In an interview with Tucker Carlson, we get to take a look into Jack Maxey’s extensive work on Hunter Biden’s laptop. In April, the Fox News presenter traveled to Switzerland to speak with Maxey about his findings.

A Look Into Jack Maxey’s Extensive Work On Hunter Biden’s Laptop

On Monday evening’s Tucker Carlson Tonight show, the Fox News anchor presented a portion of an interview with Jack Maxey that was held in April in Switzerland, and he praised Maxey for his tireless efforts on the Hunter Biden laptop.

Maxey is a presenter on Faith & Reason show and a former co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic. He is a Yale University graduate (class of 1988), a former U.S. Navy serviceman, a political analyst, and a historian. In October 2020, while working for Bannon, he was given a copy of Biden’s laptop. Since then, he has been focusing on its contents, giving copies of the laptop to prestigious publications including the Daily Mail and The Washington Post as well as the Senate’s Judiciary Committee.

Carlson traveled to Switzerland in April to speak with Maxey about his findings and conclusions. A portion of the interview was broadcasted on yesterday’s show, providing Maxey exposure and a following on a national scale. During that portion of the interview, Maxey discussed the information he discovered while working on the laptop in Switzerland.

Despite publicly claiming that he had not been involved, Carlson revealed on his show on July 11 how heavily President Joe Biden had been engaged in his son Hunter’s business dealings, particularly with China. Biden, the former vice president, was accused by Carlson of betraying American interests to  Communist China. Hunter Biden definitely benefited personally from several of the dealings with China, according to evidence found on his laptop.

One of the subtitles of Carlson’s program is “Biden, Inc.,” which heavily criticizes the Biden family, particularly President Biden, for using their positions of power for personal benefit.

In Carlson’s words, the Bidens “were getting rich from a foreign power that means us harm. And it is not Russia – which is globally almost irrelevant – it is China, which is now pre-eminent.”  Carlson demonstrated in great detail how the Bidens obtained millions of dollars from Chinese firms that were under Communist Party control. As an example, he used emails that showed President Xi had promised Hunter Biden $10 million annually for “introductions alone,” which, in Carlson’s words, meant “leveraging his father’s position in government to get rich,” which is forbidden.

“This is one corrupt system the Bidens sit atop of,” Carlson concluded.

Carlson claims that both federal law enforcement organizations and all major newspapers are avoiding the truth.

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Carlson claims that both federal law enforcement organizations and all major newspapers are avoiding the truth.

“Because no news organization would take this up and because no law enforcement agencies seem to be completely disinterested – the FBI has had a copy of this laptop for years now and has done nothing with it – it is fallen to people like Jack Maxey to find out what this about,” Carlson said.

Maxey’s former programmer Vincent Kaufman, who worked on the laptop with him in March and April in Switzerland, has begun to publish some of the material of the laptop, including the backups of Hunter Biden’s phone, which is why Carlson brought up Maxey’s name now and aired portions of the interview with him. On his show, Carlson made reference to this fact.

However, the photographs and remarks that Kaufman posted on 4chan, a platform that disseminates anonymous leaks and has a dubious reputation, contain explicit material. Both Maxey and Mary Grace, a web host who yesterday conducted an interview with Maxey on the latest developments, urge people not to peruse such images and anything that could be connected to criminal activity.

Mary Grace said, “do not open it, do not download it, do not keep it on your computer, it is illegal to possess it.” Maxey said that the 4chan website “is controlled by CIA and NSA” as a means of identifying these anonymous hackers.

Maxey stated that he had nothing to do with Kaufman’s choice to reveal the contents of the laptop when he spoke with Grace yesterday immediately following the Tucker Carlson broadcast. Instead, he claimed that he always followed the law and made clear to Kaufman how crucial this idea is while working with him. Maxey describes Kaufman as a “very good guy” with a “good heart,” but he’s still “immature,” “naive,” and lacking in common sense.

According to Maxey, “what we found” on the computer caused Kaufman a lot of distress. Kaufman apparently felt the need to act and released part of the new content because nothing appeared to happen after they gave the new material to many news organizations.

Maxey claimed that he got in touch with Kaufman over the weekend after learning about the fresh leaks and discovering that Kaufman was responsible for them. Since then, he has “stopped communications” with Kaufman, the political analyst asserted, since “under no circumstances can I commit a crime; I will not do it.” He continued by stating that he would never “post pictures of children or anything like that” and has never done so. He cried out, “Remember the victims.” Here, we are dealing with actual individuals whose reputations “could be damaged,” resulting in actual misery. Maxey vowed to never publish any such material. “From day one, I wanted the Constitution to function, I want the courts to function, I want justice to function,” he said. One of his friends warned him that if he shared these images, “you are a dead man.”

Maxey decided against publishing the laptop after cataloging and organizing its content after learning that European laws, which are stricter in this area than U.S. laws, would prevent him from doing so and could land him in jail. Maxey had originally planned to do so while in Switzerland and after cataloging and organizing its content. According to Maxey, if he carried out his plan, he “would be in real trouble here in the EU, and in Switzerland in particular,” as he warned Mary Grace.

Although Maxey’s primary objective—the publication of the laptop—was not accomplished, he did discover—with Kaufman’s assistance—450 gigabytes of erased data that they were able to restore, including 80,000 images. Together with the fact that Maxey had put The New York Times and The Washington Post under pressure by informing them of his travel and employment plans, this disclosure pushed the laptop back into the international news cycle. Because of this, only a few days after his departure for Switzerland, the two most important national newspapers published an article verifying for the first time the legitimacy of the laptop.

In an interview with Mary Grace Media, Maxey revealed that he undertook the task only “for the love of my country” rather than for monetary compensation, and he is urging people to have courage. One of the requests he made on television was for him to locate one brave sheriff in the United States who would be ready to assist him in bringing Hunter Biden to justice for the crimes he has allegedly done, according to the evidence on his laptop.

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