Long mysterious blood clots are being observed inside corpses as of late. An embalmer said that right now, clots are present in between 50% and 70% of the bodies he examines.

Long Mysterious Blood Clots Observed Inside Corpses

Numerous huge, and occasionally extremely long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots have been found inside the bodies that embalmers around the nation have been treating, and they are now speaking out about their discoveries.

The media received confirmation from numerous embalmers from various states that they began noticing these unusual clots in 2020 or 2021.

It is currently unknown what is causing the new clot phenomena, whether it is COVID-19, vaccinations, both, or something else entirely.

Additional footage and pictures of the strange clots were sent to the press, but the level of gore prevented them from being uploaded.

In August, Mike Adams, who operates a Texas laboratory with ISO-17025 accreditation, examined clots and discovered that they were deficient in iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Adams’ lab employs inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to analyze food for metals, pesticides, and glyphosate.

“We have tested one of the clots from embalmer Richard Hirschman, via ICP-MS. Also tested side by side, live human blood from an unvaccinated person,” Adams told The Epoch Times.

He discovered that the clots are deficient in essential components of normal human blood, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, indicating that they are not made of blood.

Adams is combining analytical efforts with more physicians and intends to purchase equipment out of their own pockets in order to better understand their makeup and likely cause.

The size of the string-like formations varies, but the largest can be as lengthy as a human leg and as thick as a pinky finger.

Drastic Increase in Clots

Richard Hirschman, an Alabama-licensed funeral director and embalmer, described working in the industry after the 9/11 attacks.

“Prior to 2020, 2021, we probably would see somewhere between 5 to 10 percent of the bodies that we would embalm [having] blood clots,” Hirschman told The Epoch Times.

“We are familiar with what blood clots are, and we’ve had to deal with them over time,” he said.

He claims that right now, clots are present in between 50% and 70% of the bodies he examines.

“For me to embalm a body without any clots, kind of like how it was in the day, prior to all of this stuff … It’s rare,” Hirschman said.

“The exception is to embalm a body without clots,” he noted.

Clot Analysis

According to Adams’ findings, the chart below depicts the differences between unvaccinated blood and the clot examined using ICP-MS.

ElementBlood  (Unvaccinated)Clot
Mg (Magnesium)35 ppm1.7 ppm
K (Potassium)1,893 ppm12.5 ppm
Fe (Iron)462 ppm20.6 ppm
Cu (Copper)1 ppm0.3 ppm
Zn (Zinc)7.9 ppm2.4 ppm
Al (Aluminum)1.3 ppm1.6 ppm
Na (Sodium)1,050 ppm1,500 ppm
C (Carbon)137,288 ppb152,845 ppb
Ca (Calcium)74 ppm23.8 ppm
Sn (Tin)163 ppb943 ppb
Cl (Chlorine)930,000 ppb290,000 ppb
P (Phosphorus)1,130 ppm4,900 ppm

“Notice that the key elemental markers of human blood such as iron are missing in the clot (which is just at 4.4 percent of blood). Similar story with magnesium, potassium, and zinc. These are clear markers for human blood. Live human blood will always have high iron, or the person would be dead. These clots have almost no iron, nor magnesium, etc.,” Adams told the media.

Cardiologist Wade Hamilton, who is knowledgeable about clots, stated: “The fact that the magnesium, potassium, and iron are very low in the samples could suggest that they are not the usual post-mortem clots, that in fact there was no blood flow in these vessels. These structures raise but do not totally answer some interesting questions.”

“The combination of the low electrolytes and the novel very strong string-like structures suggests that these areas where the string-like structures are seen in the blood vessels did not receive circulation. They are not ‘normal’ post-mortem findings according to experienced embalmers bent on obtaining total body vascular access from one site, which because of the unusual ‘clots,’ they were unable to do,” he added.

“They are not normal post-mortem clots but rather the long tiny strings may have been etiologic in the deaths, preventing circulation to those regions. Others have shown that the spike protein can and does unfold and form a different configuration, contributing to tight string-like bonded structures with longitudinal twisting as well as cross binding, visible by microscopy, each one measuring angstroms in diameter—it takes 254,000,000 angstroms to make an inch—a typical capillary is around 5 microns, so many strings are needed to occlude a vessel.”

Additionally, embalming has become considerably more challenging, necessitating the use of several points rather than a single one for certain embalmers to drain the blood.

‘Never Seen’ Before

“In 20 years of embalming, I had never seen these white fibrous structures in the blood, nor have others in my field. In the past year, I have seen these strange clots in many different individuals, and it doesn’t seem to matter what they die of, they often have similar substances in their blood. This makes me very concerned because if something is wrong in the blood, it begs the question: is something causing people to die prematurely?” Hirschman said.

“As the summer [of 2021] went on, COVID deaths were on the decline, but these clots were increasing in number. My suspicion is that the vaccine may be the cause of these strange clots. I realize that I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist, but I do know what blood looks like and I am very familiar with the embalming process that I have been doing for two decades. I do not know 100 percent what causes these clots, but I do know from my experience and through speaking with several other embalmers and funeral directors none of us had seen this strange clotting before.”

Hirschman believes that some pathologists “overlooked” the clots after he sent them to them, most likely out of concern for retaliation.

He is quite familiar with blood and has embalmed thousands of bodies, but he believes that the blood of the majority of the bodies he has seen over the past two years “has changed.”

Hirschman is not worried of losing his job since he is a trade embalmer and not employed by a funeral home, but he is also wary about disclosing where he works.

“They’re not even dead from COVID. They’re dying of sudden heart attacks, strokes, cancers. It doesn’t seem to matter what these people die of nowadays, so many of them have the same anomalies in their blood.”

“The blood is different. Something is causing the blood to change. And the whole purpose of me trying to come out was to try to say: look, something’s wrong. Let’s figure out what it is so that maybe we can find a way to help break this stuff down and save people’s lives,” Hirschman said.

“If it’s not the vaccine, fine! What is it? Let’s figure it out, because something is causing it and it can’t be healthy.”

Vaccination Status

Hirschman has worked tirelessly to determine whether the bodies of the people with clots had been immunized despite not always being able to speak to the families.

The funeral home occasionally knows the deceased person’s vaccination status and informs him; other times, the person may have gotten vaccinated but did not inform the family.

“I had a 49-year-old, was totally healthy getting ready for work, collapses dead. Next thing you know, I’m embalming him, and guess what I’m pulling out of him? The same stuff. Same stuff! He was totally fine, totally healthy. Shocked everybody. Find out, oh, yeah. Not only was he vaccinated, he was boosted,” Hirschman recalled.

He also claimed to have discovered the “same stuff” in a man who died of cancer after having a stroke while sleeping.

“I spoke with an embalmer in Louisiana and she said the same thing,” Hirschman said. “Sometimes they’re not huge, there are other varieties of anomalies, some of them were small, sometimes they’re little specks, like pieces of sand or coffee grounds.”

Hirschman highlighted the following details about bodies he has embalmed in recent years:

Other Embalmers

Wallace Hooker is a distinguished embalmer who teaches both domestically and internationally. He is well-known on social media, particularly on some private embalming websites.

Hooker handles roughly 300 bodies every year and has seen several clots similar to Hirschman’s.

He told the media that “people are seeing these [clots], it’s just not Richard and me and Anna [Foster],” another embalmer.

“I have people sending me photos almost every week of what they’re seeing,” Hooker said.

Some individuals dismissed him after he indicated that he felt the vaccinations had something to do with the clots, claiming that he was not a qualified doctor to speak on the cause.

Hooker also believes that the so-called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome may be linked to these clots.

Hooker resides in a conservative, rural location where, according to his observations, relatively few people have been vaccinated than in big cities.

“At least 25 percent of what I was embalming would display a significant amount of clotting,” Hooker said.

He also mentioned that certain embalmers with less expertise may not identify the clots after draining, and pathologists who perform autopsies on bodies may not thoroughly examine the vascular system.

“Some embalmers are not being thorough embalmers. Many work for corporate firms that absolutely do not allow a cell phone in the embalming room. They do not allow photos to be taken, and it’s grounds for immediate dismissal. I’ve talked to these people that work for these firms,” he further stated.

Anna Foster, a licensed funeral director from Missouri, noted that once the COVID pandemic began, she began noticing more frequent and larger clots.

“I often sit with the families to make the arrangements. Families tend to tell us about the lead-up to the individual’s death, and knowing I embalmed the person the night before led me to keep track of these cases,” Foster said.

“In the beginning, none had ever been diagnosed with COVID, but they had all been vaccinated. Later, a couple had had COVID but not recently, and they were also vaccinated,” she continued.

“Most of the individuals I embalmed and saw these changes were over the age of 75 and lived in nursing facilities, except for two men in their early fifties. One of these men was a friend of ours, and he had the vaccination, and after his second dose, he began to feel ill. His wife took him to their family doctor, and the doctor immediately sent him to the ER because he was showing signs of a thrown clot or a heart attack. He went into cardiac arrest while transferring, and he died shortly after. He was embalmed right after death, and the clotting was by far unexplainable, and this is when I began to feel very concerned about this vaccination and canceled my thoughts of receiving the vaccination myself,” Foster said.

In one instance, she extracted clots measuring 2 feet in length and “several more” measuring at least 12 inches from the same person.

“I know before the vaccination, my embalming cases did not have the amount of clotting I see now, and very rarely would you find many with fibrin attached; now, it is at least ten times the amount, if not more,” she said.

Strange Clots

Larry Mills, an Alabama licensed embalmer and funeral director, has been working in the funeral industry since 1968 and has been engaged with the embalming process since the start of his career.

“We as embalmers are seeing some strange clots since the COVID outbreak. These clots are very rubbery feeling and very long as they exit the veins that we use during the embalming procedure. They really appear to be like earthworms. I have never seen this in my career until now,” Mills said.

Other funeral directors and embalmers preferred anonymity because they were unsure how the funeral homes would respond.

“I can tell you with certainty that the clots Richard has shown online are a phenomenon that I have not witnessed until probably the middle of last year. That is pretty much all I have to say about it. I have no knowledge as to what is causing the clots, but they did seemingly start showing up around the middle of 2021,” another embalmer, licensed since around 2001, told the media.

“You can rest assured that the clots we are seeing are not something we ever saw prior to last year,” he added.

Over 200 embalmings have been performed by a certified funeral director and apprentice embalmer who has been in the funeral business for over three years.

“During May of 2021, the embalming process became more difficult. The normal draining of the blood was almost halted by thick, jelly-like blood. Instead, of the blood flowing normally down the table, it was very viscous. So thick, that it would not wash down the table without assistance,” she told The Epoch Times.

She has noticed more “thick blood” and “thick, fibrous-like clots” throughout the course of the time since the immunizations were given out.

Clots are clogging not just the veins but also the arteries.

She stated that traditional embalming takes about two hours, but it might now take as long as four hours.

“The distribution of the arterial fluid is being blocked by these clots and making my job more difficult. The clots are so large and thick that with the flow of arterial solution, massage and manipulation of the artery or vein is necessary for removal,” she continued. “I am able to assist some of the large clots with forceps.”

“Many families have reported their loved one’s death as a sudden heart attack, embolisms, and blood clots. Many families have stated, that their family members had no health issues prior to receiving the vaccine. I myself am vaccinated, as well as my parents. My father was vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, two weeks later he had emergency surgery for blood clots in his popliteal artery. After his second vaccine dose, he was hospitalized with more clots, he had surgery a second time, and the third time he almost died. My father had to have a complete bypass in his leg,” she said.

“During my father’s hospitalization, my best friend’s father was having emergency surgery at the same hospital for a massive heart attack, which he suffered weeks after receiving his vaccine.”

“My father now suffers from nerve damage and loss of usage in his leg. After my mother received her Moderna vaccine, she has suffered complications of heart valve failure, and surgery for blood clots in her arteries. I have been diagnosed, with pericardial effusion of the tricuspid valve and I also have myocarditis. I started having sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, and it has progressively become worse. I went to the emergency room and followed up with a cardiologist, who diagnosed me. My blood pressure is at an all-time high. I was a very healthy person until I received the Moderna vaccine,” she added.

Four other embalmers verified over the phone that they had seen unusual clots.

Possible Explanations: Doctors

Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who has been seeing abnormalities in pregnant women and fetuses, told The Epoch Times, “the very large blood clots that are being removed before and after death are unlike anything we have ever seen in medicine.”

“The COVID-19 vaccine diverts energy away from the physiologic processes in the body towards the production of the toxic spike protein,” Thorp said. “This directs energy away from the normal process of internal digestion also known as autophagy. This results in protein misfolding and propagation of large intravascular blood clots and also a variety of related diseases including prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, amyloidosis, and dementias including Alzheimer’s and others. While it is possible that COVID-19 illness in itself could potentially contribute to these diseases, it is unlikely and if so the effect of the vaccine would be 100- to 1,000-fold greater than that of COVID-19 disease.”

Figure 1 Proper 3D conformation of a protein is dependent on available energy in the cellular milieu. Protein misfolding is more likely to occur during periods of impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress. (Courtesy of James Thorp)

Hamilton added: “Another possible explanation of the low electrolytes is that they have been taken up and bound to the toxin as part of a failed process to get rid of the ‘toxin,’ as when Vitamin B-12 is lowered in patients on anti-psychotic medications as the body attempts to get rid of the medication, bound to B-12 as a step in elimination. Every toxin has to be bound to an electrolyte to leave the body.”

Hamilton believes that the massive accumulation of these strings with “nearly the strength of steel” could have resulted in multi-organ failure and death.

“The term amyloid has previously been employed to describe a number of pathological conditions in diseased organs and is the cause of death in the rare genetic condition amyloidosis. It is never normal. Whether a partial accumulation of thousands of the string-like structures can cause fatigue based on decreased blood flow, brain fog, or sudden adult death is speculative, but certainly possible,” Hamilton said.

“The pathologists will need to do more detailed examinations than are routinely done to answer this question. This process, for example, could lead to an acute myocardial infarction with enzyme elevation in a young soccer player with no gross anatomical findings.”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has studied vaccination adverse responses for over three decades, believes the clots are caused by amyloid proteins as well.

“It appears the answer is coming directly through that needle. Spike protein disease, leading to the deposition of amyloid in organs and filling up arteries and veins,” Tenpenny stated.

“The spike protein also interacts with platelets and fibrinogen, interfering with blood flow, also leading directly to hypercoagulation. When the spike protein was mixed with other blood proteins, the combined amyloid-like structure was resistant to the enzymes that would normally break down the clot (called impaired fibrinolysis),” she added.

“This leads to the persistence of a voluminous number of microclots in small blood vessels throughout the body called capillaries. Millions of these tiny clots effectively block the passage of red blood cells into tissues, decreasing oxygen exchange and leading to multiorgan system failure.”

One Response

  1. VAX – – (noun) an injection denoted as always ‘ unsafe and ineffective ‘ as spoken of by Steve Kirsch . …….. … shalom to all

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