In a preprint, Japanese scientists warn against blood transfusion from mRNA vaccine recipients, claiming that there are a variety of possible complications linked to blood transfusions from people who have received mRNA COVID-19 shots.

Japanese Scientists Warn Against Blood Transfusion From mRNA Vaccine Recipient 1

Even with all the verified fatalities and severe side effects, the American Red Cross still wants blood donors to know that getting an mRNA COVID-19 vaccination does not exclude them from giving blood. Okey-Dokey fact-checker confirmed, that their website states, “True: you can donate blood after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.” In addition to that, the Red Cross insists that “Blood donations from those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 are safe for transfusion,” noting on its website that “like all blood collectors in the U.S., [the Red Cross] is required to follow the eligibility guidelines set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).” That may seem consoling, but putting your trust in the FDA about the COVID-19 vaccines that damage genes has turned out to be a misinformation campaign that flaunts the agency’s hocus-pocus. Thank goodness, Japanese experts are highly concerned about the dangers of receiving blood transfusions from those who have had mRNA COVID-19 injections. In a preprint dated March 14, 2024, the writers caution:

“The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present. Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm–benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible.   

As we have repeatedly stated, the health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them.”

At this point in the conflict, it is widely acknowledged that the genetic shots—which Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna developed—do not qualify as “vaccines” and that using them carries several risks, such as the possibility of post-jab thrombotic events, cardiovascular complications, and a wide range of illnesses affecting all organs and systems, including the nervous system. It’s also common knowledge that blood donors are not sorted by COVID vaccination status by the Red Cross. Given those alarming data, it would be irresponsible to overlook the fact that receiving blood transfusions from recipients of genetic vaccines has actual and substantial hazards. It is not acceptable to ignore this threat. To alert medical professionals to the significant risks involved with blood transfusions using blood products derived from individuals who received the mRNA vaccines, the researchers published an article titled “Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures.”

According to a study published in the Cureus journal, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines caused more deaths than they saved.

The preprint’s seven researchers, who are connected to Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Asahikawa Medical University, MCL Corporation, Kyoto, Okamura Memorial Hospital, Tokyo University of Science, and Kokoro Medical Corporation in Japan, claim that there are a variety of possible complications linked to blood transfusions from people who have received mRNA COVID-19 shots. It’s hardly surprising that blood irregularities rank highly on the embalmers’ list of alarming findings after they examine the departed corpses of persons who had jabs. The article mentioned:

“Although it is unknown at present whether secondary damage is caused by transfusion of blood products derived from genetic vaccine recipients, it is necessary for medical institutions and administrative organizations to respond and investigate cooperatively, keeping various possibilities in mind, because the mechanisms such as the toxicity of the spike protein itself and the effects of the LNPs and modified mRNA on the immune response have not been fully elucidated and are still under study.

It should be emphasized that a significant proportion of the COVID-19 PVS (post-vaccination syndrome) in mRNA vaccine recipients is due to toxic spike proteins, and the inclusion of structures in the receptor-binding domain within these proteins that may induce prion disease is particularly alarming.”

We are grateful to the researchers for emphasizing that the effects on the immune response of modified mRNA and lipid nanoparticles, which permeate the entire body, are “still under study.” Given the forced global clinical trial that is currently taking place and enabling the deep-state con artists to tinker with hazardous mRNA technology to one day include it in everything, including our food, that observation is unquestionably true.

Immune dysfunction is a major concern regarding the usage of blood from people who received mRNA COVID-19 injections. Gene-damaging vaccines unquestionably carry the risk of immunological consequences such as immune imprinting, antibody-dependent enhancement, and changes in immunoglobulin class switching. These occurrences may heighten vulnerability to particular viruses or autoimmune reactions by affecting how the immune system reacts to subsequent infections. Interestingly, the danger of immunological imprinting is probably larger than with traditional vaccines because the spike protein is still detectable in the bodies of injected individuals several months after the injection.

Add neurological issues to the list of extremely dangerous illnesses when blood is tainted by mRNA injections. The researchers noted that “more people are complaining of neurological and psychiatric symptoms after genetic vaccination.” Given mounting evidence that the spike protein generated by mRNA jabs has neurotoxic qualities and can pass through the blood-brain barrier, why would the FDA remain mute on this matter? This frightening incident unquestionably emphasizes the necessity of careful observation and evaluation.

The researchers are advocating for extensive testing protocols before blood donations, which should already be in place in light of the risks that have been identified. These protocols should include screening for immune markers, spike proteins, vaccine components, and potential neurotoxicity indicators to detect any negative effects. Precise legal regulations must be put in place to control the collection, processing, storage, and transfusion of blood polluted by mRNA, as well as long-term monitoring and surveillance to monitor any issues resulting from the use of such blood. The researcher categorically declared that there needs to be increased public knowledge of the dangers of immune-related diseases, blood transfusions, and vaccinations that damage mRNA genes. The researchers noted the complex issue that the lethal mRNA vaccines pose to humanity as well as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) lopsided position (as it attempts to gain greater authority in the event of future pandemics):

“It is expected that the situation will already be complicated because, in contrast to previous drug disasters, genetic vaccination was implemented on a global scale and simultaneously for a substantial number of people. This means, as in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, or even more critically, that there is an urgent necessity for legislation and international treaties explicitly elucidating bilateral and multilateral agreements concerning the management of blood products. These legal frameworks should delineate regulations governing the handling of blood products and establish protocols for governmental compensation and response to issues and hazards associated with these products, including penalties and prohibitions. For example, the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 may be helpful, but given the WHO’s strong push for genetic vaccination, another framework may be needed.”

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