Mask wearing has caused a 364% increase in the number of patient referrals of babies and toddlers, claims a speech therapist. It’s very important that kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth.

Mask Wearing Caused 364% Increase In Patient Referrals Of Babies And Toddlers Says Speech Therapist

According to a speech therapist, mask usage during the pandemic resulted in a 364 percent rise in patient referrals for babies and toddlers.

As per Jaclyn Theek of WPBF News, only 5% of patients before the outbreak comprised of babies and toddlers, but that number has now risen to 20%.

Parents are characterizing their children’s communication issues as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings being its main reason of their severely hampered speaking abilities.

Babies begin learning to communicate by reading lips as early as 8 months old, a thankless endeavor if parents and caregivers suffocate themselves with masks to adhere to the rules.

“It’s very important kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth,” said Theek.

Briana Gay, who is parenting 5 kids but seems to have speech challenges with her youngest, was covered in the news report.

“It definitely makes a difference when the world you’re growing up in you can’t interact with people and their face, that’s super important to babies,” said Gay.

Autism symptoms, according to Theek, have increased dramatically ever since the onset of the pandemic.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, a study out of Rhode Island in August 2021 uncovered that kids conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic have substantially reduced perceptual capacity than their pre-pandemic equivalents.

Forbes recently removed a post by an educational expert who claimed that requiring pupils to use face masks was inflicting psychological distress.

According to a study conducted by Brown University, the average IQ values of young children conceived during the pandemic have dropped by as much as 22 points, with linguistic, motor, and cognitive abilities all suffering as a byproduct of the lockdown.

Face masks and children becoming atomized as a consequence of being separated from other children are two of the key culprits, according to Michael Curzon.

“Children born over the past year of lockdowns – at a time when the Government has prevented babies from seeing elderly relatives and other extended family members, from socialising at parks or with the children of their parent’s friends, and from studying the expressions on the faces behind the masks of locals in indoor public spaces – have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born before, according to a new U.S. study. Tests on early learning, verbal development and non-verbal development all produced results that were far behind those from the years preceding the lockdowns,” he wrote.

Maybe all the virtue signalers who consider themselves to be morally upright for wearing masks will reconsider their actions now that they are directly contributing to the development of serious cognitive issues in infants.

Or perhaps they won’t really care because the mask has become more of a political symbols of status than anything else.

2 Responses

  1. Good morning ! I propose a law for a “Negative Covid Pass” for those who have not been contaminated for 1 year and who have a negative antigen test with renewal of the latter every 3 months. Many unvaccinated are in the same situation as me. So we have never infected anyone and we deserve the “Negative Covid Pass”. I obviously don’t blame the forcibly injected and the people who got infected. Have a good day !

    Bonjour ! Je propose une loi pour un “PassE Covid Négatif” à ceux qui n’ont pas été contaminés durant 1 an et qui ont un test antigénique négatif avec renouvellement de ce dernier tous les 3 mois. Beaucoup non vaccinés sont dans le même cas que moi. Nous n’avons donc jamais contaminé personne et nous méritons le “Passe Covid Négatif”. Je ne blâme évidemment pas les injectés de force et les personnes qui ont été contaminés. Bonne journée !

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