The president of the US Joe Biden, is planning to host a second global COVID summit to vaccinate the entire world.

Biden Planning Global COVID Summit To ‘Vaccinate The World’ 1

Despite the failure of the COVID-19 vaccines to prevent infection and transmission of the virus, President Joe Biden is asking for a second COVID “summit” to “make new commitments and bring solutions to vaccinate the world.”

The second Global COVID-19 Summit will be conducted virtually on May 12, according to a statement released by the White House on Monday.

“The Summit will redouble our collective efforts to end the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future health threats.”

The United States, which chaired the first summit in September, is co-hosting the forthcoming conference with Belize as CARICOM (Caribbean Community) chair, Germany as G7 presidency, Indonesia as G20 presidency, and Senegal as African Union chair.

The conference will “redouble our collective efforts to end the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future health threats,” according to the White House.

“We are calling on world leaders, civil society members, non-governmental organization, philanthropists, and the private sector to make new commitments and bring solutions to vaccinate the world, save lives now, and build better health security – for everyone, everywhere,” the hosts said.

The conference will focus on “getting shots into arms” and “deploying tests and treatments, especially for the highest-risk populations,” among other “commitments” according to the White House.

Meanwhile, research from the CDC and the UK government shows that the COVID-19 vaccinations are not only inefficient in preventing cases and transmission, but they also quickly lose protection against serious disease or death, posing hazards.

The vaccines had no effect on overall mortality, according to a recent long-term analysis published in the famous British journal The Lancet, which followed up on participants in the Moderna and Pfizer trials.

The FDA is neglecting its responsibility to reveal significant safety and efficacy problems with the COVID-19 vaccinations, according to a former assistant to the FDA commissioner who continues to serve in an oversight role.

In March, an Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered not to discuss the controversy surrounding Department of Defense data indicating a massive increase in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021 by high-level command.

An examination of CDC data by a former Wall Street executive and an insurance industry specialist, among many other warning signs, shows an alarming surge in excess deaths among Millennials over the past year, coinciding with the COVID vaccine launch.

According to a briefing document provided by the Food and Drug Administration (read the pdf below) in April, the present COVID-19 vaccines’ composition may need to be modified to ensure high levels of protection.

The briefing document is given below:


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