During a committee hearing, executives from Pfizer reportedly suggested that if Canadian MPs vote to order the release of Canada’s COVID vaccine contracts, the country might lose its reputation and foreign investments, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

Despite executives pleading otherwise, Canadian MPs in the House of Commons public accounts committee have voted to mandate the Department of Public Works hand over the country’s clandestine COVID-19 vaccine contracts with Pfizer for investigation. 

On March 23, as noted by Blacklock’s Reporter, executives from Pfizer, while testifying before the committee, made a veiled threat that Canada might lose its “reputation” and lose foreign investments should the details of the $5 billion COVID jab contracts some to light. 

Bloc Québécois MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné said that “Confidential information would remain confidential,” however Pfizer executives shot back claiming that any disclosure at all would constitute an abuse of power.

Canada’s Department of Health signed multiple COVID vaccine contracts in 2021 and 2022 with seven different manufacturers. Those seven included AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Medicago, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and Sanofi.  

After a back and forth with executives, MPs voted that Canada’s public works department must hand over all the contracts for scrutiny.  

The contracts would only be allowed to be viewed by the 11 members of the public accounts committee, behind closed doors with no access to electronic devices or even written notes. 

In an interview, Moderna’s President Stephen Hoge said that he expects its COVID vaccine to be priced at around $130 in the US.

You can read more about this topic here.

2 Responses

  1. Perhaps the interest should not be on what is past, but why the synthetic mRNA vaccines and their ultimate purpose, bearing in mind that these vaccines were purchased under a military incentive and not a medical one. The transport of neucelic acids is done inside graphene nanotubes and the vaccines are made up of 95% graphene in each vaccine injection.
    Studies from the University Of Almeria in Spain conclude that the vaccines + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control.
    NanoGrafi Company (check them out on Google) developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR Tests with nanoparticles which make graphene nanotubes.
    At 5G frequencies of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high energy signal at the average speed of human thought., the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2×10.9m
    Since the writer already knew the 5G microwave frequency in the 10 to 300Hz range, she noticed the curious coincidence of how it cancelled out those precise powers of 10 in the well known wave mechanics formula – which presumably, anyone with an engineering background would understand (beyond me however)
    The average neuron sends signals at about 180 km/h
    When combined, these factors would increase the speed to 432 km/h
    Some humans think faster than others so there is a lot of variation.
    So with the average thought speed of 180 km/h that is, 180,000 meters over 3,600 seconds: 50 meters per second.
    This wave speed of the human brain is achievable for ordinary nanotubes and frequencies radiated by 5G antennas – this is not speculation but science and combined techniques and fits a precise physical formula which is incontestable.
    These graphene nanotubes are injected with the vaccines and act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think, so through these nano particles, 5G antennas can modify the thoughts of those vaccinated.
    Like Robots or Zombies, controlled by 5G Transmissions
    And if the above is true – why was this deliberately done by your government and mine?

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