A study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic suggests that taking additional booster shots may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.

A study conducted on the effectiveness of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine has surprised many at the Cleveland Clinic. The organization studied its employees to determine how the new bivalent vaccines stack up against some of the more prevalent COVID strains in circulation. The results weren’t what they expected.

The study’s authors admit their surprise that the risk of COVID-19 increases with the number of vaccine doses you receive. They acknowledge that their testing population was primarily young people eligible to receive at least three doses of the shot by the time the study started. Almost half of the individuals in their study chose not to receive more than three doses of the vaccine, and as per Cleveland Clinic, that makes them risk takers; people who failed to follow CDC guidelines, failed to fall in line, and therefore were more risky with their behavior—leading to the assumption that they would be more likely to contract the virus, not less. Despite all of these “risky” behaviors—things like spending time with friends and family unmasked, going out to social events, and not getting vaccinated and boosted, this cohort was less likely to contract COVID than those in the study who were diligent in following orders.

The group that followed orders was more likely to receive all COVID-19 boosters, were more likely to mask and social distance, and were more likely to follow CDC guidelines to a “t,” thus, the assumption would be that they are less likely to be infected, not more.

And the Cleveland Clinic study isn’t the only one that came to this conclusion. In their analysis, the authors even cited three other independent studies that reached the same outcome; the more shots you get, the more likely you are to contract COVID. Commentary about one of the other cited studies reads: “During an Omicron wave in Iceland, individuals who had previously received two or more doses were found to have higher odds of reinfection than those who had received fewer than two doses of vaccine.” It also references another study that found “…in multivariable analysis, that receipt of two or three doses of an mRNA vaccine following prior COVID-19 was associated with a higher risk of reinfection than receipt of a single dose.”

In 2008, former Democratic Rep. James Langevin suggested falsifying a pandemic to push vaccination.

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