A man got vaccinated 10 times against Covid-19 in single day. He got vaccinated on behalf of other people and has been called “unbelievably selfish”. It is still not clear where this incident took place in the New Zealand.

Man Takes 10 COVID Vaccine Shots In Single Day

Group manager of operations for the COVID-19 vaccine and immunization program in New Zealand, Astrid Koornneef said, we are taking this issue seriously and we were aware of the matter, according to the New Zealand Herald.

“We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies,” she said.

Koornneef said, people who had multiple vaccine doses than ideal doses, they should look for clinical advice.

“To assume another person’s identity and receive a medical treatment is dangerous. This puts at risk the person who receives a vaccination under an assumed identify and the person whose health record will show they have been vaccinated when they have not.

“Having an inaccurate vaccination status not only puts you at risk, it puts your friends, [family] and community at risk, and the health care teams that treat you now in the future.

“Medical practitioners operate in a high-trust environment and rely on people to act in good faith to share information accurately to assist with their treatment,” she said.

She added, if someone received a vaccination under an assumed identity, his/her record may not reflect, but it can affect his/her health in the future.

Helen Petousis-Harris, Vaccinologist and associate professor called the behavior “unbelievably selfish” and taking benefit of somebody in need of some money. These kinds of incidents can be harmful if unvaccinated people say they are vaccinated and spread the virus.

She added, the man took 19 shots in a day and may suffer any side effect and may feel lousy the next day from a general response of the immune system.

“We know that people have in error been given the whole five doses in a vial instead of it being diluted, we know that has happened overseas, and we know with other vaccines errors have occurred and there has been no long-term problems,” she said.

She added, taking 10 shots in a day is not ideal, clearing that when people are given higher vaccine doses, they suffer more headaches, pains and fever. It is believed that man who took multiple vaccine doses was paid for it.

A major Japanese medical bulletin study has warned that the risk of dying from the COVID-19 vaccine for people in their 20s maybe 40 times higher than the disease itself.

Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.

According to Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale University, the COVID-19 pandemic was one of fear, manufactured by people in nominal positions of power as the virus spread around the world last year.

Further, a leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”

8 Responses

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  2. No, that’s what the “vaccine” actually does, Lynnthoma.

    First of all, this is not a “vaccine.” Vaccines contain antibodies that prevent disease. This monstrosity is an Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon that will kill EVERYONE who has been injected within 2 to 10 years. Why? Because Messenger RNA contains cytokine storms of spike proteins and prions [Prions cause Mad Cow Disease in cattle]. EACH jab, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, contains 50 BILLION spike proteins which replicate in the human body, fighting the heart, lungs, and brain for oxygen UNTIL THE VICTIM DIES !!! There is NO CURE !!!

    Spike protein “vaccinations” were created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to kill each and every human being on planet earth who is inoculated. This is global genocide. Bill Gates, who is an ardent follower of the Georgia Guidestones [which mandates that there can be NO MORE THAN 500 MILLION people on Planet Earth], gave him justification to go into the Vaccine Experiment Business and quadruple his income. Saint Fauci is deeply enshrined in this conspiracy, along with Satanist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. These are DEMONS !!!

    The worst part of the Lethal Injection is a phenomenon called by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Health Ranger Mike Adams as FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIBILITY, commonly also called “SHEDDING,” where a “vaccinated” person can contaminate an UNVACCINATED person through breathing, belching, farting, sexual contact, or anything expelled by any human orifice, since the spike proteins are microscopic, and by depriving the victim of oxygen, cause myocarditis, pericarditis, anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochrondrial cancer, and DEATH !!! We, the UNVACCINATED, are at risk from being anywhere near the WALKING DEAD who have taken the Lethal Injection !!! Do your research and stop believing these lying monsters in the government and in the media. Both presidents, 45 and 46, are responsible for promoting OPERATION WARP DEATH !!! We need a leader of this Republic who has the courage to come out against the worst mass murder in human history about to be seen. We, the UNVACCINATED, will inherit the earth if we survive the carnage. But what will be left for us?

    Additionally, the blood supply in the hospitals are fully contaminated with “vaccinated” blood. Beware of this before getting any surgical procedure that requires transfusions. It won’t be long before all insurance companies go broke because they can’t pay any claims for medical or death benefits. Hospitals won’t accept you without insurance. FEMA has ordered 562% more body bags than they did in 2020. I wonder why…

    The ”vaccine” is a Suicide Shot. And people should not have to be bribed with donuts and lottery tickets to take it and sign their own death warrant just to please the genocidal globalists.

    Dr. Fauci is a sick, demonic monster who made Gain of Function Research an official policy in Wuhan, China. He needs to be brought before a Nuremberg-style court and tried for crimes against humanity.

    And this is what brainwashed sheeple believe:
    • People who get the shots think they can’t catch Covid.
    • The vaccinated think they can’t spread Covid.
    • Thanks to Lamestream Media cover-ups, the injected masses have no idea that tens of thousands of people are dying from the shots and tens of millions will be dead very soon.
    • Americans were lied to about booster shots early on, and now they’re being told by the genocidal murderers in government, by Big Pharma, and by their own idiotic doctors that they need one at minimum every 6 months.
    • The number of Covid cases is greatly exaggerated by false-positive PCR tests.
    • Nobody noticed that no one is catching the seasonal flu or dying from it, because those statistics are all called Covid or “Covid-related” now.
    • The CDC and mainstream news continue to push mask wearing for everyone, including the vaccinated, even though masks breed bacteria and pneumonia and cause HYPOXIA [deprivation of oxygen to the heart, lungs, and brain], HYPOXENIA [deprivation of oxygen to the blood], and HYPERCAPNIA [breathing in our own toxic carbon dioxide]. For every 8 hours of wearing a mask, your life expectancy is reduced by 15 minutes!
    • All the vaccinated sheeple think that Ivermectin is dangerous but Remdesivir is safe, when it is just the opposite.
    • Millions of people who used to fall for the “herd immunity” myth now still fall for it because they’re being told it’s safer around other Covid vaccinated people. SHEDDING means the effects of the Lethal Injection are highly contagious. Graphene oxide turns your blood to sludge and Graphene hydroxide cuts up your blood cells with microscopic razor blades until you die! And they are the byproducts of spike proteins and prions [causing mad cow disease in humans].
    • None of the vaccinated people know that the Covid shots are 800 times more dangerous and lethal than the smallpox vaccine, which isn’t safe at all.
    No wonder Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Demon Dr. Fauci wants to kill them all. Sheeple are STUPID! But we have a duty to save them anyway and punish the global genocidal maniacs. And that we will do!

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  5. “Medical practitioners operate in a high-trust environment and rely on people to act in good faith to share information accurately to assist with their treatment,”

    Oh, now that’s just RICH !!!

  6. Nah… there’s no duty to save them anymore. If they were brain eating zombies, would you ‘save’ them?

    But actually, they are brain eating zombies. I don’t want them in my society. They censor free thought, they shun free thinkers, and they poison themselves — all for selfish and fashionable reasons. They are worthless consumers who actually do damage to functioning brains. They’re zombies, not sheeple.

    Insofar as we are nominally a democratic society, zombies bring us all down. I hope you’re right about everything. 10 years from now the world will be able to actually have a conversation without the television on in the background, and honesty won’t be frowned upon.

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