The US has created a permanent new pandemic agency called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy in anticipation of future pandemics and the Decade of Vaccines. President Joe Biden has appointed a retired Air Force general to take charge of spearheading the project.

US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency For Decade Of Vaccines

Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

On Friday, the White House made an official announcement regarding the establishment of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR). This newly formed agency will have the important responsibility of formulating strategies to address public health crises, coordinating scientific research and medical initiatives to combat pandemics, and ensuring regular reporting to Congress on its activities.

According to a press release from the White House:

This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens.”

Major General Paul Friedrichs

The newly established office will be led by Retired Air Force Major General Paul Friedrichs, who currently holds the position of special assistant to President Joe Biden and serves as the Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense at the White House National Security Council.

Before this role, Friedrichs served as the joint staff surgeon at the Pentagon, where he provided guidance to the military’s Covid-19 task force.

During a speech in February, Dr. Friedrichs, who had retired from the military in June, took the opportunity to look back on his impressive 37-year career in the Air Force and offered some personal insights. He shared that his family background was deeply connected to military service and resilience.

His father had served in the Navy towards the conclusion of World War II, while his mother had a remarkable history as a Hungarian freedom fighter, whose own parents tragically lost their lives at the hands of the Russians.

Next-Generation Vaccines

According to the New York Times, the Official Pandemic Preparedness and Response (OPPR) is set to be officially established on August 7. Following its establishment, Friedrichs will initiate the process of forming a dedicated team. His primary tasks will involve ensuring that the Strategic National Stockpile is adequately stocked with essential medical supplies and collaborating with Congress to secure funding for bolstering US preparedness initiatives.

In his new position, Dr. Friedrichs holds the authority to supervise and manage domestic biosecurity preparedness. A significant aspect of his role will involve spearheading the development of next-generation vaccines for future pandemics.

Additionally, Dr. Friedrichs will prioritize enhancing surveillance systems to diligently monitor and detect new biological threats as they arise.

Pandemic 2025

The year 2025 seems to have a special importance for global health institutions predicting future pandemics. Multiple pandemic scenarios like Event 201 before COVID-19, are being played out targeting the year 2025.

Catastrophic Contagion

SEERS, a fictional virus, was specifically designed for a simulated pandemic preparedness exercise known as Catastrophic Contagion. This exercise took place in October 2022 and was held in Brussels. The primary objective was to engage public health and government officials in a realistic scenario where they could explore and discuss effective responses to the invented illness.

During the simulated exercise, participants engaged in a series of World Health Organization meetings to strategize and analyze the best course of action to combat the fictional virus, SEERS. The description of the virus in the summary of the event indicated that it had a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and had a particular impact on children and young people.

The Catastrophic Contagion exercise was conducted in collaboration between Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, the World Health Organization, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

As part of the exercise, a highlight reel was assembled, featuring various components, including a fictional television news segment dedicated to reporting on the developments and impacts of the SEERS virus. This simulated media coverage aimed to mimic real-world situations and enable participants to assess how information dissemination and public communication would be vital during a potential pandemic situation.

SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028

According to Johns Hopkins University, the SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028 is a fictional training exercise designed for public health and government officials. Its purpose is to serve as a teaching and training resource, enabling participants to practice responses and improve public health protection measures.

In the simulated scenario, the narrative revolves around Americans returning from Asia with an unknown, influenza-like illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) later identifies the illness as a novel coronavirus named SPARS-CoV, with little to no information available about it. The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets, and quarantine measures are recommended for infected or exposed individuals. Eventually, the outbreak escalates into a global pandemic.

Although the similarities between the fictional SPARS scenario and the real-world COVID-19 pandemic are indeed striking, Johns Hopkins University was forced to release a statement on December 16, 2021, emphasizing that the scenario is not a prediction.

“The scenario is not a prediction: It is a teaching and training resource for public health officials, to help users envision problems that could plausibly emerge in the future, so that they can practice responses and better protect the public’s health. Any resemblances between the fictional scenario storyline and the COVID-19 pandemic are coincidental. The scenario was developed by experts in the clinical, epidemiological, sociocultural, and communication aspects of epidemic management, to assure the narrative’s scientific plausibility.”

COVID 2025

The video seriesCOVID 2025: Our World in the Next 5 Years” features prominent scholars from the University of Chicago engaging in discussions about the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on various aspects of our lives. These experts delve into how the pandemic will bring about significant changes in health care, international relations, education, urban life, and several other crucial areas.

The series offers insights and predictions on the potential transformations that will shape our world over the next five years. By examining the mainstream consequences of the pandemic, the discussions brainwash individuals and communities to prepare for future pandemics and adapt to the evolving circumstances.

Through these discussions, viewers are normalized to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, providing a foundation for proactive decision-making and strategic planning in a post-COVID-19 world.

Decade of Vaccines (DoV)

As highlighted above, the role of the new pandemic agency OPPR is to develop next-generation vaccines for future pandemics. This is what is dubbed as the Decade of Vaccines (DoV) Collaboration by British Vaccine Cartel GAVI.

In 2010, a significant announcement was made by the Vaccine Cartel, declaring the upcoming decade as the “Decade of Vaccines.” This initiative aimed to create a world where everyone, regardless of their background and skepticism, would be vaccinated.

Under the Decade of Vaccines (DoV) Collaboration, a diverse group of stakeholders joined to establish the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP). The primary goal of GVAP was to promote the research, development, and distribution of vaccines, working to fulfill the future pandemics scenarios.

GAVI – the British Vaccine Cartel

Playing a crucial role in the DoV Collaboration was GAVI, an organization that holds a prominent position on the Leadership Council. GAVI is largely led by the British government and Bill Gates. While the UK is GAVI’s largest funder, its implementation follows what is known as the” Gates approach”. Known as the Vaccine Cartel or Pharma Cartel by critics, its vaccines have been accused of causing atleast 38 million premature deaths worldwide.

How British Vaccine Cartel GAVI Dictates India's Coronavirus Response

The UK has funded GAVI since its inception in 2000 and is its largest donor, with a pledge of £1.65 billion for the next five years.

GAVI - the British Vaccine Cartel
GAVI – the British Vaccine Cartel

However, GAVI has been criticized for giving private donors more unilateral power to decide on global health goals, prioritizing new, expensive vaccines while putting less money and effort into expanding coverage of old, cheap ones, harming local healthcare systems, spending too much on subsidies to large, profitable pharmaceutical companies without reducing the prices of some vaccines, and its conflicts of interest in having vaccine manufacturers on its governance board.

British Eugenics Movement

GAVI is also associated with the British Eugenics Movement as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust and other manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine like AstraZeneca and Oxford University.

Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, is enmeshed with the Gates Foundation. His employer, the University of Oxford, has received $11 million for vaccine development research from the foundation over the past three years and $208 million in grants over the past decade.

In 2016, the Gates Foundation gave $36 million to a team of researchers that was headed by Pollard for vaccine development. In addition, Pollard’s private laboratory is funded by the Gates Foundation.

Given this, it should come as no surprise that the Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative (GAVI), a public-private partnership founded and currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, plans to distribute the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to low-income, predominantly African and Asian, countries once it’s approved.

The developers of the COVID-19 vaccine share a close relationship with the most infamous eugenics society in Europe, the British Eugenics Society. The Eugenics Society was renamed the Galton Institute in 1989, a name that pays homage to Sir Francis Galton, the so-called father of eugenics, a field that he often described as the “science of improving racial stock.”

This new “wider definition of eugenics,” Galton has said, “would cover methods of regulating population numbers as well as improving genome quality by selective artificial insemination by donor, gene therapy or gene manipulation of germ-line cells.” In expanding on this new definition, Galton is neutral as to “whether some methods should be made compulsory by the state, or left entirely to the personal choice of the individual.”

2 Responses

  1. There they go, telling us what their plans are, again.
    Be ready for the next round of lock-ups and mandatory vaccines…

  2. So “pandemic agency”, must be Luciferian for:
    “Execution by forced lethal injection Squad.”

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