A new study from a Los Angeles hospital in California advocates injecting men with the female sex hormone progesterone to treat COVID-19.

Inject Men With Female Sex Hormones To Treat COVID-19 - Says New California Study

The trial, carried out by pulmonologist Sara Ghandehari of the Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, recruited 40 male patients hospitalized with COVID-19, reported the Dailymail.

“As an ICU doctor, I was struck by the gender disparity among COVID-19 patients who were very sick, remained in the hospital, and needed ventilators,” she emphasized.

“One group acted as a control sample, for comparison, and received only the standard medical care given at that time for the disease.”

“The experimental group, meanwhile, also received 100-milligram injections of progesterone twice daily for five days during the time they were hospitalized.”

“All the patients were assessed by the team daily for either 15 days or until they were discharged from hospital,” a summary notes.

“While our findings are encouraging for the potential of using progesterone to treat men with COVID-19, our study had significant limitations,” noted Dr. Ghandehari.

She explained how the sample size was relatively small and composed primarily of “White, Hispanic and obese individuals with a moderate burden of other conditions, which serve to increase the risk of worse outcomes.”

“Furthermore, while the trial was randomized and featured a control group, it was also unblinded — meaning that the research team, physicians, and patients all knew who had received the experimental treatment,” The Daily Mail added.

Earlier, researcher at the University of Miami recommended men to have a fertility evaluation before receiving the COVID vaccine and to consider to freeze their sperm before vaccination in order to protect their fertility.

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11 Responses

  1. Find these people and kill them. Y’all won’t stop until men are completely subjugated.

  2. This is about the most wicked and sickest thing I have read in a long while. Why on earth would anyone need hormones injected to protect against the flu? For heaven’s sake, these wickedly evil people have no shame. They will pay dearly for their evil and it will not go well for them.

  3. This is pure wickedness. God will deal with them in His time and it will NOT go well for them. Sad.

  4. These “evil people” you keep mentioning are elite jews. Lets not sugar coat the truth. They have been doing this for eons. They want everyone to see them (jews) as Gods while they look down on everyone else as garbage unclean and unfit to have Gods love. These very same people hate God they are the ones that killed Jesus then blamed Romans. They were the ones that caused their precious holocaust so they could use it as a way out of everything evil they do by crying victim. Jesus called them out in the bible. He said ” You are of your father the devil. For you will be the enemy of mankind for all eternity.” Jesus said this to the jewish pharisees. They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.

  5. God fucking dammit this world is fucked. Even the comments here are controlled opposition christcucks and holohoax believers.
    If things keep going as they are the result will be nothing short of the complete extinction of the human species.
    This species is working towards its own downfall while demonizing anyone who tries to save it.

  6. People need to chill out. Stick to what you know for sure. There’s a just a lot more access to information than usual. You’ll end up creating what you’re trying to avoid if you jump to theoretical conclusions and treat them as fact. If you want to make a difference, just get good demonstrating with evidence, that mainstream news lies and spread it around democrat parts of the internet.

  7. They are working on global genocide for non essential people and transhumanism experiments for the sick and weak.

    And yes the people have a right to be upset and need to fight back with ” just say NO”.

    Dr Mengele Fausti has a patent using IL-2

    Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy

    Patent number: 6190656

    Abstract: A method for activating a mammalian immune system entails a series of IL-2 administrations that are effected intermittently over an extended period. Each administration of IL-2 is sufficient to allow spontaneous DNA synthesis in peripheral blood or lymph node cells of the patient to increase and peak, and each subsequent administration follows the preceding administration in the series by a period of time that is sufficient to allow IL-2 receptor expression in peripheral or lymph node blood of the patient to increase, peak and then decrease to 50% of peak value. This intermittent IL-2 therapy can be combined with another therapy which targets a specific disease state, such as an anti-retroviral therapy comprising, for example, the administration of AZT, ddI or interferon alpha. In addition, IL-2 administration can be employed to facilitate in situ transduction of T cells in the context of gene therapy.

    Type: Grant

    Filed: September 2, 1997

    Date of Patent: February 20, 2001

    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services

    Inventors: H. Clifford Lane, Joseph A. Kovacs, Anthony S. Fauci

    Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy

    Patent number: 5696079

    Abstract: A method for activating a mammalian immune system entails a series of IL-2 administrations that are effected intermittently over an extended period. Each administration of IL-2 is sufficient to allow spontaneous DNA synthesis in peripheral blood or lymph node cells of the patient to increase and peak, and each subsequent administration follows the preceding administration in the series by a period of time that is sufficient to allow IL-2 receptor expression in peripheral or lymph node blood of the patient to increase, peak and then decrease to 50% of peak value. This intermittent IL-2 therapy can be combined with another therapy which targets a specific disease state, such as an anti-retroviral therapy comprising, for example, the administration of AZT, ddI or interferon alpha. In addition, IL-2 administration can be employed to facilitate in situ transduction of T cells in the context of gene therapy.

    Type: Grant

    Filed: May 26, 1995

    Date of Patent: December 9, 1997

    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services

    Inventors: H. Clifford Lane, Joseph A. Kovacs, Anthony S. Fauci

    Look up IL-2 and RNA …..these are the mechanisms.

    “RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1


    Molecular function • GO:0001948 protein binding
    • mRNA binding
    • RNA binding
    • nucleic acid binding
    Cellular component • cell nucleus
    • nuclear speck
    Biological process • mRNA processing
    • regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome
    • RNA splicing
    • mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome

    GO:0001948 protein binding … RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 member A1/C is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RBMY1A1 gene. This gene encodes a protein containing an RNA-binding motif in the N-terminus and four SRGY (serine, arginine, glycine, tyrosine) boxes in the C-terminus.

    RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 member A1/C is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RBMY1A1 gene.[3][4][5]

    This gene encodes a protein containing an RNA-binding motif in the N-terminus and four SRGY (serine, arginine, glycine, tyrosine) boxes in the C-terminus. Multiple copies of this gene are found in the AZFb azoospermia factor region of chromosome Y and the encoded protein is thought to be involved in spermatogenesis. Most copies of this locus are pseudogenes, although six highly similar copies have full-length ORFs and are considered functional. Four functional copies of this gene are found within inverted repeat IR2; two functional copies of this gene are found in palindrome P3, along with two copies of PTPN13-like, Y-linked. Alternative splicing of transcripts results in two transcript variants that encode different proteins.[5]

    The Auschwitz. Experiments under ” emergency orders need to be stopped…the nuremberg code is being tossed aside for gross manipulations of human experiments…so yes…people need to start giving them huge backlash and sue the crap out of them!

  8. It doesn’t seem that too many people here are familiar with progesterone. It is not solely a female sex hormone. Men produce it naturally, and it keeps the estrogen that men also produce naturally, in check. There are several other benefits to progesterone use in males, mostly older males with lower testosterone levels. But regardless, we already have several cheap and effective ways to prevent and treat COVID infection. I don’t know why we bother with ineffective, unproven and dangerous vaccines and expensive exotic treatment methods when what we already have is widely available, cheap and safe. Aside from that, most people have a very high rate of full recovery. Testing the vax on very low risk infants is strictly for pharmaceutical corporations gain. It serves no purpose, other than placing infants in jeopardy.

  9. @ Heidi : That shows that Fauci has patented some immune system related treatments, which is what he does for a living working for the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It’s not a indication of anything nefarious. I would take the opportunity to reflect on why you assumed it was conspiratorial and re-examine other beliefs that might be explained by obvious reasoning.

  10. LMAO this is too funny. I can only imagine left coast soyboys lining up for it along with the covid kill shot. 🙂

  11. Let’s hope Armageddon will clear things up a bit. But we will have to use it (Armageddon) as surgically as possible so it (Armageddon) doesn’t get too far out of hand. Otherwise, it will be “curtain call” for all.

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