Strange packages of unsolicited mysterious seeds disguised as jewelry has been sent to people in multiple American states directly from China. The seeds are from China, but why are they being supplied and distributed, unsolicited? Last month, China was caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples – a common practice used by smugglers for contraband trafficking.

Americans Receive Packages Of Mysterious Seeds From China Disguised As Jewelry
Americans Receive Unsolicited Mysterious Seeds From China Disguised As Jewelry

Unsolicited Seeds from China

The residents of Washington, Utah and Virginia have received small packages, they didn’t order. People are clueless about who could be circulating these seeds. The seeds are however being sent in mail and the location from which this distribution is happening is China, officials said.

On Friday, the Washington State Department of Agriculture said, “Today we received reports of people receiving seeds in the mail from China that they did not order.”

“The seeds are sent in packages usually stating that the contents are jewelry. Unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock.” This was a surprising and mysterious way of distributing such enigmatic thing.

Agricultural Smuggling

The Washington State Department of Agriculture received reports of people saying they were delivered mysterious seeds in their mailbox coming from China, which they didn’t order.

As of now, the seeds mostly come in closed packages and people should not attempt to open the packages, officials said. This activity should be reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for agricultural smuggling.

“Invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops,” the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said in a statement on Friday. “Taking steps to prevent their introduction is the most effective method of reducing both the risk of invasive species infestations and the cost to control and mitigate those infestations.”

Disguised as Jewelry

Lori Culley, who lives in Tooele, Utah, told Fox 13 that she found two small packages in her mailbox Tuesday. These two had Chinese writing on them.

Culley tells the news station, “I opened them up and they were seeds,” . “Obviously they’re not jewelry!”

Fox 13 reports that in Utah, at least 40 people had received mysterious seeds, coming from China. The exact number for Virginia and Washington was not known, but the officials said there were ”several.”

Chinese smuggling on the rise

Last month, China was caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts into Louisville by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The shipment arriving from Shenzhen, China, and destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida was seized on May 22. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples – a common practice used by smugglers for contraband trafficking.

Earlier, in February, Indian intelligence caught  China secretly shipping nuclear arms to Pakistan. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company COSCO blacklisted by the Americans last year. Sources in Coastal intelligence told GreatGameIndia the intercept was based on a tip-off from the Americans who were monitoring the entire fleet of the shipping line believed to be a front of Chinese intelligence.

These mysterious shipments from Chinese smugglers has been caught at a time when the United States of America has been caught in the grip of a civil-war. The issue is complicated by the fact that the group leading the civil-unrest movement, the Black Lives Matter has direct ties to known terrorists.

Numerous Black Lives Matter organizers have ties to extremist movements of the past, and are not some brand new movement simply fighting for marginalized people today. Black Lives Matter has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm.

Meanwhile, confidential documents have uncovered that Open Society Foundations, an organization established by George Soros is funding $220 million to BLM (Black Lives Matter) style groups focused on ‘Racial Justice’. The public records disclosed that Soros will double his 2016 election’s expenditures to defeat Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.

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