The 4th Mossad commander has resigned in under a year, according to the media. The commander has already been replaced. Since Barnea took over as head of Mossad from Yossi Cohen, a top Mossad member has quit four times in seven months.

4th Mossad Commander Resigns In Under A Year

According to Israeli media, an anonymous commander of Mossad’s special operations unit has quit. Following David Barnea becoming the director of the Israeli spy organization in June 2021, he is said to be the fourth high-profile figure to depart Mossad in seven months.

The commander resigned after Barnea reportedly warned him that both he and other officials had become a “burden on the organization,” as per a Channel 13 News report on Sunday.

“Barnea wanted to make major changes to how the department headed by [the unnamed commander] works because of difficulties in operating Israeli agents abroad, and [the commander] did not implement them as requested,” Haaretz reported, adding that the commander’s deputy and “a number of agents also resigned” over the incident.

The commander has already been replaced, according to reports.

Since Barnea took over as head of Mossad from Yossi Cohen, a top Mossad member has quit four times in seven months.

Mossad’s chief of technology, head of operations, and head of anti-terrorism all quit the year before due to a rumored feud with Barnea.

Barnea, who joined Mossad in 1996 and rose through the ranks to become head of the Tzomet Division in 2013, Mossad deputy head in 2019, and then director of the organisation in 2021, has been dubbed a “gadget-loving killing machine” who has apparently sought to return Mossad to a code of utter silence, endangering both former and present agents who talk to the mainstream press about operations.

Barnea, who was designated director of the agency by previous Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in June, picked out Iran as the organization’s primary concern, alleging it of “making constant progress toward a weapons of mass destruction program.”

“Our security challenges are very big and at the top of the list is Iran,” he said.

One Response

  1. Mossad is the criminal enforcement arm for the jewish / Kabbalist mafia. They are a threat to all free countries and free people. Wherever there is conflict and friction you will find the CIA, MI5 / MI6, Mossad and the Pilgrim Society members. Who is John Galt?

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