According to an Ukraine official Israeli PM Bennett pushed President Zelensky to surrender to Russia in a phone call on Tuesday which he did not accept.

Israeli PM Bennett Pushed Zelensky To Surrender To Russia Says Ukraine Official

Almost always, diplomatic efforts to defuse situations in which Israel’s Prime Minister is involved revolve around the resumption of hostilities in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. The Ukraine-Russia war, on the other hand, has become the most high-profile diplomatic engagement of the post-Netanyahu era so far.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett startled the international community when it was discovered that he had travelled to Moscow undercover to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an apparent attempt to broker a peace treaty.

Bennett had informed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesky and French President Emmanuel Macron of his travel to Moscow before it became public knowledge, according to reports.

Bennett then proceeded to Germany to meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz to address the commencement of the Russia-Ukraine war, among other concerns, after 3 hours of deliberations in the Kremlin.

Bennett’s visit coincided with ongoing ceasefire negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian authorities in recent weeks. The convergence of those diplomatic activities resulted in Russia’s first concrete offer to stop the conflict, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who stated that Putin offered to cease the war if Ukraine met four requirements. Putin’s terms, according to Peskov, were as follows:

Putin’s ostensible olive branch was met with scepticism by Ukraine and the international world, who cited the massive secession of territory to Russia as inconceivable. Bennett has surprisingly veered from the sentiment echoed by that worldwide response in the days since the original peace offers were put on the table.

According to the Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post, and Ukrainian sources, Israeli Prime Minister Binjamin Netanyahu met with Zelensky again on Tuesday and advised him to accept Putin’s terms. The claim was refuted by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Bennett began the phone call with Zelensky, according to sources in Ukraine, in which he appealed for him, saying, “If I were you, I would think about the lives of my people and take the offer.”

The plan did not sit well with Zelensky, who responded with a curt “I hear you.” No more information about what Zelensky said to Bennett was immediately available from Ukrainian officials.

Bennett’s counsel was interpreted by Zelensky and his inner circle as instructing Ukraine to submit, which they all agreed would not happen. Those same officials believe Putin’s demands are only the beginning of his larger plans to annex more of Ukraine’s territory.

According to Hebrew news outlets, a senior Ukrainian official said “Bennett has proposed that we surrender.” “We have no intention of doing so. We know that Putin’s proposal is just the beginning.”

According to the source, Israel has also advised Ukraine to stop requesting military or defence aid from Israel, since this could jeopardise Jerusalem’s efforts to mediate and maintain neutrality.

Bennett’s call to Zelensky is a change from the two leaders’ previously cordial relationship. Following the Israeli Prime Minister’s proposal, Ukrainian officials adopted a more aggressive stance against Bennett, denouncing his role as a mediator.

One official stated, “We don’t need a mailbox. We have enough of those. If Bennett wants to be neutral and mediate, we would expect to see him appoint someone to work on it day and night and try to get a compromise.”

The spat between Bennett and Zelensky comes only days before a meeting between Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yvgeni Kornichuk and Knesset Chairman Mickey Levi, which is expected to take place next Tuesday.

The point of their meeting is to agree on Zelensky giving a speech to the Knesset in the same format as his recent speech to the US Senate. Israel is the only country with which Ukraine has engaged in diplomacy with Russia that hasn’t fully reflected NATO member states’ sentiments.

Given Israel’s central prominence on the global arena, their position aids Russia’s efforts to end the war on their terms. This unanticipated development occurs at a very critical time for Russia, which has been engulfed by western-imposed sanctions.

As a result, Russia has turned east, forming deeper ties with China and India, among others, in an effort to lessen the impact of the sanctions. Surprisingly, Israel has joined that group following Bennett’s most recent meeting with Zelensky, in a way that appears to have caught the Ukrainian President completely off guard.

Zelensky is likely not alone in his reaction, since Israel’s attitude is unquestionably a watershed moment in which the Ukraine-allied axis is compelled to modify its calculus in the face of a reality in which Russian support is larger than previously anticipated.

2 Responses

  1. Israel is worried about its own relationship with Russia. Israel is exporting its own natural gas find, the 3rd largest in the world, into both local Arab countries and into southern Europe (Cyprus & Greece). They’re also building a pipeline from Greece to Italy. Therefore, Russia sees Israel as a long term competitor for its own sales to Europe.

    Bear in mind that Russian has significant military bases in Western Syria, no more than 150 miles from the Golan Heights! In the current circumstances, Israel sees Russia as a military threat. Russia’s A2/AD system actually extends over part of Israel. Therefore Israel quite understandably sees Russia as a potential military threat.

  2. Imagine if George Washington had been advised to surrender, and he followed that advice. The world would be a much different place, and a worse one at that. So I guess that the fact that he didn’t, and even though the war lasted for 8 years, we were victorious over the most powerful empire of it’s time. We were out-gunned, out numbered, out-financed, and for most of the war we were alone with a few notable exceptions. The only reason we had help from France was their almost continuous hundreds of years of war with the British.
    Imagine if Churchill had acquiesced to the surrender overtures from Hitler, instead of his “fight on the beaches” speech.
    Throughout history, have overwhelming forces been rebuffed by a small force that just won’t give up. The US experienced that in Vietnam, the Russians experienced that in Afghanistan, as did we for the same reasons.
    You can’t conquer a people who won’t be conquered. You can kill them, occupy their country, but they never surrender,and fight to the death.
    I have been an admirer of Israel’s ability to fend off the constant Arab attempts to destroy it. However, Bennet is totally wrong, and I wonder if he will “put down the sword” the next time the Arabs try to overrun them. The Israeli people should give that some thought when they go to the polls the next time.

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