The mortality rate for infants under one year old in Scotland has reached its highest in ten years. Now, Scotland is set to investigate the mysterious newborn deaths.

Scotland To Investigate Mysterious Newborn Deaths

The number of newborn infant fatalities in Scotland will be the subject of a study.

After two surges within a six-month period, the Scottish government mandated a review of the infant death rates. The magnitude of both surges exceeded what would be predicted.

In March, at least 18 infants under four weeks of age passed away. That followed a September last year in which at least 21 infants perished.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland will conduct the assessment.

It will cover all recorded infant fatalities between April 2021 and March 2022 and is anticipated to take six to nine months.

The average neonatal death rate is little more than two per 1,000 births.

At least 21 newborns under four weeks old died in September 2021, with a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births. In March, at least 18 children died, which is the equivalent of 4.6 deaths per 1,000 births.

Marie Todd, Minister of Public Health, stated: “Every death is a tragedy for the families involved, that is why earlier this year I committed to this review to find out if there is a reason for the increase.

“I appreciate how difficult this time is for anyone affected and I would encourage them to access support if they wish to do so.”

She also mentioned that information on organizations and assistance was accessible on the National Bereavement Care Pathways Scotland and Scottish government websites.

Ms Todd stated that any findings would be used to provide suggestions and actions to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies.

A preliminary assessment determined that the September surge was unrelated to Covid.

The high levels were the first that had been observed since this type of surveillance commenced in July 2017.

Meanwhile, it was revealed in June that there would be 3.9 infant fatalities for every thousand live births in 2021, up from 3.1 the previous year.

According to the data, the mortality rate for infants under one year old in Scotland has reached its highest in ten years.

2 Responses

  1. 6 to 9 months Assessment . How many more babies will die in that time
    Assess there Covid injections while they are at it

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