A doctor violated the law by administering COVID-19 vaccines to children without consent, according to a new lawsuit.

Dr. Janine Rethy, chief of community pediatrics at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, is being accused of holding two children in a room until she convinced them to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The minors are both children of NaTonya McNeil, a Washington resident who brought the suit in D.C. Superior Court.

“Ms. McNeil’s two minor children were held in a room by Defendant until she overcame their will and forcibly vaccinated them while physically preventing them from consulting with their mother, who was right outside the room,” the 9-page suit states.

The children were also allegedly provided with “false and fraudulent information” in order to get their purported consent to administer the vaccines.

Rethy told the kids that they had to get a COVID-19 vaccine to attend school and that they could not legally decline vaccination, according to the filing.

The kids gave in when given the false information.

Rethy and MedStar did not respond to requests for comment.

Annual Check-Ups

McNeil took the children to Rethy for annual physical examinations on Sept. 2, 2022.

The location was the Georgetown Kids Mobile Medical Clinic/Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, which is operated by the Georgetown University Hospital, at a recreation center. Rethy is director of the mobile clinic.

McNeil waited outside with her 1-year-old child while the two other kids went inside. But she called her daughter’s cell phone soon after and asked to speak with the doctor. McNeil told Rethy she was outside and available if needed to answer questions or provide information.

Rethy never asked McNeil about any vaccinations, according to the suit.

The 16-year-old child, who attends Dunbar High School, went first. Rethy “came at me with a needle,” the girl was quoted as saying. Rethy, asked what the injection was, said it was a COVID-19 vaccine. The minor said she did not want the shot.

“Dr. Rethy told K.M. that the injection was required for her to attend school, and then injected the needle,” the suit states. The younger child, 14, “also reluctantly agreed to accept the injection after seeing his sister be injected, although he had repeatedly refused COVID-19 injections previously as well.”

“Both children were very upset and angry that they had been coerced into being injected,” the filing states.

Rethy also injected the children with a meningococcal vaccine.

Neither Rethy nor clinic staff provided information about the vaccinations to McNeil or the children, the suit says. Rethy did speak with McNeil, but only told her she was going to call a prescription for the asthma of one of the children.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into the topic, read more about it here.

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