China may be using satellites to gather intelligence about Hawaii so it can attack it in Pearl Harbor style.

The satellite was recorded flashing lasers for a fraction of a second by a livestream camera attached to a telescope on top of a mountain on one of the islands.

The lasers captured on a telescope’s livestreamCredit: Twitter/@SubaruTel_Eng
A live-fire launch of a Chinese hypersonic missileCredit: China Military

Initially the lights were thought to come from a NASA satellite before it was finally established it was a Chinese pollution monitoring satellite the Daqi-1.

But questions immediately began to be raised about why the Chinese would feel it necessary to monitor pollution in Hawaii, given the large US military presence there.

And it comes just weeks after China flew a giant balloon over the US – which was widely understood to be a spy tool even as Beijing claimed it was a civilian weather airship.

Pearl Harbor on Oahu, Hawaii remains vital for the United States military and the presence of the satellite comes amid increased tensions between the US and China.

In a recent tweet, the Pentagon alleged that Russia is supplying fuel for Chinese nuclear warheads.

You can read more about this topic here.

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