Nations such as Denmark have halted the booster push for those under the age of 50 as more information concerning the risk-reward analysis of the vaccines has become available. Now, a Trump COVID official is describing the mRNA Vaccine as a biological weapon.

Trump COVID Official Describes mRNA Jabs As A Biological Weapon

Dr. Paul Alexander, a former HHS consultant to the Trump administration, said on Infowars that the mRNA COVID injections were similar to a “biological weapon … that has been released.”

Alexander lambasted Dr. Anthony Fauci and the American response to the declared COVID-19 pandemic throughout the lengthy interview. The two talked about a variety of topics, such as former President Donald Trump, boosters that might never stop, and the harm that lockdowns bring to children.

Watch the video below:

Dr. Alexander told Jones that he believes the vaccine has been weaponized because of the pressure to continue vaccinating individuals despite the major immune-system issues that have, in his opinion, resulted from this.

“I have biological terrorism, bioterrorism in my background,” he said.

Alexander criticized the FDA for authorizing a “new shot based on the Wuhan strain” when it was determined that the approval was supported by research on “eight mice, a rodent study.”

“Eight mice have now decided the fate of the United States … they want to vaccinate 200 million Americans based on data from eight mice.”

Dangerous vaccines have continually failed

Alexander criticised the attempt to vaccinate ourselves out of the declared pandemic, saying, “The public needs to understand that [the vaccine] failed on Delta. It failed completely on Omicron with waning efficacy, near immediate negative efficacy and it is very harmful.”

He enumerated a slew of adverse outcomes, many of which involved children “who have zero risk” of dying following a COVID diagnosis.

“We know of the pericarditis, myocarditis, blood clotting … etc.”

Jones stated that nations such as Denmark have halted the booster push for those under the age of 50 as more information concerning the risk-reward analysis of the vaccines has become available. Furthermore, Danish health authorities advised earlier this summer that children under the age of 18 should not be vaccinated against COVID unless instructed otherwise for a specific health reasons.

Lockdowns lengthened the suffering

According to Alexander, any risks connected to having COVID are dependent on “risk stratification,” with only people who are already extremely unwell or frail being vulnerable to an above-average risk of viral injury.

Dr. Alexander stated that this had been known since “February, March, and April,” and that health officials should have worked to “properly protect the vulnerable in society” by providing “early treatments as needed” while leaving “the rest of society, 99.9%, alone.”

If politicians would have “let them live a normal life,” he said, “and deal with their normal lives, deal with the pathogen, they would have developed natural immunity and we’d have gotten to herd immunity very early on.”

Fauci lied

According to Alexander, who was speaking about natural immunity, infants are born with an innate immunity because of the antibodies they acquire from their mothers, but as they grow older, their immune systems must be developed through social interaction with other children. According to him, Fauci’s allegedly “duplicitous” comments on vaccinations and innate immunity were a major factor in the harm done to children.

“He knew that children are very, very important players in the immunological landscape, and that if you vaccinate children with these vaccines, we run the risk of subverting the innate response that could devastate the response,” Alexander said.

“Anthony Fauci lied every time he stated that natural immunity was inferior … he knew better than that, he knew that natural immunity was superior.”

Alexander added that he thought the widespread administration of the experimental vaccine to children had contributed to the recurrence of polio and hepatitis. According to him, they are “diseases and illnesses they did not have before.”

Trump was great but had a blind spot

Dr. Alexander told Jones that he believed that Trump will “go down as probably one of the greatest presidents the United States has ever had,” but that he was “badly misled by Fauci, Birx, that whole cabal.”

“They devastated his presidency,” he added. “I don’t fault President Trump, I think he’s the best thing on deck today. He must stand up, though.”

“He has to stand up today and state clearly that those lockdowns were the wrong move. He took bad guidance from folks … he must stand up against these COVID gene injections … we need his voice, particularly to protect the children.”

More harm than good

Alexander concluded the discussion by asserting that Pfizer acted “fraudulently” by “claiming 95% relative risk reduction” in clinical studies for the big-pharma company’s mRNA jab.

“When Pfizer submitted the data to the FDA for approval, they actually had data that they omitted 3,000 subjects … When we ran the numbers, that 95% risk reduction dropped to under 20%. In other words, it was not meeting the 50% threshold that was set.”

His remarks corroborate what the Canadian COVID Care Alliance said in their own analysis of the Pfizer COVID vaccines, in which they also questioned the assertion that the vaccine provided a 95% risk reduction.

Watch the video below:

2 Responses

  1. What surprises me more than anything about this whole ordeal, from the “original released spike bioweapon” to the exact computer construct genome “pharmaceutical spike bioweapon” is how so many people were deceived; likewise, allowed themselves to be coerced into taking the injection.

  2. Rand Paul and Robert Kennedy have been calling out fauci since day 1.


    Neither they or any district attorney or any lawyer have sued him.

    They can. Can’t they?

    Surely they can initiate a case and put him and others like him in jail.

    Other than saying things everyone knows they’re not doing anything. Though they have the legislative powers.

    So they too are just controlled opposition.

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