Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger and 10 other members of the House of Representatives late last week introduced the “Natural Immunity Is Real Act” as an alternative to vaccination.

‘Natural Immunity Is Real Act’ Introduced As An Alternative To Vaccination By Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger

There is plenty of evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have protection against reinfection, Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) said.

“There’s ample scientific studies that show that natural immunity is absolutely one of the best things you could have—and some studies even show that it’s more effective [than vaccination],” Harshbarger said during a recent appearance on NTD’s “Capitol Report.”

Natural immunity refers to post-recovery antibodies that shield people against reinfection of the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19.

Multiple studies have indicated that natural immunity among past COVID-19 patients is strong and similar or superior to the protection from COVID-19 vaccines. Some experts have pushed for federal health officials to take natural immunity into account when issuing recommendations and rules.

According to researchers some people have hit Genetic Jackpot with Superhuman Immunity against COVID-19. They are also capable of fighting off present and future variants of COVID-19.

Studies show both hybrid immunity and superhuman immunity are ways in which our bodies may have extra fighting power against COVID-19.

The study shows that double vaccinated people were six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system.

Public health officials are grappling with the reality of an increasing number of fully-vaccinated coming down with Covid-19 infections, getting hospitalized, and even dying of Covid.

While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) insists vaccination is still the best course many are asking if they have better immunity after they’re infected with the virus and recover, than if they’re vaccinated.

But federal authorities currently recommend virtually everybody get a vaccine, including the recovered, arguing the strong protection gets even better when those people have a jab.

Harshbarger, though, says a number of Americans object to getting a vaccine while pointing out that natural immunity to other diseases is accepted as an alternative to vaccination.

She and 10 other members of the House of Representatives late last week introduced the “Natural Immunity Is Real Act,” a companion to a Senate bill from Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska).

It would require federal agencies to “acknowledge, accept, and agree to truthfully present, natural immunity pertaining to COVID-19 pursuant to promulgating certain regulations.”

The congressmembers are presenting the bill as President Joe Biden’s administration works to finalize a regulation that would force private companies with over 100 employees to mandate presenting proof of COVID-19 vaccination or have staff members be tested weekly for the disease.

There is no opt-out for natural immunity.

Other mandates are already in place on the federal, state, and local level that have led to some Americans losing their jobs.

“I’ve read some of the studies that show that natural immunity, in a lot of ways, can be more effective. And I know there’s one study that shows that the percentage of protection is even better than two doses of the vaccine, in some cases.

There is ample scientific data out there that show that. Think about it. We have immunity against measles, and smallpox, and they accept that. Why won’t they do it for COVID?” said Harshbarger, a licensed pharmacist since 1987.

“Too many medical leaders are refusing to publicly recognize what overwhelming data has already shown—protection afforded to individuals with natural immunity is real, robust and durable,” Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Fla.) added in a written statement.

“Denying science only contributes to existing confusion, misinformation, and mistrust among the American people. This bill helps restore trust and faith in the Public Health system, while maintaining our fight against COVID-19.”

The other co-sponsors are Reps. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.), Chris Stewart (R-Utah), Bill Posey (R-Fla.), Mary Miller (R-Ind.), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa), Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), and Chip Roy (R-Texas).

7 Responses

  1. Gee , I wonder how mainstream media is going to misrepresent the proposal while immaturely belittling it’s representatives.

  2. If Republicans and moderate democrats dont stop this medical tyranny through legislation and regulatory measures we will be tied to internet of things by electronic AI slave collars….these are more than vaccine mandates…its the whole ” beast system”.

    $aucis whole narrative is a fraud with nothing more then a huge eugenics plan for humanity….it needs to be countered on EVERY front. Legal, street, individually, groups, scientific community, political, police ( new locations when fired…same for all professionals fired or lay people)….saturate the places who love freedom of choice…let blue states die under their own stupidly.

  3. Lol…Fauci…although $aucis is more to the point of how much gst demonic little legion of satan collects on patents and vsccines.

  4. of course natural immunity is better than mRNA induced immunity. This artificial creation aims only at the spike protein S. That’s why it’s not efficient working for the variants like Delta, or any variant for that matter, as a recent study proves. Whereas natural immunity will look at the invader 14 different ways, according to M Yeannon, former Pfzizer vice-president, and thus focus its response much more accurately.
    The other big problem with those mRNA-spike S technology is that the particules will be spread in the whole body and organs, instead of remaining localized in the arm. Hence the numerous life-threatening side-effects. Covid-19 is respiratory sickness localized in the lungs . But the body doesn’t create the same immune cells if the attack is global or localized. After the jab spreads in the body, it sees the attack as global, not localized, henceforth it creates the wrong kind of immune cells.
    This is why these falsely called “vaccines” can’t properly fight Sars-Cov-2 and the claims of efficacy are bogus. Vaccinated people are not protected from the next wave and many will die. Unvaccinated people may fare a lot better !

  5. Well Nick, it looks like it was ALL Republicans who signed on to this one, …. So OF COURSE the media is going to ridicule them as well as this foreign, strange sounding, “Natural Immunity” thing they are talking about.
    Sure, in the end the media doing so, will all look like totally smacked asses, buffoons and booger eating moron’s, ….. but sadly, they will have also convinced 25% of the dumb shit sheeple that there is no such thing when it comes to Covid, and any of them that haven’t got around to getting poked yet, will run right out to get the injection that will leave them with the equivalent of AIDS.

    Once it is out there, it is impossible to retract the effects, …. you know how it always goes, …. when retractions are made silently, in the dead of night, with no fanfare or even public statement.
    Reminds me of a Neil Young tune, … “The Needle And The Damage Done”

  6. So well put Guido! The fauxinne is exactly like aids as it disables the immune system. People are not being told that when they take this toxic mess into their bodies, the first thing it does is knocks the production of disease fighting cells down by 50%, The second dose removes another 25% and the boosters contain mRNA from aids. The result is that persons who have been duped into thinking they are being helped are, in reality, being made extremely more susceptible to future illnesses. Which will, of course leads to big pharma making tons and tons more money. What is being done to humanity will echo down through generations. Long after the knuckle-dragging moronic moguls have passed from this earth and their cash has turned to compost, humanity will be paying the price for their lies. Neil Young’s “The Needle And The Damage Done” is exactly the right anthem to point out the truth of this situation.

  7. @ Jennifer I actually posted a few links to articles showing how the quaxxine reduces the immune system and even included a couple url’s to the pdf’s on Farcebook and in my post was the youtube video of Neil Young’s live performance where he propped a reel-to-reel tape deck on a chair with a microphone in front of it and he hit play and left to take a break. It played “The Needle And The Damage Done” and I picked that version to add to my post because by the time everyone figures out they got poked and are in big trouble, ……. there may not be anyone left to hear it. I envisioned a tape deck playing to an empty stadium. lol
    How subversive, right ? I don’t go to Farcebook but once every several months, so I have no idea if my post has been taken down or blocked yet lmao Or if the controversial quaxxine links were overlooked because of the music video. Huh, I hadn’t thought of that possibility until just now, … might come in handy if it plays out that way and there are None of those idiotic “Covid Info Banners” below my post. heh heh. I will Really get subversive if that turns out to be the case. I would just have to diug deep trying to think up the perfect tunes to add to url’s for other topics.

    Oooh, the “Transhumanism” links could be combined with Linda Perry’s “Machine Man” video LOL

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