One week after Jake Sullivan foolishly identified Joe Biden’s Burisma kickback scheme on Air Force Two, Eric Holder stood before an international audience in London and announced — at President Barack Obama’s direction — an anti-corruption effort that would help Ukraine recover its public money stolen by oligarchs like, well, Burisma’s Mykola Zlochevsky who had just surreptitiously put Hunter Biden on his board of directors as part of Joe’s kickback scheme.

Obama’s Ukraine Corruption Was Hidden By Eric Holder

Turns out the Obama/Holder Ukraine anti-corruption initiative was criminally corrupt — so add that to the pile of Obama’s lies that have damaged our great country … and the world.

Here’s yet another quote from yet another Obama Cabinet member that, now nine years later, is dripping with bloody Ukrainian irony. On April 29th, 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder, at the Ukraine Forum on Asset Recovery, said:

And today, once again, this community of nations stands as one – our ranks strengthened by partners, old and new, from around the world, and our peoples united by a joint and pressing obligation: to respond to the challenges of this day, to help resolve the conflicts of this hour, and to stand with the people of Ukraine in this moment as they rightfully chart their own, independent course to safety, prosperity, and peace.”

Sounds sickeningly familiar and duplicitous, doesn’t it? So much for Obama White House criminals heralding their “pressing obligation,” so much for Obama White House frauds promoting their version of the “safety, prosperity, and peace” for Ukraine.

Here’s a screenshot of a Reuters photo of the event which had Holder conferring with Great Britain’s then-Home Secretary Theresa May and Ukraine’s then-acting Prosecutor General Oleg Mahknitsky at Lancaster House in London, England. More dupes to add to the list.

Obama’s Ukraine Corruption Was Hidden By Eric Holder 2

As I like to say, timelines catch criminals. Here’s the chain of events that includes Eric Holder’s fake anti-corruption coverup of Joe and Hunter’s Burisma kickback scheme:

March 11th, 2014 — United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office (UK SFO) froze a $23 million Mykola Zlochevsky/Burisma Holdings money transfer from Burisma’s London bank to its Cyprus bank, pursuant to judicial review.

March 18th, 2014 — Joe Biden, at Obama’s direction, traveled to Poland, home base of Burisma board member and Biden pal Aleksander Kwasniewski, where he discussed Ukraine’s energy security w/Polish leaders who were also pals of Kwasniewski.

April 1st, 2014 — Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer surreptitiously joined the board of Burisma Holdings.

April 2nd-6th, 2014 — Hunter Biden attended a finance conference in Lake Como, Italy, met with Burisma executive and Kwasniewski go-between Vadim Pozharskyi.

April 8th, 2014 — Hunter Biden met with Joe Biden and VP Team, Naval Observatory.

April 12th, 2014 — Obama White House Press Release — so not Joe’s Office of Vice President (OVP) — announced long-planned Joe Biden trip to Ukraine on April 21st-22nd, 2014, to “consult with government officials on the international community’s efforts to help stabilize and strengthen Ukraine’s economy and to assist Ukraine in moving forward on constitutional reform, decentralization, anti-corruption efforts, and free and fair presidential elections” also to “consult on the latest steps to enhance Ukraine’s short- and long-term energy security.”

April 12th-13th — 2014, Hunter and Maisy Biden overnighted with Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, *pending Secret Service/FBI confirmation. Hunter emailed Devon Archer a 22-point plan for profiting off a relationship with Burisma — advised how “my guy,” aka Joe Biden, should be perceived by Burisma during his upcoming trip to Ukraine.

April 14th-15th, 2014 — a British judge in London ruled in favor of the UK SFO freezing the $23 million Burisma Holdings wire transfer from its London bank to its Cyprus bank as an international investigation was initiated. Burisma was registered in Cyprus, the money laundering capital of Europe.

April 16th, 2014 — Joe and Barack conducted a long one-on-one meeting in the privacy of Obama’s ultra secure limousine hours after Joe had hosted Hunter and Devon Archer in his West Wing office. Joe’s day began with Obama adviser David Axelrod meeting him for breakfast.

April 17th, 2014 — Hunter and Devon Archer emailed w/Pozharskyi to meet in Paris with Kwasniewski and Zlochevsky on May 7th-8th, 2014.

April 18th, 2014 — Hunter surreptitiously joined the board of Burisma Holdings.

April 21st-22nd, 2014 — at Obama’s direction, Joe Biden traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine, where aboard AF2 he discussed with Jake Sullivan his Burisma kickback scheme, then Sullivan foolishly tipped it to press and witnesses.

April 28th, 2014 — UK SFO initiated International investigation into the frozen $23 million Burisma money transfer.

April 29th, 2014 — Attorney General Eric Holder, at Obama’s direction, announced a corruption investigative unit combining Department of Justice attorneys, FBI agents, and U.S. embassy personnel. The UK added MI-5 agents.

Here are some lovely quotes from Attorney General Holder’s speech at that event:

“Investigations of, and prosecutions against, corrupt officials are inherently complex and resource-intensive. International corruption cases are even more so. And all too often, the processes necessary to refine laws and law enforcement modalities are cumbersome at best – and arcane or even nonexistent at worst.”

Oh, so that’s why the investigation into Joe and Hunter is still dragging on?

Here’s another great quote from Obama’s former Attorney General who was directing the investigation of his fellow Obama White House criminals. Try not to laugh:

“Of course, if this work is to be successful, each of us must be willing to meet our individual responsibilities.”

Then this one:

“But if we are to be successful in our effort to help the people of Ukraine realize their own destinies – and help create the basis for a more fair and more just society that they desire and that they deserve – the international community must stand together, once again, to do even more. And today, just as we have in the past, the people and government of the United States are ready and willing to do our part.”

So was Eric Holder including himself, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Kerry, Chris Heinz, Barack Obama, and all the Biden Burisma coverup conspirators in that group of Americans willing to do their part?

Because from what we know now, thanks to the Biden Laptop, what he said they did to investigate Ukrainian corruption was a criminal lie because they didn’t investigate themselves.

And neither did the press.

Here’s more timeline:

May 7th-8th, 2014 — Hunter and Devon Archer meet in Paris with Burisma principals Pozharskyi, Kwasniewski, and Zlochevsky. Hunter takes selfie with prostitute that when discovered by his wife leads to the dissolution of his marriage.

May 12th-13th, 2014 — Hunter’s board position is officially announced on Burisma website. Devon Archer photo with Joe Biden (April 16th meeting) is displayed but soon pulled down after Joe’s OVP lawyer objects.

May 22nd, 2014 — Joe Biden travels to Romania and Cyprus.

Wait … where?

Remember where the $23 million Burisma wire transfer was headed? If you said Cyprus, you’re right. And that’s where Joe Biden went on May 22nd, 2014.

So one week after Hunter is publicly named to the Burisma board of directors, Joe is wheels down on the same nondescript island where the Burisma oligarch’s company did its banking. Coincidentally, it’s the same company Holder was supposedly investigating.

There was no press accompanying Joe on AF2 on that trip, so no reporting on it and very little public fanfare. Nor was I on the plane. But here’s an inside tip on traveling aboard AF2 — which I am personally familiar with — if a senior staffer from, say Joe Biden’s entourage, were to procure materials, say boxes of documents or even cash, possibly a thumb drive stuffed w/Bitcoin, and that staffer brought them back to AF2, those materials could theoretically travel undisclosed all the way back to Joe Biden’s Naval Observatory residence.

Now, that’s just theory of what COULD have transpired. And until it’s fully INVESTIGATED and proved FACTUAL, it’s just HYPOTHETICAL. But I’m still raising it.

And how did this whole sordid episode conclude? As I’ve written in several Substacks viewable in my archive, Joe and John Kerry helped Burisma gain millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars earmarked for “energy assistance.”

But that’s not the worst of it. Because of alleged corruption in the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office and foolishness with the evidence the UK SFO presented to the judge, the $23 million was released to Zlochevsky’s bank in Cyprus in January 2015 with no American or British reporting of the outcome.

Obama won. Holder won. Joe won. Hunter won. Burisma won. But American and Ukrainian taxpayers lost. And rule of law lost big.

For now. But it’s an endless game.

Here’s a visual to help explain the outcome. Below is a screenshot of an email provided to Senate investigators looking into the Biden Crime Family. It was written by career diplomat George Kent, then stationed at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv. His inside candor seems the most trustworthy yet, though it’s clear that Kerry’s State Department diplomats — Kent’s bosses — were as complicit in the fraudulent investigation as Holder’s Justice Department investigators.

Note that the post-2016 election date and initial discussion refers to even further Burisma kickback corruption by Joe, Hunter, and their crew. I’ll have more on this in future Substacks. The P2 he refers was Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who had his own way of generating kickbacks. More on that in the future, as well.

Obama’s Ukraine Corruption Was Hidden By Eric Holder 3

Attorney General Eric Holder announced his retirement from Obama’s White House on September 25th, 2014. He was replaced by Loretta Lynch in April 2015. One of Holder’s post-White House accomplishments was to partner with President Obama in August 2019 for their “All On the Line” voter registration initiative to defeat Trump in 2020.

Pre-pandemic voter registration … Eric Holder and Barack Obama … and now we have Joe Biden in the White House.

Still no contact from the FBI about my tip identifying Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan as co-conspirators in a Burisma kickback scheme. But it’s a good story, and I’ll be pushing it out into media to keep the pressure on. My goal is to appear before David Weiss’s grand jury to describe the crime I witnessed. Any help I can get to do that will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to my association with I’ll be writing about information gleaned from the verified Biden laptop and other sources. I appreciate all my subscribers and am adding more and more each day. If you’re not already, please consider being a paid subscriber. Each paid subscription to my Substack includes a signed copy of my book Joe Biden Unauthorized and the 2020 Crackup of the Democratic Party, and it’s a huge help to my efforts to publish the evidence that will impeach Joe Biden.

This article was originally published on Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil by Mike McCormick.

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