A series of monkeypox outbreaks has prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to call an urgent conference to discuss the virus and its worldwide spread. Critics however claim that the monkeypox games are going to lay groundwork for the WHO pandemic response takeover.
In terms of government authority, the onset of this outbreak could not be better for the WHO, which might very well shortly be awarded powers to handle legislation on global health outbreaks, and which is strangely well-positioned for a monkeypox outbreak just after a recent “germ-games” call, as well as recent incidents linked to figures such as Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates.
“The World Health Organization is reportedly convening an emergency meeting into the alarming spread of monkeypox around the world—including a possible case in the Big Apple,” the New York Post said. According to the Telegraph, the United Nations health authority will convene a conference that will pull together “a group of leading experts” to discuss how the virus has spread so quickly. It will also investigate into the virus’s frequency among homosexual males and the “vaccination situation,” according to reports.
The number of infections is not particularly large. The University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School had counted 245 confirmed or suspected cases worldwide by May 23. “Most cases are mild…” commented UK health secretary Sajid Javid on Twitter.
It is critical that everything happens at the right time. It allows the WHO to demonstrate its worth, as it is currently attempting to gain additional and extensive powers under the guise of controlling global health catastrophes.
At the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, the United Nations is debating a number of revisions to the WHO that might grant its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unilateral ability to proclaim a public health emergency with far-reaching authority over sovereign nations’ laws.
Tedros would not only be able to announce a public health emergency in any country he wanted, based on whatever data he wanted, but he would also be able to prescribe measures to the country in question in response to the UN’s declared emergency. If a country rejects, a proposed amendment would allow the WHO to impose sanctions on it.
If you are questioning if granting such capabilities to a United Nations organization that can not prove its independence from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would violate US law, President Joe Biden appears to have the answer. The Biden administration is not only permitting, but also promoting, this transition of authority to the WHO.
According to AP, the US suggested revisions to the WHO in January, which would be reviewed at the United Nations meeting in Geneva. One of these was an amendment that would allow the WHO to make public announcements about a health crisis without consulting the target country or obtaining local officials’ approval. The CDC would also receive $2.47 billion under the Biden administration’s recommendations for “enhancements to domestic sentinel surveillance programs,” “investments in global genomic surveillance approaches,” and other systems.
“Respiratory surveillance platforms include video cameras and recorders that alert authorities when members of the public are seen coughing or otherwise acting in a manner that could indicate the presence of an infectious disease or help spread one already present in a population. Such equipment is widely used in China,” reports associated press.
Monkeypox, whether or not it represents a significant harm to public health, poses a major threat to public liberty. The virus might operate as a Trojan horse, with all the arguments necessary to provide the WHO dictatorial-style global power and the CDC a monitoring apparatus much beyond anything Orwell could have imagined.
Monkeypox is not a particularly dangerous virus under normal circumstances. According to the CDC, it is transferred from person to person mostly through respiratory droplets that travel only a few feet, thus “prolonged face-to-face contact is required.”
Even Biden is backtracking on his previous claims that monkeypox is a severe threat, explaining that it is not as severe as COVID-19.
Despite its inability to transmit extensively under normal conditions, a global debate on monkeypox vaccines began in 2021, when Gates cautioned of a smallpox bioterrorist attack as a possible future pandemic. He urged world governments to engage in “germ games” and grant the WHO new powers, similar to those that they may soon obtain, as part of a new WHO “Pandemic Task Force.”
Gates also asked for pandemic monitoring systems, which sound suspiciously similar to the modifications suggested by the Biden administration for the WHO’s additional powers.
“It’ll take probably about $1 billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call ‘germ games’ where you practice.” Gates said in 2021, Sky News reported. “You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?”
Despite the fact that Gates only mentioned smallpox once, it was allegedly used to justify additional conversations about a smallpox vaccine that could also treat monkeypox. “Gates Germ-Game Warning Motivates Smallpox Vaccine Discussions,” Precision Vaccinations reported a few days later, on Nov. 8, 2021.
The “discussions” in question concerned a Jynneos Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, which was approved in 2019. It is “the only FDA-approved non-replicating smallpox vaccine and the only FDA-approved monkeypox vaccine for non-military use,” according to Precision Vaccinations.
On Nov. 3, 2021, activity within the CDC started a few days earlier. “The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviewed the two presentations focused on the smallpox vaccine Jynneos.,” it states.
Then, just a few days later, something even odd happened: a “germ game” akin to what Gates planned was carried out.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) collaborated with the Munich Security Conference to envision a monkeypox pandemic. Following Gates’ hypothetical warning, the germ game envisaged a strain of monkeypox that had been manipulated to be resistant to immunizations and was distributed as part of a bioterrorist attack.
The NTI released the results of the tabletop game on Nov. 23, 2021, which revealed the virus’s progress over the span of 18 months.
“By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than 3 billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide,” it states.
The simulation from last year predicted monkeypox would come nearly precisely when it did: in mid-May this year.
The NTI also released a comprehensive report (read below) on its findings. According to a schedule on page 12 of the paper, the first outbreak of monkeypox is expected to infect 1,421 people and kill four people in May 2022. It would have spread to 83 nations by January 2023, infecting 70 million people and killing 1.3 million. At that moment, it would be found that monkeypox had been genetically modified to be resistant to vaccines, making a response more challenging.
It was projected that one year later, on May 10, 2023, it would infect 480 million people and kill 27 million, with the origin discovered to be a bioterror strike on a civilian biolab. By December 1, 2023, the virus is expected to have infected 3.2 billion people and killed 271 million.
Of course, the monkeypox strain they envisioned was one that had been designed to be vaccine-resistant, which is a major caveat with their estimations. Whether or not the exercise is realistic, it provides authorities with a scenario to justify “pandemic response” strategies. And this is not the first time it is happened.
Just before COVID-19 broke out, a similar “germ game” was played, with many of the same players raising fuss about monkeypox and a new “pandemic.”
“Two months before the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 emerged in central China, a group of public-health experts gathered in New York City for a simulation,” according to New York Magazine in February 2020. “The characteristics of the virus currently causing global havoc are remarkably similar to the one proposed in the simulation, dubbed ‘Event 201,'” it added.
The World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were among the participants in the exercise.
The coronavirus “germ game” before the coronavirus pandemic produced forecasts of a mass fatality scenario, similar to the monkeypox “germ game” before the monkeypox outbreak. It was anticipated that 65 million people would die as a result of the disaster.
On January 24, 2020, the Center for Health Security released a statement regarding its coronavirus exercise. COVID-19 would not kill 65 million people, according to the report, because the simulated virus was not the same as the actual infection.
But it was not the intricacies of the “germ game” that mattered, but rather how the game and its participants influenced government policy.
And now we have reached a similar stalemate with monkeypox. A “germ game” simulated the virus’s possible effects by inflating the number of fatalities and infections caused by an artificial variant of monkeypox that was immune to vaccinations. Most crucially, this occurs at the same time as the international community considers whether the WHO should be given authority to manage global health emergencies.
One of COVID-19’s emerging tendencies is that governments may be more willing to utilize a seasonal virus that has already been declared endemic to establish an indefinite worldwide emergency. Small outbreaks can also be used to legitimize authoritarian policies that are not confined to the health-care system.
The CCP is the worst example of this, claiming to be able to shut down entire megacities with single-digit infections. Remember that the WHO was unable to establish its independence from the CCP under the Trump administration.
In addition, medical emergency response is no longer restricted to only medicine. The COVID-19 model involved major changes to electoral processes that jeopardized elected government’s basic integrity, as well as pervasive censorship in the name of combating “disinformation” and “misinformation.” Note that the WHO and numerous UN agencies proclaimed a “infodemic” at the start of the pandemic, requiring information controls and censorship.
The world is poised to hand over the reins to the kingdom to the WHO in the wake of the monkeypox scare. The basis for this public takeover has already been laid, with the bizarre track of “germ games” and inflated statistics by the so-called experts pulling the strings.
Read the document below:
Megalomania indeed