There are numerous infant and child deaths after COVID vaccination reported according to VAERS data.

Numerous Infant And Child Deaths After COVID Vaccination Reported According To VAERS Data

Recently, a fully vaccinated mom gave birth to a baby bleeding from mouth and nose according to VAERS report. The baby died a day after birth. The infant’s father stated his open suspicion that the vaccine was related to the death.

The infant death is one of 52 reported deaths among 30,550 adverse events recorded by VAERS for children under 17 years old as of December 3.

Another newborn child who was still in the nursing phase and waiting to be released from the hospital, was suddenly seen developing issues when his mother took a second dose of Pfizer on September 9th.

Within 24 hours, the baby’s heartbeat slowed down, oxygen being low in the blood resulting in him turning blue, making it difficult for him to swallow and suck.

An ultrasound of his head revealed that there was a blood clot in his brain that “were not present prior to vaccination,” according to a VAERS report, which also added that that baby was transported to a higher level of care for a neurological examination.

Another report of a 5-year-old girl from Iowa who did have underlying medical conditions, but despite of it was doing well was amongst those who were recently added to VAERS.

She was vaccinated with Pfizer on November 18 and is being treated in hospital. The next day she was released from the hospital, but her father discovered her in a state where she didn’t have a pulse and was not breathing. She died suddenly three nights later.

An 11-year-old girl from Georgia died the same day she was vaccinated with Pfizer, which was originally intended for children over 12 years old. No cause of death was reported in the VAERS report.

A boy from Wyoming aged eight years old who was “totally healthy and active” before receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID pediatric shot was admitted into the hospital into the Intensive Care Unit by getting diagnosed with myocarditis (inflammatory life-threatening heart condition) two days later in November.

A 10-year-old girl in Oregon who was previously healthy, started suffering from chest pain and difficulty in breathing. She was hospitalized with myocarditis four days after Pfizer injection, despite her getting COVID the year prior.

A 14-year-old from North Carolina, in September, received his first Pfizer vaccine and the next day he was drooling and could only use mumble for speech and was in an “altered state” at his school.

Upon an ambulance being called, he was taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with a stroke and operated on to remove a blood clot from his brain.

A 13-year-old from Maryland had a heart attack and died 15 days after a Pfizer dose.

In November, a girl of age 9 from Southern California went through a seizure lasting a total of 30 seconds about a minute into receiving her first dose of the vaccine.

A 16-year-old Wisconsin girl who had cancer whose death report was submitted to the VAERS in November was found in her bed on the morning of the third day after she got the vaccine shot in September with “excessive amounts of blood along with large blood clots that appear to have come vaginally.” The report states that no autopsy was ordered.

Toddler death scrubbed from data

Other reports recently sent to VAERS include the death of a 2-year-old boy from Alaska after being vaccinated from Covid. His death reports briefly appeared in the reports published in VAERS.

The records said the boy “began bleeding out the mouth, eyes, nose and ears within six hours of the shot” and died that evening itself.

According to a report on the VAERS analytics website operated by an anonymous data tracker, the report briefly appeared on the VAERS analysis website on Thanksgiving Monday with a number of 14,529 records downloaded.

Reports that were retracted were later reloaded into the site on December 3, but none of the two-year-old’s death records were included.

When Rick Nicholls, Independent Member of Provincial Parliament of Canada asked Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott this week about the reported increase in stillbirths among vaccinated mothers in the province, the government ignored their questions and declined to reply.

Spike protein in breastmilk?

According to VAERS report a breastfeeding baby died of blood clots and inflamed arteries weeks after his mother was given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The case was the second known account of a breastfeeding baby dying of blood clots from vaccine, at the time.

In the report to the vaccine adverse event system, the mother questioned the role of the vaccine in her baby’s death.

“I am curious if the spike protein could have gone through the breast milk and caused an inflammatory response in my child. They say Kawasaki disease presents very similarly to the Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in children that they are seeing in post Covid infections,” she said.

“However, if they know that antibodies go through the breastmilk as a good thing, then why wouldn’t the spike protein also go through the breastmilk and potentially cause problems.”

In May, GreatGameIndia published a story on the VAERS entry regarding the death of a 2-year-old from Pfizer vaccine. Since, the vaccination trials were only for children from age 5 to 11 officially, we asked “how come a 2 year old baby got vaccinated” and that “the incident should be investigated by CDC immediately.” Later, the CDC has removed the VAERS entry without providing any details.

Meanwhile, Vietnam’s Thanh Hoa province has suspended using Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine batch after more than 120 students were hospitalized after the vaccination.

A major new study has found that not one healthy child in Germany from ages 5 to 18 died of COVID-19 during the first 15 months of the pandemic debunking COVID shots for kids.

The study further found that the chances of a healthy child aged 5-11 would requiring intensive care for COVID were about 1 in 50,000.

According to another disturbing new study, social distancing, facemaks and other such COVID rules are responsible for causing a 23% decline in children’s cognitive abilities. The study also found a similar reduction in the development of children’s communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal.

Looking at the importance of getting vaccinated, several parents are eagerly waiting for vaccines for children. However, there are some medical experts and epidemiologists who are not in favour of vaccinating children

4 Responses

  1. I am beginning to REALLY HATE GreatGameIndia’s website, … they NEVER link to a single source that might equate to whatever they are saying is anything more than mere RUMOR !! I might have to unsubscribe very soon.

  2. To all you healthcare “PROFESSIONALS” that jabbed ANYONE with a syringe of ingredients YOU didn’t know what it contained, will be hunted down and hung when this is all over…ANYONE that went along with this scam, which was obvious from the start, will pay a heavy price when the general public starts looking for blood…You idiots…Have ANY of you seen a “COVID pathogen, cell, or sample on a microscopic slide?…No,? DO you know why?…Cause none exists!!!! Idiots!!!…The cute little cartoon looking, artist rendition of a computer generated picture is NOT EVEN A COVID SPORE!!!!!…WAKE UP IDIOTS!!!!!!

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