An elderly man in New York collapsed as he was leaving the hospital only 25 minutes after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and died.

New York Man Collapsed 25 Minuteqs After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine And Died
New York Man Collapsed 25 Minutes After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine And Died

An elderly man collapsed and died in Manhattan on Sunday morning shortly after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination at the Javits Center, a health official said.

The man, in his 70s, fell as he was leaving the building about 25 minutes after his vaccination, according to a statement from New York state health commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.

“Initial indications are that the man did not have any allergic reaction to the vaccine,” Zucker said in his statement.

During a required 15-minute observation period following the vaccination, the man exhibited no adverse effects from the jab, Zucker said.

First responders rendered aid “within seconds,” but the man later died at a nearby hospital, according to the health commissioner.

“Public health experts agree, the vaccine is safe, and together with continued vigilance including wearing a mask and social distancing, it will bring an end to this pandemic,” said Zucker.

“I encourage all eligible New Yorkers to get vaccinated.”

Earlier, a nurse collapsed on live television at a press conference soon after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at a Tennessee hospital.

Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover had been speaking to the media about the city’s first vaccinations of front-line health workers when she collapsed.

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5 Responses

  1. After viewing that preceding Covid vaccine “real deal” production, every reader is encouraged to listen to the following two highly credentialed medical doctors who are experts in the fields of coronavirus and vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Biowarfare & Weaponization of the COVID-19 Vaccine (Video)Dr Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine (Video)-source State of the nation

    All of these “vaccines” are still in clinical trial stage ( you are a volunteer test subject and they ( pharma) have no liability if you are harmed or die from it)…phase 111….the ” vaccines” were in distribution areas BEFORE FDA approved emergency use…..what does that tell you?

    We are ALL non -informed due to censorship of speech on public platforms ( with very few exceptions) as seen by the Frontline Drs. Silenced and censored.

    These are expert Drs in their fields and yet they have non Drs on media platforms giving false information.

    America’s Frontline Doctors’ Continue to Misinform on COVID— Notorious physician group has now pivoted to inciting fear about vaccines

    by Amanda D’Ambrosio, Staff Writer, MedPage TodayJanuary 5, 2021

    Medpage is misleading title and her ” story” is not considered misinformation….it’s an information war and people like this writer is just negative propaganda to discourage communication of facts by experts who do have humanities best interest at heart.

    We are living in very dangerous times….Hitlers propaganda minister must be proud of his disciples…


    Watch both videos…very informative-

    These “vaccines” were rooled out to distribution centers BEFORE FDA approved for emergency use. These Vaccines are still in clinical trials phase 111…you are a volunteer subject with no recourse if harmed or die , the pharmaceutical have no liability.

    The products sold as add ons to this coronavirus is a complete control mechanism for behaviour modification ( Dems already saying conservatives need re education…my god just color them ccp).

    In 2020 the institute ( robert koch in germany…which has an evil history with Hitler’s concentration camp experiments during the 3rd reich into “typhus vaccines” at Buchenwald in 1941)…was responsible for publishing contact tracing smartphone apps as part of the German GOVERNMENTS RESPONSE TO COVID 19.( SOURCE: THELOCAL.DE APRIL 7 2020

  3. In 2020 the Robert Koch institute was responsible for publishing co tract tracing smartphone apps as part the GERMAN GOVERNMENT response to co vid 19….

    My other posts weren’t allowed…being censored about factual information…sad.

  4. That went through…try again… these vaccines are all still under clinical trials phase 111…when you get ” vaccinated you are a test subject with no liability to pharma…death or harm is of no consequence to these people and you have no recourse.

    These ” vaccines” were in distribution centers BEFORE FDA approved them for emergency use…

    How can they say its safe when the data is incomplete?

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