Researchers in Australia projected that more deaths may come from suicides in lockdown than from coronavirus itself, according to modeling conducted by Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Center. Thousands of Australians are expected to take their own lives because of the financial and psychological stress of the coronavirus crisis, far outstripping the death toll from the disease itself. Early look at data from 100 New York hospitals shows that 66% of new admissions related to the virus are people who were at home.

More Deaths From Suicides In Lockdown Than From Coronavirus
More Deaths From Suicides In Lockdown Than From Coronavirus

The model predicts “an additional 750 to 1,500 suicides per year for up to five years as a result of the impacts of the pandemic and economic shutdowns,” the UK Telegraph reported.

The model predicts that the increase in suicides will be much higher than the nation’s coronavirus deaths. The suicides will also affect young people due to widespread closures, with 30% of the newly projected suicides being young people.

Former Mental Health Commissioner of the Brain and Mind Center Ian Hickie said the annual suicide rate could increase up to 50%.

“We are facing a situation where between an extra 750 and 1,500 suicides may occur annually, this in addition to the 3000-plus lives that are lost to suicide already every year,” Hickie said.

These deaths would be because of the psychological stress and depression caused due to lockdown and not from Coronavirus. On the other hand, most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing. It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.

Meanwhile, South Korean scientists in a ground-breaking study has concluded that people cannot get coronavirus twice. They said that the number of reported cases of coronavirus patients relapsing again after overcoming the disease were actually due to testing failures. The results of the study are directly against the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Infact, a vast majority of Coronavirus infected people do quite well.

While the World Health Organization and vested interests are busy pushing cartelized medicine and vaccines, what is not being told to people is that it is scientifically proven that fresh air and sunlight kills coronavirus have been overpowering diseases since centuries – the Cure that time forgot.

Coronavirus lockdowns continue around many parts of the world, with a growing number of experts now questioning the efficacy of the policies, which are now wreaking havoc on the world economy.

For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.

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