spasms and whole body convulsions after taking the experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products.

Even, the US government paid over $57 million in compensation for vaccine injuries and deaths till March 2020 alone.

However, there are currently no laws in India that would protect victims of the COVID-19 vaccine side-effects.

Meanwhile, Governments have signed secret agreements to protect the pharma companies from liabilities, leaving the victims of vaccine with no legal recourse.

Vaccine manufacturers linked to British Eugenics Movement

The Serum Institute has received at least $18.6 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has a deal with AstraZeneca to manufacture a billion doses of the vaccine.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, the developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have direct ties to British Eugenics Movement.

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GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance.

3 Responses

  1. The great irony of the vaccine plan is that those who managed to escape the virus in the wild will now voluntarily infect themselves with this virus and some of them die from its effects. Long term who know – probably half the world population can die off from its effects.

  2. People like Bill Gates , George Soros , and Klaus Schwab can resolve so much confusion and speculation if they just have a 100% candid and honest interview with someone about what they are up to. I think they are afraid that anything they say will be turned against them but it won’t if they know how to be fully vulnerable and honest for 5 minutes or more. People can detect authenticity and thought leaders will be put at ease and therefore most of their followers as well. But it won’t work if they use a prepared corporate or media presentation, it needs to be a purposefully unprepared effort with the intention of being as honest and vulnerable as possible so that people can have a glimpse into their thought process. This should be required of anyone who with such influence who has become the subject of suspicion.

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