NATO has been expanding eastward in Europe for years, despite commitments issued to the Soviet leaders. But this shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place as NATO should have been dissolved back in 1991 because the threat of Soviet Union ceased to exist.

NATO Should Have Been Dissolved In 1991

According to China’s Foreign Ministry, NATO should have already been disbanded after the USSR, which it was formed to counterbalance, ceased to exist.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for the Chinese government, bemoaned the notion that the US-led military bloc alternatively grew and encircled Russia, resulting in the current bloodbath in Ukraine.

While prompted regarding comments issued by his Russian counterpart, Maria Zakharova, on NATO’s position as a US geopolitical instrument, she stated during a daily media briefing on Friday, “As a product of the Cold War, NATO should have become history when the Soviet Union disintegrated.”

According to Zhao, NATO has been expanding eastward in Europe for years, despite commitments issued to the Soviet leaders. As a result, NATO was “the initiator and biggest promoter of the Ukraine crisis” for pushing Russia “into a corner step by step” on account of the US, he said, emphasizing that perhaps the group should ponder on what specifically it provides to European security.

The danger presented by NATO’s insidious encroachment into Ukraine was mentioned by Moscow as a major cause for the country’s action in late February. Whilst it denounced the usage of military action to resolve the problem, Beijing concurred with the rationale.

China has blamed Western countries of exacerbating hostilities with Russia, claiming that their failure to tackle Moscow’s genuine safety issues is the root of the situation. It has declined to endorse the sanctions against Russia, claiming that they are unconstitutional and ineffective of settling issues.

China has been condemned of being on the “wrong side of history” in Ukraine by the US and its allies, who have threatened Beijing with sanctions if it continues to assist Russia’s military effort.

After Ukraine’s inability to execute the provisions of the Minsk accords made in 2014, and Russia’s subsequent acknowledgment of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk, Moscow launched an offensive on the neighboring country. The German and French sponsored Minsk Protocol was aimed to normalize the standing of the regions inside the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now urged that Ukraine announce itself a neutral country which will never enlist the NATO military alliance led by the United States. Kiev believes the Russian invasion was unjustified and refutes suggestions that it planned to seize the two republics by force.

One Response

  1. A desintegração (derrota) de Varsóvia não obriga a desistência da NATO que é integrada por critérios de soberania. Muito pelo contrário falta à ONU mecanismos que possibilitem a alguns membros o recurso aos argumentos de cem anos atrás, A Coreia do Norte não pertence formalmente a um grupo mas é claramente instigada por grupos quase anónimos. Se a motivação de Putin é a NATO, ataque esta e não um provável membro.

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