Prominent bioethicist Christiane Druml, a lawyer and the chair of the Austrian federal Bioethics Commission says that mandatory vaccines should also be imposed for measles and flu. Druml stated that some immunizations, such as the measles vaccine, are already required for children to attend school in Germany and should be promoted.

Prominent Bioethicist Says Mandatory Vaccines Should Also Be Imposed For Measles And Flu

Druml asserted in an interview that “The Covid-19 vaccination requirement could be the starting signal for a new attempt to better protect people against unnecessary diseases such as measles, whooping cough or influenza – also by means of vaccination requirements.”

“Vaccination requirements” is a euphemism for “vaccination mandates.

The development of combination influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations, according to the bioethicist, who is also the UNESCO Chair for Bioethics at the Medical University of Vienna, is another evidence that flu vaccines may become mandatory in some countries in the future.

“There is definitely a social interest in avoiding unnecessary flu outbreaks,” she added.

mandatory vaccines measles 1

Druml stated that some immunizations, such as the measles vaccine, are already required for children to attend school in Germany and should be promoted.

The lawyer has previously stated her support for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, but only for specific categories such as persons over 55 and employees of hospitals, retirement homes, and schools.

Austria will be the first European country to make the coronavirus vaccine mandatory for adults starting this week.

From March onwards, anyone who chose not to take it will face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,100).

The government is paying personnel to “hunt down vaccine refusers” and handle their penalties via the judicial system, as GreatGameIndia reported earlier.

3 Responses

  1. Without a shot being fired or bomb dropped, these bastards are achieving in a couple of years what Hitler failed to do in seven.

  2. Regarding this fake pandemic and the tyranny it’s creating for the ruling elite, sometimes it looks like sanity will prevail.

    However, the ruling elite still have their controlled media and, as clearly revealed in this article, their army of “experts” to push their twisted agenda.

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