According to new information revealed by former CIA officer Bradley Johnson, Italian defense contractor Leonardo satellites were used in 2020 US Election hacking. According to Johnson, Frankfurt servers only hosted partial tracks of the hacking. The operation to recalibrate the hacking attack took place through Leonardo servers and after this switching of numbers the new manipulated data was sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US. This data transfer explains the infamous “glitch” in Dominion Voting machines during the election, according to the officer.
“We must stand up for truth and call for a full investigation”
Another piece of the foreign interference puzzle. The viability of our constitution & our country are at risk.
Italy did it – Arturo D'Elia Admits to stealing election on via @YouTube
— General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) January 7, 2021
Bradley Johnson is a retired Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Directorate of Operations. He has served domestically and abroad with numerous assignments often during periods of armed conflict.
Mr. Johnson is a certified senior expert in Counterintelligence issues with extensive direct experience in the field. He is a senior expert in surveillance and surveillance detection issues. Mr. Johnson has served overseas as CIA’s Chief of Station multiple times.
According to Johnson (watch video below), Italy was directly involved in the manipulation of votes in the US elections.
The intelligence analyst partially confirms GreatGameIndia‘s story regarding the US special forces raid at Scytl headquarters in Germany to recover Dominion’s servers hosted in the CIA Frankfurt station.
The former CIA agent doesn’t deny this operation but he claims that the hacked data had been moved from Frankfurt to Rome, in the US embassy located in the central street of via Veneto.
According to Johnson, Frankfurt servers only hosted partial tracks of the hacking, but the real main protagonist of the attack would have been Rome.
During the election day, something unprecedented in the history of US election occurred.
Suddenly, the vote counting in the key states was simultaneously halted in the middle of the night, when in Italy was already morning.
The hacking operation was in course, but the perpetrators realized that there was something wrong.
At that point, Rome got involved by receiving the data from Frankfurt with a new algorithms.
Therefore, the operation to recalibrate the hacking attack would have taken place in via Veneto, and if this fact were to be confirmed the American embassy in Rome would be directly involved in an attempt to overthrow its President.
Johnson claims that during the election night in the US Rome embassy there was a man from the US Department of State.
The former CIA agent shows in the video the picture of this man, apparently taken by the Italian authorities which were conducting a surveillance operation focused on this official.
This official would have been directly involved in the coordination of the hacking attack.
There is another actor that played a crucial role in this operation and it is Leonardo, an Italian government company leader in the aerospace and defense sector.
Once hackers created the new algorithms to switch votes, they sent “these new numbers back up to a Italian military satellite operated by Leonardo,” claims Mr. Johnson.
After this switching of numbers, the new manipulated data was sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US.
This data transfer explains the infamous “glitch” in Dominion Voting machines during the election, according to the officer.
Leonardo’s largest shareholder is the Italian government, because the Italian Ministry of Economy owns 30% of this company.
Leonardo CEO, Alessandro Profumo, was appointed in 2017 by the former Italian PM Gentiloni.
Mr. Profumo was recently found guilty for committing fraud by an Italian court for which he received a six-year jail sentence.
He was found guilty for fraud in 2015 when he was the CEO of a major Italian bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, a position he held before he was appointed to run the Italian defense company Leonardo in 2017, by the Italian PM.
Therefore, Conte’s government would have played a decisive role in the hacking operation because it would have allegedly provided Leonardo’s technology to perpetrate a direct attack against the US government, concludes the former CIA officer.
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How is it that this came out only now? There isn’t much time to check the validity of it.
Eureka! An honest (cia) man!
Italy, Germany, China, …
Let’s get real here. While fraudulent activity may have taken place in these countries, there is zero evidence the governments of these countries were involved.Vault 7 release showed the CIA can hack into systems to make it look like someone else. Hammer and Scorecard are CIA programs designed to manipulate election results. It is the intelligence agencies of “Western liberal democracies” that control governments, and they operate as one, particularly the “5 Eyes” and Israel, with NATO close behind.
Leave China and Russia out of this. They don’t need to interfere, only stand back watching “the West” commit suicide.
There’s plenty of evidence…. However it’s being refused to examine! Democrats dotted all their i’s & crossed all their T’s… They had plenty of time to put people (Judges) in their just right places.. #Italydidit #contecomeclean
Vice president Pence please get on top of this now.
100 % true They have a few man at the Vatican playing God as it is the Pope He is corrupt and he is communist but worst he is partners with the progress evil Hebrew globalists team He the Pope got in the Vatican with the narcoterrorist cash from Castro Chávez Lula and kitxhners from Argentina Is a big picture and their plan are total evil
Alessandro Profumo, is at the head of leonardo, he is part of the Bilderberg group just like Henri de CASTRIES chairman of the Bilderberg committee in 2012 and member of the strategic board of the “china foundation in 2013”. It finances through a blockstream subsidiary of AXA insurance (Horizons Ventures), a satellite intended for traders and which allows to change its bitcoin into Liquid (LBTC) in a fraction of seconds for an amount of 55 M launched 2015, but horizon ventures Also finances other LEO (low orbit) satellite projects. There is clearly a link between the Bilderberg group and the “China foundation” in the US elections. Find out about the China foundation and the Bilderberg you will find a lot of answers.
You will see the Pope at the center of the “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism” along with Mark Carney and Lynn Rothschild. The dots are now connected.
You are absolutely WRONG. Arrests will be taking place, worldwide.
It’ll get swept under the rug, already being labeled delusion conspiracy before any major media has reported on it. Ive seen more media around the world post this story and just try and google it in the us.
Who are the Roth Childs that are mentioned.
Who indeed…
Considering the government wide hack using SolarWinds, and them not knowing yet how far reaching it is, or how long it has been there, it seems a simple manipulation of our voting machines is child’s play. I do not find it the least bit unlikely, and since our own government is implicated as well as MI6 agents and Italy, or at least Leonardo SpA one of OUR own defense contractors, it seems highly probable. The media silence speaks volumes as well do to the government and outsider ownership or censorship. It seems this is yet another power play, and I don’t think it bodes well for any of us. You think our own govt will let it get out even if it’s true, hell no. Because we would no longer trust them, psshh, like I do now? And if there’s no trust they can’t rule. So yeah , no this will be buried. Like everything else is these days. Unless we did it, then, bam jail cell. Sheesh people, wake up to reality. You are fed only what they want you to talk or think about. They control the sheeple with media censorship, and extreme knowledge dissipation.
Moving forward to Today (Thursday January 14th) the Rush to Impeach President Trump , exposes the REAL FEAR by the opposition. the ultimate goal is the prevention (as part of the articles of impeachment) to restrict Donald J. Trump from Ever holding public office in the future.
The failure of Journalism to even look for the truth is as much a part of the agenda, as the insertion of an algorithm, to alter the vote results.
ONLY IF, the Encrypted DATA, left a traceable “footprint” , can this be proven.
If so, it exposes the CIA, as complicit, in the overthrow, of the Lawfully Elected Commander in Chief.
There is, Existing, an affidavit from the “person” who (allegedly) processed the actual uplink.
I know that unknown guy in the pic! He is Mr. Clean!!!
I read VP Pence was in on it too