Kyle Rittenhouse, the suspect in Kenosha shootings was being hunted and attacked by rioters with skateboards, wooden bats, pistols and even Molotov cocktails before the shooting started. Looting and rioting started in Kenosha after Jacob Blake who had an outstanding arrest warrant for sexual assault was shot by cops while brawling. Rioters clashed with militias guarding gas stations before chasing Rittenhouse and attempting to grab him and seize his firearm. According to eyewitnesses reports and video evidence this resulted in the attacker to be shot in the head in self-defense during the scuffle.

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Being Hunted By Rioters After Clashes With Militias Guarding Gas Stations
Kyle Rittenhouse Was Being Hunted By Rioters After Clashes With Militias Guarding Gas Stations

The incident unfolded after a man was shot in the head outside a nearby auto garage. The events leading up to the initial shooting are not yet clear but police fear it may have stemmed from a conflict at a gas station between militias defending local businesses from looters.

Several civilians were carrying weapons during the protests on Tuesday night and Kyle was believed to have been guarding a local car shop from looters or arsonists at some point prior to the shootings, according to videos posted online.

One victim was shot in the head and another was shot in the chest at about 11.45pm on Tuesday, according to Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth. A third man was shot in the arm but his wounds were not believed to life-threatening.

According to witness accounts and video footage, the gunman walked up to police with his hands in the air and his semi-automatic rifle slung across his body just moments after the shooting.

Separate videos that captured the other two shootings showed a group of protesters hunting Rittenhouse as he ran down the middle of the street.

According to Scott Parkinson, Vice President of Government Affairs, Club For Growth, one of the rioters threw a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse prior to the first shooting. During the 2nd shooting, after Rittenhouse trips, he was jumped by several men, including another armed protester, attacked by a skateboard.

Geoffrey Ingersoll, the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Caller confirmed based on eyewitnesses reports and video evidence that the rioters previously incited violence against Kyle, saying “shoot me ni*****”, before attempting to grab him and seize his firearm. This resulted in the attacker to be shot in the head in self-defense during the scuffle.

Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting Sequence in Photos

Cellphone videos from the scene show Kyle with a semi-automatic rifle in a confrontation with rioters following a shooting just moments earlier where a man was shot in the head. Rioters then chased Kyle down the street with wooden bats and Molotov cocktails before one kicked him to the ground.

Kyle Rittenhouse dropped to the ground with a flying kick
Kyle Rittenhouse dropped to the ground with a flying kick

Another man could be seen hitting Kyle over the head with a skateboard before struggling with him as gunshots rang out and people fled from the scene.

Kyle Rittenhouse attacked with skateboard
Kyle Rittenhouse attacked by one of the rioters with a skateboard

Meanwhile, Kyle appeared to fire a shot in self-defense at the man attacking him with the skateboard while he was still lying on the ground. The man who initially kicked Kyle to the ground can be seen running (right) as the gunshots broke out.

Kyle Rittenhouse fire a shot in self-defense
Kyle Rittenhouse fire a shot in self-defense at the man attacking him with the skateboard while he was still lying on the ground. The man who initially kicked Kyle to the ground can be seen running (right) as the gunshots broke out.

After the man with the skateboard was shot another man jumped Kyle still on the ground with a pistol. Kyle shot the man in the arm in self-defense before the gunman can fire on him.

Kyle Rittenhouse attacked with pistol
After the man with the skateboard was shot another man jumped Kyle still on the ground with a pistol. Kyle shot the man in the arm in self-defense before the gunman can fire on him.

A photo from another angle shows the same man who attacked Kyle on the ground holding his pistol.

Man attacks Kyle Rittenhouse with a pistol
Closer shot of the man who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse with a pistol and got shot

As the crowd scattered, Kyle stood up and looked around with his gun raised before he started walking down the street in the direction of arriving police officers.

Kyle Rittenhouse walking towards police offers
As the crowd scattered, Kyle stood up and looked around with his gun raised before he started walking down the street in the direction of arriving police officers.

As Kyle stood-up a man is seen in near the pavement fully covered in black holding a wooden bat.

Man with wooden bat looks on at Kyle Rittenhouse
As Kyle stood-up a man is seen in near the pavement fully covered in black holding a wooden bat.

Kyle, with his gun slung across him, put up his hands and walked toward the squad cars to hand himself in and surrender to the police.

Kyle Rittenhouse surrender to police
Kyle, with his gun slung across him, put up his hands and walked toward the squad cars to hand himself in and surrender to the police.

The shooting of Jacob Blake comes three months after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis which sparked violent nationwide protests and riots plunging the nation into a civil-war. Both the men had a criminal history.

Jacob Blake had an outstanding arrest warrant for sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse. In 2015, Jacob Blake was charged with resisting arrest causing a soft tissue injury to a police officer while pulling a gun at the bar for which he was facing upto 8-1/2 years in prison.

George Floyd went to jail for atleast 5 times and a look at George Floyd’s profile as per court documents reads like a career criminal involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money.

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7 Responses

  1. Nice false image of skateboarder with a pistol. it might fool ma and pa kettle but the shadows and outline are very very bad…

  2. You’re confused, blind or ignorant. I’ve seen this video many times and only The NY Times and CNN claim that semiautomatic pistol is anything but a gun. Try watching it yourself without the media dickfeeding you bulls-it.

  3. By the way, you must mean the so called “paramedic” not the skateboarder. Unless you’re still watching CNN.

  4. Next thing they will claim that the skateboard wasnt real either and photo shopped also because you cant use a skateboard as a weapon their for riding!!! SMH

  5. You post lies. You write lies. Don’t consider yourself a journalist or whatever the hell you want, if not based on facts. The guy KILLED by that MURDERER had a skateboard, yes. But the murdering physcopath already killed somone and people(the2ND VICTIM) were trying to take a gun out of the hands of someone who had just killed someone moments before. It’s on video tape. You write based off of opinions. In 50 years from now writings like this will be shown like NAZI sympathizers works are shown now. You are on the wrong side of history. It’s a damn good thing we have video footage of actual injustice so people that write like you can’t lie or manipulate the future generations on fiction. If someone shoots someone you love while you have no weapon and you chase them down I’d love to see how well you feel then about ” self defense”.

  6. Regardless of their intentions, there was a brutal assault on Kyle that could’ve left him for dead. That’s reason enough for self defense.
    If they were attempting to get the gun away because there was a previous shooting, then they know the consequences of their action is to get shot.
    There’s no justification for the brutal beating because Kyle was heading for police and they should’ve been concerned with the previously shot person if they were so concerned with him being shot.
    You can claim nazi sympathizers all you want. The rioters are the ones acting like nazis.

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