The Joe Biden administration has scrapped its predecessor’s Afghan peace deal to pull all NATO forces out of Afghanistan. In January, the Pentagon had confirmed Trump’s order to cut off US troop numbers in Afghanistan to 2500 troops in total.

Joe Biden Scraps Afghan Peace Deal, NATO To Remain In Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden’s has scrapped the peace deal with Taliban initiated by the Trump administration to completely pullout foreign troops from Afghanistan by May 2021. The militant group assured not to allow the country to become a refuge for terrorists and also conduct intra-Afghan peace talks.

Reuters has reported, citing four senior NATO officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

“There will be no full withdrawal by allies by April-end,” one of the officials said.

The Trump’s order to cut off US troop numbers in Afghanistan to 2500 troops in total was confirmed by the Pentagon in the Mid of January.

This decline came despite efforts by Congress to freeze the withdrawal until a report of assessing the impact of such pullout was done.

Days after the November election, Trump fired Defence Secretary Mark Esper replacing him with Christopher Miller over disagreements on plans to withdraw US forces from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Conditions have not been met, the NATO source said. And with the new US administration, there will be tweaks in the policy, the sense of hasty withdrawal which was prevalent will be addressed and we could see a much more calculated exit strategy.”

For nearly two decades US and its NATO allies have been in Afghanistan invading the Central Asian nation in late 2001 to bring down the Taliban regime.

Reuters’ NATO sources said the issue of Afghanistan will likely be a key topic for discussion at an alliance meeting next month.

Despite commitments outlined by Trump before he left office, an estimate by NATO states that about 10,000 foreign troops remain stationed in Afghanistan, with the troop numbers expected to remain unchanged until after May.

A State Department spokesman insisted that Biden remains committed to bringing a “responsible end to the ‘forever wars'”, but was also adamant about “protecting Americans from terrorist and other threats”.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman told a news agency that the militant group remains committed to the peace deal signed in Doha last February, and doesn’t want to hear any more “excuses” from NATO.

“No doubt if the Doha deal is not implemented there will be consequences, and the blame will be upon that side which does not honour the deal,” he said. “Our expectations are also that NATO will think to end this war and avoid more excuses for prolonging the war in Afghanistan,” Mujahid said.

The NATO war in Afghanistan which is just part of the war torn country’s generations-long conflict beginning in 1978  has cost the US over $2 trillion, and the lives of more than 2,350 military personnel.

Till date around hundreds of NATO coalition troops, over 62,000 Afghan security personnel and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have also been killed in the war.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, after the twin suicide bombing in Baghdad recently, the mainstream media is already laying the groundwork for Joe Biden to increase American military presence in Iraq.

The endless wars brought to a halt by the Donald trump administration may soon begin with the resurrection of ISIS, ofcourse with the tacit support of the CIA and Mi6.

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