The number of college academics in the United States blaming Israel for terrorist attacks and propagating pro-Islamic Republic rhetoric has increased considerably in recent years. Now, a University of Denver Professor has blamed Mossad for the Rushdie attack.

University Of Denver Professor Blames Mossad For Rushdie Attack

According to a recent statement made by a professor at the University of Denver who specializes in Middle Eastern and Islamic politics, the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad was behind the attack on Salman Rushdie in New York, reports The Foreign Desk.

While discussing the circumstances concerning the terrorist attack on Rushdie with the host and Iranian journalist Negar Mortazavi on the program “Iran Podcast,” Professor Nader Hashemi provides several explanations for the attacker’s motivations and discusses whether they are connected to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The most likely explanation for what transpired, according to Hashemi, is that “this young kid, Hadi Matar, was in communication with someone online who claimed to be an IRGC supporter and lured him into attacking Salman Rushdie,” she says near the close of the program. The so-called person “claimed to be affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran and could’ve been a Mossad Operative,” the Professor said.

On social media, various organizations and people expressed outrage over Hashemi’s rationale, pointing out that evidence from the investigation demonstrates that Rushdie’s assailant had strong links to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its Shiite Lebanese terrorist proxy Hezbollah.

Hashemi then reinforced his hypothesis by citing Israel’s hostility to the renewal of the Iran nuclear deal, leading interviewer Negar Mortazavi to declare that hawkish influence within Iran and Washington D.C. were also attempting to “sabotage diplomacy” in a variety of ways. In response to the Professor’s words, social media users on Twitter voiced their fury at Hashemi and the University of Denver, claiming that the public institution was bowing to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s propaganda.

On Twitter, Alireza Nader, an Iranian scholar and commentator, shared the whole podcast URL and timestamp when the professor made his remarks. Nader went on to say that Hashemi gave no proof for his explanation, and that his status as a college professor has implications for young American college students.

Other Iranian experts, such as Karmel Melamed, an Iranian American journalist residing in Southern California, turned to Twitter to respond to the college professor’s remarks, branding him a propagandist for Iran’s Ayatollahs to “deflect from their criminal activities.”

Speaking to the Foreign Desk, Melamed said he was “utterly disgusted after listening to Professor Hashemi’s comments on the podcast when he claimed without any solid evidence or any credible facts that Israel’s intelligence agency attempted to kill Salman Rushdie.”

“Sadly, there is a growing trend among certain pro-Iranian regime “academics” in major American universities to spread this vile form of Jew-hatred by hiding behind anti-Israel comments. When they attack Israel, the only nation-state of the Jewish people they are attacking Jews,” explained Melamed.

In response to the outrage shown by Iranian and Jewish Americans over Hashemi’s remarks, Melamed said he frequently speaks and conducts interviews with numerous Iranian American activists and religious leaders who categorically “reject this vile form of Jew-hatred.”

The foremost nonpartisan American organization, Stop Antisemitism, responded to Hashemi’s comments on Twitter by describing the professor’s past in which he has referred to Hamas militants as “moderate,” justified Palestinian terrorist violence, and demonized the state of Israel.

The number of college academics in the United States blaming Israel for terrorist attacks and propagating pro-Islamic Republic rhetoric has increased considerably in recent years. College professors and teachers continue to make anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments against Jews while encouraging or whitewashing the conduct of groups like Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist movements on college campuses that resemble the objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Additionally, pro-Islamic Republic officials like Mohammad Mahallati are employed by American colleges. Mahallati has covered up the Islamic Republic of Iran’s violations of human rights, distributed pro-Islamic Republic messages to students in the classroom, and has steadfastly refused to denounce the regime even now. Iranian activists, human rights organizations, and others have urged colleges to remove such instructors from their faculty while also raising awareness of the situation among college students through protests and social media.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress have called on institutions to clarify their activities in response to the outrage from many demonstrators and stories about pro-Islamic Republic teachers. “The University of Denver must demand Professor Hashemi’s immediate resignation because these types of academics should not be poisoning the minds of America’s youth with any form of hatred– especially Jew-hatred,” said Melamed.

One Response

  1. The only sane policy, for any university, is wide-open discourse, together with enough security to hold protests to a dull roar. Rushdie needed the kind of guards Dave Chappelle has. As for Iran, I happen to like Ayatollah Khamenei, one of few world leaders offering religious counsel. That is not everyone’s opinion!

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