An Indian post-graduate student from the state of Kerala has died after taking Covishield vaccine and her parents has sought Rs 10 crore compensation. There was no proof that Nova Sabu may have had some neurological ailment prior to accepting the vaccination.

Kerala Post-Graduate Student Dies After Taking Covishield, Parents Seek Rs 10 Crore Compensation

On Friday, the parents of a postgraduate student filed a petition with the Kerala High Court, insinuating that their daughter died as a result of the mandatory administering of the Covishield vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India, reports India Today.

They also demanded Rs 1 crore in recompense for their sole daughter’s death, blaming the central government, the state government, and serum makers.

Sabu C Thomas and his wife Jean George of Pathanamthitta lodged a petition alleging that their daughter Nova Sabu, an MA Literature student, had been vaccinated with Covishield at a private hospital in Kochi.

She had become sick the next day. Nova was transported to the hospital and treated for a headache and fever, according to the petition.

Nova was then shifted to a different hospital, within which she made complaints of reduced responsiveness, exhaustion, headaches, and vomiting. She passed out and started convulsing shortly after. She was intubated and put on a ventilator after that. Nova died of intracerebral bleeding on August 12, 2021.

The petitioners first lodged a claim for recompense with the Human Rights Commission, whereupon the Pathanamthitta District Medical Officer investigated the matter.

There was no proof that Nova Sabu may have had some neurological ailment prior to accepting the vaccination, according to an investigation. Nova’s signs began soon after she received the first dose of Covishield.

“Nova Sabu might have suffered from thrombocytopenia, thrombosis syndrome, which is an immunogenic response to the Covishield vaccine, which is a rare condition which occurs following Covidshield vaccination. Studies from the UK suggest an incidence of 20.3 per million doses in people aged 18 to 49 years,” according to the inquiry report.

The petitioners also asked for a declaration that their daughter died as a result of Covishield vaccination complications, and that the government and the manufacturer are accountable and obligated to recompense them.

Justice N Nagaresh decided to seek the central government’s opinion on the petition when it did come up for hearing on Friday.

2 Responses

  1. Government should investigate why there are still vaccine mandates by private organizations. This social pressure against science and Constitution must be stopped. Government cannot remain as a mute spectator and must enforce the law against these types of coercion.

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