According to Asahi News, a mysterious sphere that is under investigation by Japanese officials washed up on Enshu Beach in Hamamatsu City and also featured a handle-like protrusion that would enable it to be fastened to anything else.

Japanese Officials Investigate Mysterious Sphere That Washed Up On Beach 1

Authorities in Japan have blocked off the area so they may study a metal sphere that washed up on a beach.

According to Asahi News, a local woman called the police on Tuesday to report the sphere. The object, which is characterized as an “iron ball” with a diameter of 1.5 meters, washed ashore on Enshu Beach in Hamamatsu City, the outlet said. While they looked into it, officials promptly blocked entry to a 200-meter radius.

According to Asahi News, the item features a handle-like protrusion that would enable it to be fastened to anything else and is corroded, which leads to the conclusion that it is made of iron. Fuji News Network (FNN) video shows personnel encircling the object with tools while wearing protective gear. The outlet claims that an X-ray showed it to be hollow. By 4 p.m., limitations were relaxed after officials assessed there was no risk of an explosion, although they have not yet identified what it is, according to FNN.

It closely resembles mooring buoys, which are frequently used instead of anchors. Typically, the outer shell of these buoys is made of metal. But, social media commenters made wildly speculative predictions about what the ball might be. It has been compared to spheres from several sci-fi movies, including Godzilla and War of the Worlds.

As the United States shot down numerous other (at the time) unidentified objects this month, including a purported Chinese spy balloon, the public’s interest in strange objects has never been higher. Yet, not all of these objects have alien or even military connections; according to President Biden, the objects that were fired down were likely innocuous research balloons. The suspected surveillance balloon, according to China, was just intended for research purposes.

An official claimed that on average, one balloon flies above Taiwan each month, but that is just one of the army of spy balloons that China has launched around the world.

Most likely, the drama surrounding the mysterious sphere in Japan will have a similarly unexceptional ending.

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