John McAfee was found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona only hours after a Spanish court approved his extradition to the US, where he was facing charges of tax evasion and other financial crimes. However, serious questions have been raised whether John McAfee was assassinated by the Deep State?

Was John McAfee Assassinated By The Deep State?

McAfee, 75, was found in his cell at the Sant Esteve Sesrovires jail on Wednesday evening, Spanish media reported, citing an official statement from the Ministry of Justice.

Guards and prison medical staff intervened and attempted resuscitation, but to no avail, the ministry said.

Investigators have been dispatched to the jail to probe the cause of death, but “everything indicates it could be a suicide,” the ministry added.

Earlier Wednesday, a Spanish court ruled to allow his extradition to the US on charges of evading taxes between 2014 and 2018, which could have landed him in prison for up to 30 years. US authorities also had civil charges pending against McAfee for an estimated $13 million in profits from cryptocurrency schemes.

McAfee was arrested in Spain in October 2020 and held in jail as a “flight risk” pending his extradition hearing.

However, many have questioned whether John McAfee was indeed assassinated by the Deep State. The questions are rooted in statements McAfee made himself.

One 2019 tweet from McAfee, who was known for freely speaking his mind, however outlandishly, warned the former tech mogul was getting “subtle messages” from US government officials that they were going to have him killed and make it look like a suicide.

He even showed off a tattoo, reading “whackd,” which Twitter users began turning into a hashtag, along with #McAfeeDidntKillHimself, shortly after his death was announced. 

The other tweet warned McAfee’s followers that he was “content” shortly after his arrest in October 2020 in Spain.

Most bizarre of all is McAfee’s own explainer on the Deep State and how it secretly controls America.

McAfee’s death also led critics to blast the US court system and his impending extradition to the US.

“Europe should not extradite those accused of non-violent crimes to a court system so unfair – and prison system so cruel – that native-born defendants would rather die than become subject to it,” tweeted Edward Snowden, himself a fugitive from the US after blowing the whistle on the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance. 

Snowden warned that jailed journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is also facing possible extradition to the US, could be next. 

A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America.

6 Responses

  1. ofcourse ! what you think you sleepy optimistic dreaming decent people ! there is an international working deepstate using killers from CIA;FBI;
    MI 6;MOSSAD; SAS; US+UK mercenaries, italian mafia,tshetshenian mafia, korsika mafia since atleast Kennedy murders, Olof Palme; Barschel
    ML King and many more. freemsaonry everywhere connected has its murdererers, even the vatican . there is absolutely no holyness in any stately
    institutions and courts are all corrupt !

  2. ALL of those who are employed by SES (Senior Executive Services aka Deep State aka shadow government) can never be fired and they receive a paycheck, a very large paycheck, up to the day of the death of their flesh. It was Field McConnell’s sister, Marci, who created SES and ALL of what I have said can be found for those willing to take the time to research it.

  3. Lillian Scott Troy-

    The San Francisco Leader on Feb. 24, 1912.

    She discovered that Carnegie, an American, was registered on the voting roles in Scotland (as a British subject). She also discovered that he had been awarded a “dukedom” in 1902 by the newly-crowed King Edward VII. This dukedom was most likely a title in the Knights of Malta over which Edward had just assumed control at the death of his mother Queen Victoria.

    Here is a summary of the Pilgrim’s 24-steps to retaking America in 1912 that Ms. Troy first revealed. [Editor’s note: The original Troy article is missing from the Hearst archives. However, on Aug. 06, 1940, Rep. Thorkelson (MN 1st) preserved them in the Congressional Record.

    1-Diminsh the power of Congress

    2-,only permit pro-British Justices on the Supreme -Court [remember John G. Roberts, Jr. is a Knight of Malta; so is the current president of the U.S. Pilgrims Society, John R. Drexel, IV—Kidder Peabody, now UBS AG (Swiss)],

    3-only anti-Senate court rulings,

    4-marginalize or compromise all Congressmen and Senators hostile to Britain,

    5-allow some appearance of autonomy for show
    6-entangle the U.S. in treaties,

    7-exchange Naval officers and pretend to defer to American officers,

    8-exchange British and American soldiers and missions

    9-send English royalty stationed in Canada to the U.S. regularly

    10-be lavish with social invitations for American wifes and daughters to rub shoulders with titled Brits,

    11-liberally distribute royal honours to Americans

    12-,honour all Americans who promote “peace” (meaning war)

    13′- ostracize woman of men hostile to “peace,”

    14-when the above is done, the King and Queen may visit Washington,only

    15′-British troops will quell disturbences triggered by a royal visit,

    16-distribute titles to the very wealthy, their wives love it,

    17-buy the newspaper editorials or start a new one next door,

    18-flatter educators in the press; oppose (Fourth of July) fireworks on public safety grounds,

    19-celebrate British-American milestones using “peace” themes

    20-,discourage education among the masses, help them love their lowly existence

    21-,discourage Irish immigration by denagrating the Irish chacter and hygene,

    22-annex the U.S. in quartered sections overseen by the Duke of Connaught in Canada,

    23-persistently create bad blood with Germany,

    24-andkeep France off balance with treaties and arbitrations.

    Note the Queen of England regularly hands out knighthood to americans – Bill Gates, John Robert’s Knight of Malta, Kissenger list goes on.

    “Peace “through war [ and profits] is their motto for international enslavement to international bankers.

    The ” deep State” is correctly called the Pilgrims society of UK and sister party pilgrims society USA.

    “The Pilgrims Society is a British-American deep state milieu dining club established 1902. The patron of the society is Elizabeth Windsor.

    In so far as the general public are aware of its existence at all, that awareness is, in all probability confined to its established custom of holding dinners to welcome into office each successive U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom and each new British Ambassador to the United States. There is a lot more however to the The Pilgrims Society than simply hosting the odd old-boys dinner party.

    “The Pilgrims Society” has only a minor entry at Wikipedia – 400 words as of August 2016.[1] This may be a testament to the influence of established power centers and a certain reluctance to upsetting their wish for privacy.

    this July 4th celebrate with fireworks and flags and parades …covid and take over be damned!
    ****18-flatter educators in the press; oppose (Fourth of July) fireworks on public safety grounds,******🥳

    To HELL with the Queen and her virus dead reincarnated husband. 👍

  4. John McAfee’s death – mossad – Florida condo collapse: how are these related. Soon McAfee was to be extradited to USA, he triggered the PC at his Florida condo to expose secret data on certain “CIA” officials who’re actually mossad working for nsa. Mossad “pulled down the Florida condo the same way they did to 911 WTC towers. The condo has many israeli occupants who collaborated with mossad installing the thermite explosives.

    Not a single family member of israeli occupants who claimed to have been buried under the rubbles shed tears on MSM interviews.

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