According to the New York Post, New York is slated to become the first state to ban natural gas stoves, and residents are “furious”.

Having solved all other problems in New York, including a decrepit, expensive and dangerous subway in the city, astronomical taxes and surging crime, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is now set to make her state the first to ban natural gas stoves.

And, according to the New York Post, residents are “furious”.  The state’s latest budget deal mandates that “all new buildings under seven stories be fully electric by 2026 with larger structures following three years later”, the Post reported over the weekend. After all, what would new rules be if they weren’t appended to a massive $229 billion spending deal? Spending: it’s the American way. 

Meanwhile, the legislation isn’t going over quite as well with residents. One resident of Sutton Place told the Post: “Kathy should mind her own business and get out of our kitchens. Now she’s in our kitchens first, our bedrooms will be next. Why would somebody come into your private home and tell you what to do? We’re not communist yet – we’re getting there – but it’s just an insult.”

Meanwhile, a poll conducted at Siena back in Februrary found that only 39% of registered voters supported banning all new fossil fuel equipment for new homes by 2025 and all construction by 2029. 

Joseph Hogan, vice president of building services at the Associated Contractors of New York State, told the Post: “People are apt to make choices of whether they are located in New York State or somewhere else and this will provide a further strain on the market until there’s certainty about the availability in the grid as we move forward so that’s a real concern.”

Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Monday at an event for the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice that NYC will track the carbon footprint of residents’ food purchases.

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