100,000 North Korean soldiers could be sent to bolster Russian forces fighting Ukraine. If it is possible for Pyongyang to move its tactical units to Donbas, Kim’s struggling economy would receive grain and energy in exchange.

100,000 North Korean Soldiers Could Be Sent To Bolster Russian Forces Fighting Ukraine

According to Russian sources, Vladimir Putin’s troops combating Ukraine may get up to 100,000 North Korean soldiers as reinforcements, reports The Daily Telegraph.

Igor Korotchenko, a reserve colonel and renowned defense expert in Moscow, stated on state television: “We shouldn’t be shy in accepting the hand extended to us by Kim Jong-un.”

According to Regnum news agency, North Korea has made it known through “diplomatic channels” that in addition to providing workers to restore war damage, it is also prepared to provide a sizable fighting force.

They would be assigned to the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, two pro-Putin separatist states that Kim recently recognized as sovereign nations.

“The country is ready to transfer up to 100,000 of its soldiers to Donbas,” said the report by the pro-Kremlin news agency.

“Pyongyang will be able to transfer its tactical units to Donbas.”

Kim’s struggling economy would receive grain and energy in exchange.

Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of Russia’s National Defence journal, jumped on the assertion and stated on the Rossiya 1 channel:  “There are reports that 100,000 North Korean volunteers are prepared to come and take part in the conflict.”

He was questioned about the possibility that they were volunteers from North Korea, where complete obedience is expected.

100,000 North Korean Soldiers Could Be Sent To Bolster Russian Forces Fighting Ukraine 2

However, he claimed that North Koreans were “resilient and undemanding,” and that “the most important thing is they are motivated.”

He told viewers: “We shouldn’t be shy in accepting the hand extended to us by Kim Jung-un….

“If North Korean volunteers with their artillery systems, wealth of experience with counter battery warfare and large calibre multiple launch rocket systems, made in North Korea, want to participate in the conflict, well let’s give the green light to their volunteer impulse.”

He said: “If North Korea expresses a desire to meet its international duty to fight against Ukrainian fascism, we should let them.”

It was the “sovereign right of the DPR and LPR to sign the relevant agreements.”

Meanwhile, he argued that Russia ought to stop taking part in global sanctions against Kim’s government.

The claim on North Koreans comes at a time when Russia is frantically trying to bolster its frontline soldiers by enlisting inmates in exchange for the suspension of their jail terms.

Men in their 50s and 60s are also being enlisted into a Dad’s Army with the promise of remuneration that exceeds what many earn in Putin’s faltering economy.

Korotchenko is renowned for his vociferous support of Putin.

In recent times, he has encouraged Putin to attack Kyiv with a Kalibr cruise missile bearing the words “Hasta la vista baby!” during any Boris Johnson farewell visit – not to “murder” the UK ex-prime minister but rather as a show of force.

He recently added that Russians should have “no shame” about their desire to overthrow Ukraine as an independent country.

He said that such a goal was “absolutely healthy.”

“It was said here that Russia is trying to wipe Ukraine off the geopolitical map of the world,” he said.

“It isn’t quite that.

“We are wiping an anti-Russia project off the geopolitical map of the world….”

He asserted that Ukraine had “never existed” as a fully independent nation.

“It is an artificial ‘formation’ which was born thanks to the national policy conducted after 1917 by the Bolsheviks,” he said.

But now it had become “a springboard for a strike against Russia.”

Its political elite “have no right to exist from the point of national interests of our country.”

The West “will not be able to influence the decisiveness of the leadership of our country and our people to make it so that such a threat from the territory now called Ukraine never exists.”

4 Responses

  1. What drivel. This is Western propaganda and lies. So insane as to be laughable, yet with the existing lies of Western news sources might seem credible. It is utter garbage.

  2. FOR SHAME! To think I was close to subscribing to this shite. Thanks for giving me a heads up the site is total codswallop.

  3. Absolute rubbish and lies coming from this lala land site!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
    Go back to playing with your teddy bear aUnd sucking your thumb.

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