A sinister and dark trend known as “trash streaming” has emerged where viewers pay to watch torture, humiliation and death live on YouTube. Video content creators broadcast their bizarre or dangerous videos live via smartphone or laptop.

A Dark New Live Streaming Trend Where Viewers Pay To Watch Torture Humiliation And Death Live On YouTube

This new trend “trash streaming” has become so much popular that not people watch these dangerous videos, they also send donations to vloggers. Viewers also requests for what the steamers should do next.

Valentin Ganichev was buried alive during one trash-stream broadcast stunt - he survived
Valentin Ganichev was buried alive during one trash-stream broadcast stunt – he survived

In recent months, a mother of three kids was allegedly raped on camera live and a pregnant lady has been killed.

This twisted trend has attracted those people who believe in making money instantly. These people are ready to push the boundaries to grab more attention and viewers.

Trash-streamer Stas Reeflay - real name Stanialav Reshetnikov - was arrested for allegedly killing his girlfriend during a live broadcastCredit: Social Media
Trash-streamer Stas Reeflay – real name Stanialav Reshetnikov – was arrested for allegedly killing his girlfriend during a live broadcastCredit: Social Media

The steamers are seen committing emotional or physical abuse on camera often. Sometimes, they are seen forcing other people to eat fish guts or maggots or doing grotesque acts.

In some videos, participants assure they are willing volunteers, but in some videos they are seen begging their tormenters to stop and screaming for help.

A YouTuber known as Mellstroy was banned from YouTube after hitting a woman's head against a table repeatedly during a livestream
A YouTuber known as Mellstroy was banned from YouTube after hitting a woman’s head against a table repeatedly during a livestream

Participants get together, abuse and torture each other on camera to gain viewers. They appeal their fans or viewers for money, tips or donations via third party money transfer platforms.

A Russian YouTuber Stas Reeflay, (real name Stanialav Reshetnikov) killed his girlfriend during live streaming. He locked her in balcony in freezing temperatures while streaming live video.

Homeless Valentin Ganichev, who takes part in videos in exchange for food and a roof over his head, often looks distressed in streamsCredit: YouTube
Homeless Valentin Ganichev, who takes part in videos in exchange for food and a roof over his head, often looks distressed in streamsCredit: YouTube

He was arrested after he was paid £750 by a viewer to inflict abuse on Valentina Grigoryeva, 28, from his home near Moscow during live streaming.

She was pregnant and the video showed him pushing her onto the balcony of his flat. He told viewers that she was having an intestinal issue and he forced her outside the room so she would not stink.

One of Reshetnikov's guests has a plate of food smashed over her head in one broadcast
One of Reshetnikov’s guests has a plate of food smashed over her head in one broadcast

In another trash streaming, a woman’s head was slammed against a table repeatedly and a homeless guy was buried alive.

Twitch and YouTube, both platforms are used for trash streaming. These platforms block the users who show such content. If they are blocked from these platforms, these streamers use other platforms to upload their videos.

Reshetnikov appeared to pepper spray Grigoryeva as she lay screaming on the sofa during a livestream
Reshetnikov appeared to pepper spray Grigoryeva as she lay screaming on the sofa during a livestream

Russian legislators are trying to ban these streamers and curb the practice. Russia also forces live streamers to register as individual entrepreneurs and pay taxes on donations.

Those who are desperate for cash or need money they take part in trash-streaming.

Valentina Grigoryeva died after being forced outside on in freezing conditions in just her underwear
Valentina Grigoryeva died after being forced outside on in freezing conditions in just her underwear

Valentin Ganichev, a homeless guy, was seen forced to eat fish guts and maggots and buried alive. A vlogger tortured him in return for roof over his head and food.

He was subjected to vile stunts and seen screaming for help. Distressed viewers reported it and Ganichev reportedly said he was a willing volunteer in police investigation.

In a spin-off of the trend, a group of people were moved into a house with cameras in every room
In a spin-off of the trend, a group of people were moved into a house with cameras in every room

The pandemic made it worse and made people participate in it to make cash, gain popularity and get rid of boredom during lockdown.

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4 Responses

  1. ALL of what we witness today which is wicked and evil was planned long ago by GOG/Satan and his horde of puppet masters. Quotes from “The Secret World Government – The Hidden Hand”: “We, the Jews, are nothing but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.” Dr. Oscar Levy of London
    According to Bismark La Vieile of France, it was Disraeli and his patrons, the Rothschilds, who invented the plan of destroying the United States by fomenting a Civil War here and by a foreign attack in 1863-64 by five powers. The Civil War was started in 1861 and the British, French, Spanish, Belgian and Austrian troops were already in Mexico City, ready to profit by the Civil War, staged by the ‘Hidden Hand’, but then Czar Alexander II warned Napoleon III that he would invade France if this coalition helped the Southerners to smash the North. The Czar even sent his squadrons at the disposal of President Lincoln to defend New York and San Francisco. President Lincoln had the right to order this fleet to fight any of the above five powers. Only thus the United States was saved!
    “Japan is invaded by Mohammedanism” (Science of Polit. Foresight). “Mohammedanism is ruled by Judaism” (N.Y. World, May 1 1921) “Japan is worshiping Satan” (Morning Post Aug 28, 1920) “We, the Jews, are nothing but the seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.” (Dr. Oscar Levy of London). “Judaism is Marxism” Karl Marx “Bolshevism is the creed of which contains the very highest precepts of Islam, has just triumphed over an enemy, who was threatening our existence.” (Mustapha Kemal, a Jew, Dictator of Turkey, Aug 14, 1920) “The ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism” (The Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, London). “The colored races will exterminate the whites.” (Dr. Inge of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London)
    “Almost nobody knows that all the so-called Satanic Forces: Pan-Asiatism, Pan-Britanism, Pan-Germanism, Pan-Islamism, are all autocratically led by Pan-Judaism headed now by Edouard Rothschild 5th in Paris, a Judeo-Mongol. I repeat that he and 300 other [Committee of 300] Judeo-Mongols compose the above World Government or the Hidden Hand.” (The Secret World Government – The Hidden Hand)
    “It interests us because the three nations [Russia – China – Japan] are united chiefly in their dislike of the United States. Skilful propaganda has made China think that America represents contempt of Asia’s people.” (New York American Feb 22 1925)
    “Meanwhile the Judeo-Mongols are a ‘yellow’ race and they are aiming to “do the devils’ lust of murder’, as CHRIST foretold it. How can we continually forget HIS warnings when we discuss World problems? Instead of babbling about peace and “Good Will” we must reveal these 300 butchers and check their “Bad (Satanic) Will’! Otherwise, all these ‘peace’ efforts are absolutely useless, even harmful, because they lull America to a state of security and thus encourage her foes to attack. No man would have war, said Senator Hiram W Johnson. No! Except these butchers who are preparing in the United States a revolution and civil war (Protestants vs Catholics; Labor vs Capital; Negroes vs Whites); and a combined foreign attack and disaster, as I said, perhaps even in 1926, unless this book should awaken this splendid nation and the rest of Christendom.” (Hidden Hand)
    “The above Judeo-Mongol Dictators within America can take even here any number of billions in order to finance the assault against the United States, just as they helped Germany during this war. The Hidden Hand is behind all the Socialist, Communist, Bolshevist, Anarchist, ‘Pacifistic’ and all kinds of ‘red’ organizations everywhere. Why? Because its main aim is bloodshed at any price.”
    https://biblicisminstitute.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/the-secret-world-government-or-the-hidden-hand-the-unrevealed-in-history-paperback-1.pdf Page 36 begins the book itself.

    “Christianity is one of the most immoral religions.” Karl Marx Judaism is Marxism. Who are these horde of imposters who took control of the world beginning in 1917 when they entered into both Russia and Palestine – slaughtering Christians by the thousands? Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
    I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. tinyurl.com/matrixofgog God bless you all.

  2. Barney is a sick degenerate who spurts garbage to any moron who would read it.

    He and his kind are the problem with humanity.

    His group will destroy him and his kind….so that is the only justice that seems to exist.

    A propagandist without a brain in his head, like many people.

    He is a goose stepping degennerate that should be held accountable for his sick imagination.

  3. Barney unwittingly raises a valid issue with religious zealots, himself specifically. When a person has used stories and metaphor of religion to explain the world they live in, especially that which would otherwise be regarded as unknown or unknowable , they prevent the development of tolerance and management of concepts and events that don’t have an immediate explanation. This makes them inclined to use more stories and metaphors to explain complex events in simpler terms that comply with their underlying fears and suspicions instead of spending more time examining those fears and suspicions for legitimacy and other more rational explanations. It’s always tempting to assign meaning to things that are difficult to comprehend, so that we don’t have to navigate the discomfort of wanting an explanation and not having one. But the theoretical conclusions , if one must have them , should not be broadcast. They should be kept private to the individual as their own way of coping, not broadcast as fact since under no circumstances do they qualify as fact. It could be argued that such a broadcast of theory infused with subjective certainty , is the real problem and hurts the reputation of that religion.

  4. Religion is nothing, a relationship with Christ is everything , no religious act is righteous in the mind of God unless it include The Way, The Truth, and The Life John 14:6, Jesus Christ Himself.

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